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C26 subdue

Although the Li Family's garage had a few luxurious cars, the Ferrari did not have them. If four Ferrari s were parked inside, the garage would be even more spectacular.

Buying a car was nothing special, buying a luxury car was different. Buying four together and all of them being from the same Ferrari was a big news.

Li Yuehua secretly asked: "Little brother, what's wrong with Eldest Miss today, why did she buy so many Ferrari today?"

"I bought it." Liu Rufeng laughed.

"You … You bought it? " Li Yuehua thought about the day when Li Hongde gave him a card that was more than ten million, and immediately understood. She muttered to herself, "If only my daughter had a boyfriend like that, Sunlight, handsome, and could earn money."

Li Hongde was also shocked when he returned. He knew that Li Mujin did not have that much money, so he must have bought it from Liu Rufeng. He asked: "What are you doing?

Liu Rufeng laughed: "Of course it's useful, Li Jong doesn't need to ask, and don't worry, I did not spend that card you gave me."

"Ugh …" "Fine." Li Hongde did not continue.

On the second day, Liu Rufeng planned to send Li Mujin off in his sportscar. Unexpectedly, Li Mujin ignored him and directly went to her own home's Bentley.

"You don't get used to my car." Liu Rufeng was helpless, he could only ride his Bentley and send Li Mujin off. Along the way, he even asked: "I say,, don't you like Ferrari?"

Li Mujin rolled his eyes at him, and said coldly: "I like you, but I don't like your car. Tomorrow, I'll tell my father, change the driver, and now I find you very annoying."

"Change drivers? Even if it's a driver, I'll still be your bodyguard. I'll sit in the same car with you, and then we'll probably sit closer together. " Liu Rufeng joked.

"Pui!" Who wants to sit so close to you, I want to change even my bodyguards! " Li Mujin did not know where she got her anger for today, but she did not give Liu Rufeng any good words, nor did she have a trace of a smile on her face.

"Change me? "Where did you find such a good bodyguard like me …" Liu Rufeng did not bother with her, and got out of the car to walk beside her, continuously greeting the female students who were walking over.

Li Mujin quickened her pace. In the end, Li Mujin was so angry that he stopped and shouted: "Are you sick? Why are you following me all the time?"

"There's no helping it, your father gave you money." Liu Rufeng replied very naturally as he turned his head and entered the class.

Since Huang Sizhi didn't come today, he probably stayed at home to recuperate, so the class was very quiet. Because there wasn't much to do on campus, Liu Rufeng would usually be sleeping during class. When he felt really bored, he would go outside the school gates and take a look.

There were a lot of snacks outside the school. Roasted sweet potatoes, egg cakes, fried chicken and willow, etc. were densely packed. Liu Rufeng didn't have anything against eating, so he went to the side of the roasted sweet potato and asked for two.

"The taste is not bad …" It's been a long time since I've eaten this, I really do miss this taste. " Liu Rufeng sighed.

At this time, he heard someone a few meters away shout, "How long has it been since you last paid the protection fee? Do you know who's wearing it? " The voice was sharp and very special.

When he raised his head, Liu Rufeng discovered that there was a person standing next to the candied fruits that were selling candied fruits in front of him.

recognized them immediately. It was Xu Laosan, Gao Jun, Wang Zhuang. However, their faces were bruised and bruised today, and they didn't know how they did it.

"What are these three doing here?"

Liu Rufeng watched curiously. Some of the vendors quietly left.

The old man who was selling the candied fruits was so scared that his forehead was covered in sweat as he stammered, "You guys …" How much do you want? "

"A thousand!"

"A thousand?" I can't make a thousand in half a month, can I? "

It seemed that the old man had given in. As long as they could negotiate, he would definitely take the money.

Xu Laosan took off three skewers, gave each of Gao Jun and Wang Zhuang a string, and then took a bite, saying: "The candied fruits taste pretty good.

"Eight hundred …" "Can there be even less?" The old man still seemed to think that there were too many.

"Motherf * cker, there's even a price for this? "No way, eight hundred!" Xu Laosan's voice became more serious, causing his eyebrows to stand up.

"Then I don't have that many." The old man replied straightforwardly.

"What did you say?" Xu Laosan was a little angry, he turned and looked at Wang Zhuang and the other two.

Liu Rufeng thought that they would make their move, but he never thought that Wang Zhuang would grab his purse and run away. However, no matter how hard he turned around, he just took a step forward and felt someone grab his collar.

Wang Zhuang turned around and saw that Liu Rufeng was so scared that he almost peed on his pants.

Gao Jun and Xu Laosan also saw Liu Rufeng and thought, this is bad, so this enemy is here again? Just as he was about to run, he was firmly grabbed by Liu Rufeng.

Xu Laosan stammered, "I... We won't look for trouble with you anymore, Song Tianming's money has already been refunded, and we even received a beating for this matter, why are you still looking for us? "

"Not at all, not at all …" Liu Rufeng was confused when he heard about it. Only now did he know that Huang Sizhi and Song Tianming had paid for them to deal with him. No wonder Xu Laosan had attacked him so hard that night.

Liu Rufeng said with a stern face: "Return the money to me!"

Wang Zhuang didn't dare to disobey, and obediently gave the money pouch to the old man.

When the old man saw that he had earned back his hard-earned money, he gratefully said, "Young man, you really are Lei Feng. There aren't many people like you who have the courage to stand up for others."

"Nothing." Liu Rufeng did not say much, and instead asked the three of them: "What do you guys want me to do with the two of you?"

Xu Laosan quickly begged for mercy: "We don't want to do this either, but what can we do? "No culture, no education."

Wang Zhuang added on by the side, "That's right, it's not easy for us to survive, we haven't even eaten yet …"

Gao Jun replied with a hoarse voice: "I haven't even eaten my fill..."

Liu Rufeng only felt a burst of cold sweat, "If it's just this sort of society, then I might as well be a beggar asking for food." After thinking for a moment, he said, "Don't do this anymore. I think you guys are still useful. Just follow me in the future."

Liu Rufeng understood in his heart that although hooligans like them could not be counted on to go on the battlefield and kill their enemies, staying by their side would still be of some use.

"Follow …" "With you?" Xu Laosan hesitated for a moment, before turning to look at the two of them. Wang Zhuang and Yue Shan nodded their heads at the same time, but Xu Laosan did not say anything, and said: "Alright, I will follow you."

"What are we doing with you? How much is the monthly salary?" Gao Jun's first concern was the issue of eating.

Liu Rufeng said: Let's go eat first, we'll discuss while we eat.

After they had eaten, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they happily followed behind Liu Rufeng.

Many people in the snack bar could see this scene clearly. They were all thinking the same question: "What background does this student have to be able to subdue a gangster from society?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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