Fog-Filled Heart/C15 Summer Fireworks
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Fog-Filled Heart/C15 Summer Fireworks
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C15 Summer Fireworks

(15) Summer fireworks

Throughout the summer vacation, Lyi Qingqing stayed at home and didn't go anywhere.

Even Lyi Maoxun couldn't help but become suspicious. In the past holidays, she had already done her guides early in the morning to travel to other places. This year, however, things were not as they usually were. He was holed up at home all day, and it was impossible to tell that he was planning to travel far away.

The reason she gave was that she had played everywhere and couldn't think of any place to go.

This was also the truth. Other than her first year of high school driving test, she basically didn't go anywhere else. Ever since her third year of high school, she would always travel during the winter holidays. Sheng Mingwei coincidentally had the time to accompany her to a few foreign cities in the country.

Sometimes, it was simply a tour of the city to observe the local buildings. Sometimes, it was just for the sake of a certain place in the geography magazine that he had wanted to do so for a long time, or for the sake of meeting a city or town that he liked so much, so he might as well stay there for 10 days or half a month.

After her third year of university, Lyi Maoxun gradually started to complain. Between his words, it was no more than to let her make more friends. It was time for them to fall in love.

After Lu Xinpei came back from Beijing, he took her out for another meal. It was the same place as the last time, the same room.

Lu Xinpei asked her if it was convenient for him to drive. She quickly edited "Okay" and sent it out. A strange feeling flashed across her heart without any warning. What exactly was weird, but she couldn't tell.

After dinner, he took her to the river to set off fireworks. The night wind was strong and the fireworks were extremely beautiful. The two of them leaned against the car side by side, quietly watching the flames in the night sky. Huge golden flowers bloomed splendidly in the night sky, competing with each other to be magnificent. Huge waves of resplendent flames instantly exploded, spraying out countless meteors. In the pitch-black night sky, they endlessly flowed with light and overflowing with color, illuminating more than half of the starry sky. The surface of the river sparkled, and soon, someone on the other side cried out in alarm. Amidst the flickering flames, one could faintly see that someone was raising their head to look at the sky.

Lyi Qingqing's heart leaped with joy. She couldn't help but exclaim, "So beautiful!"

Lu Xinpei glanced at her: "Next time, when I tell the management office in advance, we'll come again and buy more and bigger fireworks. It'll definitely be better than this!"

She smiled brightly and extended her little finger. "It's a deal!"

Smoke was blooming above their heads, and the flames were rising and falling one after another. Lu Xinpei's face was tainted with a dark and bright expression. He also smiled, his eyes like the stars in the sky as he gazed at her. He didn't think her actions were childish at all. Instead, he solemnly extended his pinky. "It's a deal!"

The night wind blew against her skirt and ruffled her long hair. At that moment, she seemed to hear her heart burst into joy.

Lu Xinpei stood opposite her, seeming to want to say something but then hesitated.

After waiting for a while, Lyi Qingqing finally took the initiative and said, "I'll wait for you!"

It was not yet eleven o'clock when he called when she parked the car.

Along the way, she was immersed in a joy she had never experienced before. It was as if her heart was filled with something soft and light that was about to spill out.

As she answered the phone, she unconsciously dragged out her last words: "I'm here, what about you?"

Lu Xinpei said in a low voice: "I'm here too, let's smoke a cigarette and go upstairs!"

Lyi Qingqing raised her head to look at the crescent moon in the night sky. Midsummer's starry sky was as beautiful as a painting, filled with countless stars. The Milky Way lit up the sky. As she walked, she looked up to search for the Big Dipper.

Holding the phone, she asked, "Can you see the stars there?"


"Every summer, when you look at the stars in your Pingshan, they are the most beautiful."

"Yeah, I see it here. It's also very beautiful!"

He quickly added, "I'll watch it with you from now on."

Lyi Qingqing's face heated up. "Alright!"

After a while, Lu Xinpei called out to her, then told her he was sorry, he said he should have seen her off.

At that moment, his voice seemed to carry a trace of repressed bitterness. "Qingqing, there has never been a time like this where I hated myself for being married."

Lyi Qingqing felt a pinch in her heart. "I'm not blaming you," she said bitterly.

His silence made her panic. She was anxious to find a topic, but she didn't know how to begin.

She stood in the yard, looked at the door, and asked in a low voice, "Does your wife still disagree with divorce?"

Finally, he said, "I'm sorry, Qingqing!"

Her heart had already clenched into a knot. "Why are you apologizing again?"

Lu Xinpei seemed to smile, but he didn't answer and asked: "Could it be that you didn't think it through?"

For a moment she could not understand. "What?"

"I'm giving you a bad feeling right now, aren't I? I mean, compared to Shu Lan and Qin Changjun, or to be exact, compared to the other suitors around you, I'm not really a good opponent. "

Lyi Qingqing thought for a moment, then said, "Being in a relationship is a matter of two people, there is no need to announce it to the world.

"Qingqing, if you feel wronged, you have to tell me, okay?"

She hesitated. "Alright!"

