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Life in Moonshine could get boring at times. Especially when it was winter time and I wondered why I had agreed to move back here. Human beings who lived here seemed to think that winters were for hibernation so they locked themselves up in their houses most of the time and that made life move much slower than it already was for some of us. I was three hundred and four years old, with far many more years ahead of me and I can't have life moving much slower than it already is.

Just to get myself out of my personal misery and get my life on the move, one night I had found myself roaming around the city buildings without any destination in mind. There was nothing much exciting on that side of the city that I was. Just old stone buildings. As I continue with my mundane journey, I got to this certain building and I stopped.

"The Pyramid," The strip at the very top of the building had read.

With the pyramid shape at the top of the building, I remembered the building very well. It used to be the most popular place the last time I was here. I and my then friends used to spend most of our weekend life there. But then the lights on the neon strip that made out the letters were now long faded. I was sure that the place was no longer popular and if it was still in use, it would be for housing stray cats and dogs. I wondered what had happened to a place that used to be so busy to be so dead. But then I guess a lot of things can happen in a space of a hundred years. I then noticed something interesting.

It is for sale.

That made me fucking smile. I had just found my new baby to play around with.

Buying the building was not an issue. A quarter of a million was only a drop in the drum when you had more years than the rest to make money and turn yourself into a billionaire.

Giving the building the life it no longer had was a whole lot of fun too. I put my imagination to good use and had the whole building refurbished and turn it into the fantasy land I had in my head. And when I had it finally reborn, I was a whole lot pleased with the outcome.

At the apex of the pyramid, there were not many activities that could go on there because of the little space, and that was where I had put the offices. On the Friday night that I first opened the doors to The Pyramid, that is where I stood, leaning on the railing as I watched the crowd below going crazy. It was only an hour into the night but the club was almost full and the people were already buzzing with so much energy.

I had to give it up to my marketing manager or maybe, its long-lost glory.

There was so much noise that made my blockers fucking useless.

This was life. And this was exactly what I wanted.

Still admiring the crowd, I smelled a hint of vanilla scent.

"No that had to be candy," I told myself when I took another breath. The scent grew stronger as the source came closer and swear I could already feel the taste on my tongue. My whole body and senses became hyper-alert and I could feel blood running hotter and faster in my veins.

When I thought I couldn't take it anymore, that I should run out and look for exactly where it was coming from, she entered the club.

I knew it was her the moment she walked in

Those slitting blue colored eyes that sparkled in the red and blue LED lights of the club sold her out. She had wild blonde hair that I am sure she could not tame no matter how much she tries. My eyes remained trained on her face and I was finding it hard to look somewhere else. She was so fucking stunning. So fucking stunning that it must have hurt to look like that.

Slowly my eyes moved down to take it in her body and holy fucking molly was she built. I took in her tits, the little black crop top covered them, I couldn't see even a single part of them but from the way they were shaped, I was sure there were more than a handful. And do take note, I am a big guy everywhere, and that included my hands too. I never claimed myself to be a tit man, but the idea of hers spilling into my palms had my cock stirring in my pants.

"Or maybe I could put the so stirring cock between those tits and fuck them," I thought to myself and I felt the cock in the subject harden.

Being the ass man that I claim to be, naturally, my eyes moved further down and I almost regret doing that. Almost.

She is facing me, but I don't have to check her from behind to know that she is carrying a spectacular ass. Thick and round just like how I like it making my cock go fully hard.

I watched her as she walked around and then she turned in the direction of the bar and damn was I right. Her ass had me salivating.

As she stood by the bar, that is when I notice she got company. Another girl who must have been her friend. They both ordered something and the other girl dragged her to the dance floor. I tried to keep my eyes trained on her, but with the crowd going on, it proved to be hard. So I decided to go into my office for a little while and have the noise blocked out completely before my ears starts bleeding.

For the following hour, I sat in my office, trying to train my brains off the little vixen that had walked into my club but failed miserably. The moment I tried to ward off every dirty thought I had of her, the more my mind fed me ideas on how much dirt I can do to her driving my head crazy and making my blood boil so much that I was burning up so I decided to step up and let the cold air outside cool me down.

Once I stepped out on the balcony, the now familiar vanilla candy scent hit my nose. I looked down and she too is on the balcony, the one below the one I am on.

Despite my better judgment, I found myself moving, going to her. I went down the stairs and then opened the door to the balcony. Once I did, she turned around probably to see who was joining her and our eyes met and I think I saw her face flush and her eyes slit.

I gave her my best smile and moved towards her and joined her, leaning my arms on the railing too.

"Already tired of the night?" I asked and she shook her head.

"It is way too early, I don't get tired that easily,' she answered facing the streets in front of us.

Her voice was so calm, sweet, and soothing. So innocent and yet sounded seductive at the same time.

"How would she sound moaning my name with ecstasy? So fucking sexy, I bet," the dirty part of me screamed at me and I found it veryy hard to silence it.

"So why are you out here," I asked again.

"It was getting too hot in there and way too much loud. My ears were seconds away from bleeding,"

I looked at her, well I had been looking at her from the very moment I stepped on the balcony but then I noticed she didn't have any blockers. It was already too loud in the club even through the blockers and I wonder what was she thinking coming to a club without them but I decided not to point that out

"I totally understand you, mine would bleed out too with that noise," I said instead.

"Even through those?" she asked pointing to my ears and I nodded.

"Wow, they must be really efficient,"

I didn't know what she meant by that. Maybe she was being sarcastic. Most people thought the blockers were hearing aids and they raised their voices when they talked to me thinking I got a hearing problem making me want to howl at them because, in fact, I had the opposite problem. But she was a wolf too, I had smelled it and she surely knew what blockers were. She most probably owned a set too.

My attraction to her was overreading everything else so I did not dwell on what she said, instead I head straight to the direction I wanted this night to lead and I start with the introduction.

"I am Omari and you are?"

A whole different scent coming from her got caught in my nose. This one was sweet and tangy.

Her arousal.

I inhaled heavily, practically sniffing just to be sure I was not smelling wrong.

I could definitely smell her fucking arousal. It was so thick in the air making me salivate. I wanted it on my tongue, I wanted to taste her arousal so badly that it was starting to kill me. I had no doubt that if I was to get my hands into the little leather shorts she wore I would find her wet from her arousal.

I affected her the same way she affected me. She wanted me the same way I wanted her.

The thought made my body hot and ache with need.


If I had smelled wrong, there was no mistaking the way her voice sounded now. It dripped desire.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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