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C52 Oneway Love

Ling Yu woke up because of the old wound on his chest. He clearly didn't feel anything when he was injured, but ever since he saw Qing Bai's chest, he felt waves of discomfort. He was really bad in the corridor just now, and the Spiritual Force of the person who attacked him was so bad that he fell before he could even touch him. Would Qing Bai think that he was useless?

Ling Yu frowned, but from the corner of his eye, he saw a green figure. The corner of his mouth had yet to curve into a smile, and the smell he smelled made his frown deepen. He felt his chest hurt even more, and his tone was very angry: "What are you doing here?"

In terms of seniority, Ling Yu should have called him "Master" coldly. At that time, he had kowtowed three times and kowtowed nine times. He had sworn a blood oath and promised that he would be the only person in the world who would respect his master, love him, and never betray him. Qing Qing thought that this would be the strongest relationship in the world, but who knew that after being Ling Yu's disciple for so long, he had never called him "Master."

Not long after Ling Yu was born, he was handed over to Qing Bai to raise. At that time, Taoist Priest Qing was only focused on cultivation, so he left Ling Yu, who was still babbling, in the forest behind the White Cloud Abbey, ignoring him and letting him absorb the essence of heaven and earth by himself to fight with ferocious beasts. The Qing Martial Uncles felt that something was wrong, but who knew that Ling Yu's cultivation would improve so quickly? Usually, other than cultivating alone in the forest, he would stick to Qing Bai's side. Qing Bai's face was cold, and Ling Yu kept calling him "Martial Uncle."

At that time, the Merfolk Sea was already in a state of chaos. Just as Ling Yu was born, the old Merfolk Emperor died of an unknown illness. The Merfolk took a fancy to the White Cloud Abbey as the number one Great Dao of Immortal Cultivation, and the Taoist Priest Qing's cultivation in the White Cloud Abbey was incomparable, so they wanted to entrust Ling Yu to Qing Bai to protect him.

In order to entrust Ling Yu to Qing Bai, more than a dozen important Merfolk ministers knelt on Qing Bai Peak for three days and three nights without eating a single drop of water. However, Qing Bai agreed reluctantly, and he did not mention anything about taking Ling Yu in as a disciple.

Ling Yu was talented and intelligent, and no one in the White Cloud Abbey's gray clothes could compare to him. No one expected that Qing Bai would rather take a nameless person as his disciple than give Ling Yu the cold shoulder. Ling Yu had a bad temper to begin with, and the longer he stayed with Qing Bai, the worse his temper became. During cultivation, he did his best without restraint.

Later on, every time Ling Yu's cultivation level increased, he would shamelessly stay in Qing Bai Peak, pretending to be an innocent child and begging for praise and comfort.

Obviously, Ling Yu was so similar to him, yet he hid his true nature and disguised himself with a completely different face.

The White Cloud Abbey had once been in danger of being exterminated because of his cold and talkative nature. Since then, he had hidden his noisy nature and replaced it with a disguise of wanting nothing. Merfolk were naturally good at fighting and cruel, but Ling Yu pretended to be innocent in order to attract Qing Bai's attention.

What a perfect match.

As smart as Ling Yu was, he could see through Ting Ao's strange thoughts towards Qing Bai. Although Qing Qing still did not understand why Ting Ao was so holy, she had a feeling that the two of them seemed to have known each other for a long time, and no one else could interfere. Qing Bai had taken him in as a disciple and given him a protective magical artifact. Wasn't all the care and concern another kind of response? Why was Ling Yu still stuck here?

"Why did you eat the Luo Ze Fruit?" Qing Qing asked.

Ling Yu forced himself to stand up, revealing the proud attitude of a Merfolk Emperor: "You already know, right? Why are you still asking me?"

He knew that the Rhodes Fruit was born at the bottom of the Merfolk Sea, and he also knew that it was rumored that the Merfolk could transform themselves into the beauty they wanted by eating the Rhodes Country when they reached adulthood. He also knew that female mermen loved beauty, and for the sake of their adult beauty, they would dive into the death zone at the bottom of the Merfolk Sea to search for fruits that no one knew if they were real or fake, even if they would become the most delicious food for the divine beast guarding the Rhodes Fruit.

It was precisely because she knew about the cold that she asked. In Ling Yu's heart, becoming a Merfolk Emperor and leading the revival of the Merfolk was his most important path. Now, in order to have a bewitching appearance, he had dived to the bottom of the sea and fought with a divine beast. What good would it do him and the Merfolk?

No one knew Ling Yu better than Qing Qing. To Ling Yu, other than the Merfolk, there was only Qing Bai.

It must be related to Qing Bai. Qing Qing knew that she shouldn't ask any more questions, but she couldn't help but open her mouth: "What exactly is it that made you endure the bone-corroding pain of adulthood and fight against a divine beast? Why is your current skin so important to you?"

That was right. What was the use of being good-looking? He couldn't defeat the enemy or kill the traitor. All he got in return was a short pause.

Ling Yu felt that it was worth it. It wasn't like he hadn't seen how shallow that person was. He didn't even have a soul when he met someone with good looks and skin. If that person was devastatingly beautiful, it would be even more incredible. However, he was only slightly injured, so Ling Yu felt that no matter how he looked at it, he had earned a lot.

"My business is none of your business," Ling Yu frowned, and his tone became even more impatient. "What are you doing here? Doesn't the White Cloud Abbey need to uphold justice? Why isn't anyone looking for a martial uncle who lost a senior?"

Leng Qing had long been used to Ling Yu's cold attitude, so she didn't mind. She sat down comfortably and drank a cup of water, "I heard that disciple is unwell. As your master, my heart aches, so I specially came to see you and escort you back to the Merfolk Sea."

"Merfolk Sea?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who said I'm going back? Qing..." Ling Yu lied to himself and comforted himself that Qing Qing did not understand his feelings for Qing Bai. Angrily, he crawled back into the blanket and said, "You don't have to worry about me. I have very, very important things to do here. I'll stay here for at least a month..."

Leng Qing had come to the bedside at some point, and seeing Ling Yu's red lips moving up and down, she couldn't help but blow into his ear: "Why do I feel that you are weak and easy to push down?"

Ling Yu wanted to refute him, but for some reason, his face turned red and his heart started to beat faster. He thought to himself, 'Not good, the consequences of the Luo Ze Fruit seem to have appeared...'

When Ting Ao entered the room, Qing Bai was cracking melon seeds. There was already a small hill in front of him. He would peel them for a long time just to enjoy the last moment of satisfaction. Just as Ting Ao was about to laugh at him, he saw him protect the small hill and pout righteously. "What's mine is all mine. You are not allowed to snatch it."

"I won't snatch it, I won't snatch it." What Ting Ao said was right. If Qing Bai wasn't paying attention, the small hill would turn into a huge pit. Seeing that Qing Bai was about to enter the endless business of peeling melon seeds again, Ting Ao said faintly, "Martial Uncle Qing Qing has left."

Qing Bai only had the melon seeds in his eyes and did not even raise his head.

Ting Ao said again, "That young man is really Ling Yu. He also left."

Qing Bai still did not say anything. Ting Ao suddenly stretched out his hand as if he was going to snatch it. Only then did Qing Bai reply perfunctorily, "Got it."

"Master, you know..."

Qing Bai grabbed a handful of melon seeds and placed them in front of Ting Ao. With a calm expression, he forced him to join the melon seeds business with him. After a long while, he opened his mouth:

"Ling Yu needs my concern. Merfolk Emperor, no."

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