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My hearing had become very exceptional over a period of months. I had no idea when it really started, but everyone seems to be too loud. I overhear people's conversations from a distance that would be considered long and I even hear when people whisper in their company's ears. It did not make any sense to me and I did not know if I should be concerned and seek help and if I was to, where exactly would I go?

Coming to the club was a mistake on my end. Clubs are the epitome of noisy areas and I should have known that my ears would burst. For an hour straight, I had tried to bear with the noise but I eventually gave up and went outside. I stood on the balcony, looking particularly at nothing as I enjoyed the silence. And then someone joined me. A male. I did smell that so I turned to look behind me and see if they pose any threat and I was met by the most striking set of chocolate-colored eyes. He stepped closer to me, and stood next to me and his scent totally engulfed me and made thinking impossible. When he spoke, his voice vibrated through every atom in my body.


He had said his name was and I told him my own. I turned to look at him and he was already looking at me. Our eyes meet and my heart took one hard beat and stopped. Silence stretched between us. I could not look away. I stared into those chocolate-colored eyes and he stared right back into my blues. None of us said anything. Our eyes and heavy breaths that I could hear mixing in the air between us did the talking. It was like we were under a spell until I forced myself to tear my eyes off him and stare at the sky.

"The sky looks pretty stunning, so many stars tonight," I said as a matter of fact but my real intention was to shift the charged energy that hung in the air around.

"Yes, so fucking stunning," he agrees, his voice sounding heavy and I had a feeling he was not talking about the sky.

I turned my head to look at him and see if my suspicion were right and he was still looking at me. No, he was staring at me.

"You are so fucking stunning," he said and my heart went ballistic, beating hard and fast in my rib cage.

Taking advantage of my reaction, he took my hand and made us face each other, his body pressed on mine. I looked up at him. He was tall, far much taller than me, he had about 2 feet above my 5 feet and he was looking down at me. He was staring at me like he was looking at a piece of juicy meat and he was about to devore me. There was no mistaking his desire for anything else.

He brought his hands up and ran his fingers down my face. I felt bolts of electricity flowing throughout my whole body. His hand moved to the back of my neck and he dropped his head and I had no doubt in me that he was going to kiss me and I was going to let him. It would not have been the last time I let a stranger kiss me but it certainly was the first time I craved the so-called stranger's kiss more than I craved my next breath.

"Can I?" he asked, his voice husky and his lips hovering over mine, his warm breath hitting my skin.

I could not make up an answer. I was too lost in my own desire to. So instead of answering, I pushed myself up a bit so that I can reach for his lips.

His lips are soft and firm against my own and it took him a second to overtake me as he took the lead. His tongue moved past my lips and caressed mine, gently at first before it gets demanding. I wrapped my hands around his neck and his hand dropped from my neck and moved past my back to my bare waist. His fingers dug into my side and I pressed myself further into him not breaking the kiss even for a second.

My whole body was on fire and the ache between my legs grew fiercely. I desperately wanted some friction so I slightly opened my legs and shamelessly grind myself on him. The little attention that I had given to my now wet pussy made me moan in his mouth and I heard him groan in my mouth too in return.

I felt his hands move further down again until he reaches just above my knees. He hosted me up and I immediately moved my other leg and wrapped my legs around his waist. He turned us and pressed me in to the railing and the kiss grew more urgent, more aggressive. I could feel his cock hard against my ass and that send shivers down my spine. I ground myself on him, harder and faster, desperate to give myself the pleasure that I was craving.

He took his mouth away from mine and I wanted to scream at him but once he moved it to my neck and sucked in it, a sound between a groan and a howl came out of my mouth. No lady should live to with the embarrassment of making such a sound. But then I was too far gone to be embarrassed and he too did not seem to care, in fact, he seemed to appreciate it and he let out the deepest groan I have ever heard.

He suddenly slowed down and slowly moved his mouth to my ear.

"Tacha, I need more of you, I need to fuck you,"

It was not the first time someone called me Tacha. I hated it when people called me that. It sounded so awkward so I preferred being called Nat or Nattie. But coming from his lips, it sounded so damn sexy that I wanted him to keep saying it to me. And sincerity and need in his voice when he said he wanted to fuck me made my pussy clench with need.

"I need you too," I heard myself say back and he let out a groan in my ears.

"Thank fuck. Let's get out of here," he said and took my hand and led the way.

We enter the club room again and ducked through the dancing crowd.

"Omari," I half shouted his name and he looked at me, " I need to find my friend and tell her I am leaving first,"

"It going to take time to find her and I can't fucking wait to have you, babe, you text her instead," he said and I felt myself getting wetter again at his words.

I didn't grow up sheltered, I never was so I was used to crudeness and it did not affect me. But coming from him, it was a whole different story. Why did his forwardness and crudeness affected me so much?

He led me to the elevator and we got it. There are two other people inside already. He pressed the second floor button and I looked at him confused.

Weren't we supposed to get out of the place?

"I got a room here," he cleared my confusion and I nodded.

I was about to be fucked with a guy I had just met in a room downstairs of a club like I was a fucking hooker. I should have felt dirty and repulsive but no I didn't. It did feel dirty but I also felt hot and arousing as hell.

We got to the second floor and he placed his palm on the bare small of my back and led us out. We got to one of the rooms and he opened the door and practically pushed me inside.

"Text your little friend," he said, his voice firm and commanding.

I didn't like to be ordered around but my mind was fogged with desire at the moment and I could not argue with him

I took out my phone and texted Sally hoping she won't respond soon so that I didn't have to answer the questions she was bound to ask

"Hey, don't wait up for me, I am checking out first."

"Don't fuckin tell me you are leaving me to have fun alone"

She immediately answered to my disappointment. But then I was not about to hide. Sally was the queen of one night stands and she would not judge me for it. In fact, she would hype me.

"Leaving you, yes, as for the fun part, I am just taking mine somewhere private"

"OMG, you fuckin ditching me for a dick! A dick, Nat! It better be a 5-star dick,"

"I will give you the rating tomorrow, ok, bye,"

I pressed shut my phone and looked up. He was hovering over me looking down at me with a grin on his face.

"You rate dicks huh," he said and moved his head down, placing his forehead on mine.

"I am going to give you my dick so good that you are going to rate it off the chart," he groaned out and went ahead to attack my neck. He sucked on my neck so hard I was sure he was going to leave a mark there. His hands moved all over my body fast and precisely, leaving no part of me untouched. With every suck and touch, my heartbeat accelerated, and my blood went hotter in my veins. I pushed myself further into him, tilting my neck so that he can get more access to my neck, silently asking him for more

He suddenly removed his mouth from me and turned me around. The next thing I knew, my crop top was off and his palms were on my tits. Smooching and squeezing them, his mouth back on my neck, placing kisses. The clip at the front of my bra gave away and my bra went open, spilling my bear tits into his palms and I felt his dick twitch against my back.

"Fuck," he cursed into my neck, "I have been fantasizing about your tits spilling into my palms just like how they just did from the moment you walked in that club and I fuck, they feel much much better than I imagined it would be,"

This guy had just confessed he had been watching me since I walked into the club. The probability that he stalked me and that he could be a serial killer was there but I was too far gone to think about that. If he had killed me that night, I would have died a happy woman.

New chapter is coming soon
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Libre Baskerville
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