For You, My Beauty/C17 Little Gluttonous Cat Quickly Eat It
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For You, My Beauty/C17 Little Gluttonous Cat Quickly Eat It
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C17 Little Gluttonous Cat Quickly Eat It

"Where is it? Have you finished shopping? " At 5: 30 p.m., Gu Zijun finally called.

"Yes, I have finished shopping. I am now eating at Vanda's Star Buck. Hehe!"

"Okay, I'll go over now. I'll think about what I want to eat later. I'll take you there to eat." Gu Zijun's gentle and sexy voice fascinated Ding Yumo.

On the other end of the phone, she smiled brightly.

"Um, why don't we go to the newly opened restaurant near the company, hehe!" At this time, Tang Xin was not around, so Ding Yumo naturally wanted to go and have a taste.

"Okay!" Only then did Gu Zijun understand what she meant this morning. It was clear that she was going against Tang Xin. He raised the corner of his lips and shook his head helplessly.

Ding Yumo happily looked at her two best friends and suddenly said, "Oh right, can Jia Jia and Xin'er be together?"

Gu Zijun instantly put away his smile and frowned.

At the same time, Jia Jia said, "No need, we are not going to be lightbulbs. Furthermore, I have an appointment with our Li Jian tonight, so I do not have time to accompany you anymore!"

When she heard Jiajia talk about lightbulbs, she thought that Gu Zijun was still online. Ding Yumo immediately said to the phone, "I will contact you later." Then she hung up the phone in a hurry. She did not want Gu Zijun to hear their conversation before the probing began. She guessed their plan.

Xin'er said, "Yeah, I've been with you for half a day. Our Lin Wei has been rushing you on WeChat for a long time."

Ding Yumo put down her phone and pouted. She said, "What is it!? You two have no humanity in the opposite sex! Go on, go on, go on a date."

Jiajia said, "Hey, Ding Yumo, we have been with you for a long time. We even gave you suggestions and suggestions. You actually dare to say that we are inhumane. You deserve to be beaten up!"

Xin'er also glared at Ding Yumo, "That's right, that's right. We are doing it for your own good. In order to let you date your handsome uncle alone so that you can test him out. You can't even see our great sacrifice. What a waste of big sister's feelings! My heart aches!"

Xin'er put on an act and it made Jia Jia and Ding Yumo laugh out loud.

Ding Yumo said, "Yes, thank you, sisters! But without you two here, I am still afraid! What if I become nervous and stutter later? "

Xin'er said," Whoa! The sun is rising from the west. Our classmate Ding Yumo actually says she is nervous when facing a man. Haha! "

Ding Yumo rolled her eyes at Xin'er and shouted, "Scram!"

The three of them started to laugh and laugh again.

After a while, a luxury car stopped outside the shopping mall.

Gu Zijun got off the car and walked towards Buck.

"Wow! Look, isn't that Gu Zijun?" Along the way, there were screams of infatuated girls.

When they reached the coffee shop, there were still waves of screams.

The smart Jia Jia saw Gu Zijun from afar and then screamed, "Hey, Mo, your handsome uncle is here!"

Xin'er looked along the crowd and immediately became infatuated. "Uncle is so handsome and stylish!"

Ding Yumo also turned around to look at Gu Zijun who was walking towards them, just like all the other women. She instantly became infatuated and stared at him. That tall and strong figure, that handsome face... Sculpture-like facial features...

It was simply as if Ding Yumo was going to be mesmerized to death.

Gu Zijun approached and asked gently, "Are you done? Can we go now?"

"Uh ~ Alright!" Ding Yumo immediately got up, but her eyes were still unwilling to leave his face.

Gu Zijun was stared at by Ding Yumo. For a moment, he felt that Ding Yumo loved him. However, he felt as if he was about to be burned by the gazes of those infatuated girls around him. He still chose to leave quickly without thinking too much.

"Then let's go!" Gu Zijun took Ding Yumo's things and then turned to look at Jiajia and Xin'er. He asked gentlemanly, "Do you want to go together?"

When he asked this question, Jiajia immediately woke up. "Uh, no need. You guys go first. We still have to wait for someone."

"Okay, then we will leave first. See you next time!" After saying that, Gu Zijun once again nodded his head in a gentlemanly manner, smiled slightly, and left with Ding Yumo in his arms.

He left behind a group of infatuated women there who were envious, jealous, and hateful.

Ding Yumo was held by Gu Zijun. That broad and strong arm made her feel very warm. Looking at the envious and jealous expressions of those infatuated women along the way, her heart instantly floated up. If only she was really the uncle's girlfriend. She would have such a handsome and handsome guy as her boyfriend. It would be awesome even if she went out.

Ding Yumo thought about it and could not help but laugh.

"What's wrong? What's so funny?" He was deeply attracted to the charming smile on Ding Yumo's face. It felt really good to hold her like this. Her soft body felt very good. The faint fragrance of flowers refreshed the mind.

"Uh ~ nothing, hehe!" She would never tell him what she was thinking in her heart.

In the restaurant.

Ding Yumo ordered a lot of dishes. She had to admit that she was really a foodie. After eating so much just now, she could still order another pile. Gu Zijun looked at it and was completely stunned. "Are you sure you can eat it later?"

Ding Yumo curled her lips and said, "Yes, you can. Besides, didn't you also have an uncle? Don't be so petty, hehe!"

Gu Zijun shook his head helplessly again. "Be careful. If you eat too much, your stomach will hurt later."

Ding Yumo playfully said, "Hee hee, my health is very good. My stomach will not hurt. Uncle, don't jinx it."

Gu Zijun smiled slightly. He could not refuse her request. In front of her, his immunity was almost zero.

The dishes were served one after another. The table was full. There were really too many wives.

Ding Yumo looked at the table full of delicious food and her eyes lit up. "Wow, this restaurant is really good. Every dish is so exquisite!"

"Little gluttonous cat, eat quickly!" Gu Zijun looked at her gluttonous cat appearance and could not help but laugh.

"Hehe, then I'll start eating ~" After Ding Yumo said that, she immediately lowered her head and started eating. She didn't pay attention to her image at all.

However, a beauty is a beauty. Even if the way she eats is very exaggerated, in the eyes of men, especially men who love her, it becomes cute and sexy.

Gu Zijun simply did not eat and just watched Ding Yumo eat like that. That gentle gaze is simply like melting people.

"Come, have a sip of the soup." At this time, Gu Zijun was like her servant, taking care of her by the side. In a while, he would help her prepare the soup, and in a while, he would help her pick the fish bones. In a while, he would help her peel the prawns. His patient and careful appearance was completely different from his usual self.

"Uh ~ Uncle, why aren't you eating?" Ding Yumo finally could bear to raise her head.

"Come, pay for this. It's really good to eat!" She smiled as she picked food for Gu Zijun.

It was rare for her to be considerate. Gu Zijun picked up the food in the bowl and ate it elegantly. Although the food was delicious, it was not as nice as her smile and consideration. It warmed his heart.

Seeing Gu Zijun eating happily, Ding Yumo also picked up the dishes and became enthusiastic. After a while, the dishes in Gu Zijun's bowl piled up like a small hill.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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