At that moment, she might not fully understand that he was telling her that as long as he didn't divorce her one day, she wouldn't be able to be with him in broad daylight.

Maybe she felt it, but she didn't think so. She could drive, she could go anywhere by herself. She did not need her boyfriend Morningcall to buy breakfast and come to the classroom early in order to take her place. She did not need anyone to ask her about her every day, to point fingers at her in the name of concern, to get tired of every step of the way. Furthermore, even in the past few years, she had never envied the couple on campus having their arms around each other's shoulders. Even when they were shopping, she had always been the type to end the battle quickly.

She thought, if Lu Xinpei felt wronged because he didn't have the means to fully intervene in her daily life within a short period of time, then he wouldn't avoid their relationship in front of outsiders. If it was just that, she didn't think that she was troubled at all. Why would she feel wronged? That was the state she had always been in before he had appeared.

In August, the weather was very hot. Lu Xinpei was going to Hainan for a long trip. Before leaving, he called her from the airport and said with some regret, "If there's a chance, I'll take you with me."

Lu Xinpei walked for about a week. One night, Lyi Qingqing received a call from Shu Lan.

When she drove over, Shu Lan was sitting in the big playground nearest the school gate. She was sitting alone in the stands with her arms crossed and a suitcase at her side.

It was the playground where she met Lu Xinpei.

"Qing Qing, I'm sorry for calling you out so late at night."

"Tell me, what happened to Qin Changjun?"

Shu Lan stood up and picked up the box. "Where did you park your car? Let's talk while we walk!"

Two weeks ago, a project of the accounting firm where Qin Changjun was interned was called off. It was said to be a state-owned enterprise that they had been auditing for a long time. The tax bureau gave evidence of a major tax evasion. In the course of the joint investigation, there are doubtful points that the company may be involved in joint fraud with the auditor.

Logically speaking, as a new intern, Qin Changjun should not have access to the core business of the firm, especially such key projects. Shu Lan carefully recalled some of the work that Qin Changjun had told her before. Other than intensive pre-job training, he spent most of the time organizing last year's audit manuscripts, binding the accounting vouchers, and running the bank's correspondence. Starting last month, the supervisor began to arrange for him to have access to some basic draft work.

Qin Changjun applied for the CPA very early. The second week of September was about to begin. During his daily rest, he would spend most of his time in the shared house near the school, studying, reading, and memorizing the laws.

Shu Lan couldn't understand how Qin Changjun could be involved in such a major fraud.

All of a sudden, Qin Changjun was also confused. Only when he was called into the office to cooperate with the interrogation and investigation did he gradually realize that the atmosphere wasn't right. After being questioned back and forth a dozen times, he finally remembered that he had once gone out to retrieve a piece of information for the institute's oldest surnamed Gao.

Shu Lan called Qin Changjun's office on the third day after she couldn't get through to his phone.

She found out about the details from another female classmate who was with Qin Changjun during their internship, so she couldn't wait to get on the first train to get back.

Shu Lan's expression looked very tired. After she drove the car into the residential area, she continued to explain, "Qing Qing, I'm really sorry. If it wasn't for the fact that there was no one in their room and they couldn't enter the dorms of the school, I wouldn't have called you out so late at night."

Lyi Qingqing asked as she turned the wheel, "Why don't you just come here? Don't you remember the password?"

"How can you be embarrassed, you're not here!"

"What's there to be embarrassed about? At the very least, you should have put your luggage aside first!" "Don't tell me you're just carrying a big box all the way to find your family's Mr Jun!"

"Qingqing, I'm a bit worried about him. He never goes as far as this. You say, this matter will be quickly investigated? He was just a small intern. Even if he really wanted to practice favoritism and commit irregularities, he wouldn't have that chance! At most, they would just be taken advantage of without them knowing the depth of the situation. Those who don't know are innocent, so nothing will happen to them, right? "

Lyi Qingqing backed the car into the garage and comforted her, "Hmm, how long has Qin Changjun been in there? He hasn't even passed the internship period and doesn't even have the basic access to the other party's company. "It's only a matter of time before he finds out. The reason why the firm suspended his work at this stage is to cooperate with the relevant authorities to gather evidence. When the case is cleared, both sides will give him an explanation."

Shu Lan got off the car first and took the initiative to take out her luggage. She was obviously still worried, "Then tell me, where is he going? I've been looking for him all night, and my phone hasn't been turned on for days. Do you think he'll be able to figure it out for a while? "

Although Lyi Qingqing didn't know Qin Changjun too well, she didn't know much about the nature of the work and the risks in accounting firms. But just as she said, with Qin Changjun's experience, he didn't even have the qualification to bet on it. He simply couldn't meet the conditions to make a mistake.

"It's just a small matter, yet you're already thinking so much. If you're worried, go up and put down the luggage, then I'll drive you out there to look for it. Perhaps by now, he had returned to his residence. Let's hurry up and go up. You should also take a bath and change into clean clothes! "

With that said, Shu Lan lowered her head and sniffed. "Look at me. I've been on the train all day in the heat, and I haven't smelled a single bit of her sour stench since then."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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