Forever Youth/C17 How could he be missing wang zhi an
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Forever Youth/C17 How could he be missing wang zhi an
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C17 How could he be missing wang zhi an

When I got home, I quickly took a shower. After taking a bath, I looked at my bruised face in the mirror and wondered how I was going to take revenge on Marcie.

Since she was calling out to the crowd in society, I felt that I should call out to the crowd in society as well, so that my heart would be in equilibrium.

I thought about it for a while, and then I came up with an idea! I thought to myself that calling for the socialites to take care of Marcie wouldn't have been enough to subdue her, and I was going to subdue her this time. If so, I thought I might as well tie Marcie up and throw her in the waste coal kiln on the Western Cave Hill, where there were so many animals late at night that I would have to be scared to death by her.

Since you want to call me a member of society, then I must call you my good brother Wang Zhi An!

Wang Zian, the year after my dad and I moved into the city, his family also moved here. He was currently working in the wood business with his father, so he had long since stopped reading. Since it was already Tuesday, I decided that it would be best to pack Marcie for the weekend, so I had to prepare in advance. That night, he went to find Wang Zhi An.

When he found Wang Zian's father, he said that Wang Zian was working on a mountain in the suburbs. Since his family didn't have a forest license and didn't have the right to harvest, they were afraid that the people at the forest station would investigate, so they usually did their work at night.

After I said goodbye to his father, I headed straight for the mountain. By the time he reached the foot of the mountain, he was already pitch black. The cold mountain breeze blew on his face, giving him a gloomy feeling. Don't say it, this made me a little scared. I just thought to myself, don't f * cking meet any bad people.

He shouted, "Wang Zhi An! Wang Zhi An! Your Brother Hu is here!"

I don't know if he can hear me, but the mountain is so big, I can't possibly go find him.

I shouted a few times. There was a flashlight flashing around the mountainside that was over a hundred meters tall. I knew it as soon as I saw it. Heh, it must be Wang Zhi An.

So I quickly shook the flashlight below.

After that, I waited below with a cigarette in my mouth, feeling more excited. At that time, my good brother and I had not seen each other for almost half a year!

After about twenty minutes, I heard footsteps above my head, and the flashlight beam came closer. I immediately shouted, "Wang Zhi An, Brother Hu is here."

When that guy heard me shout, he anxiously told me, "Shh! Shhh! Shhh! "Shh, shh …" After a long moment, he came out from behind a tree.

He was wearing a hard hat with a miner's lamp on it and bucket shoes on his feet, like a devil. The funniest part was his face and arms were covered in black mud. I joked, "Did you f * * king go to the village to dress up like a widow? What the heck are you doing! "

Wang Zhi An quickly waved at me and said, "Bro, keep your voice down. This fucking place we cut up tonight didn't give the farmers any money, we're stealing. Don't get caught! "

He told me to turn off the flashlight.

When I heard this, I burst out laughing. F * ck, they were actually stealing other people's trees. Seeing his cautious look, I purposely said, "Okay, you were born in a society and you didn't learn how to f * * king steal!"

Wang Zhi An slipped down from above and embarrassedly spread the smoke for me!

I thought about his hand covered in mud and continued to say, "Did you just attack the village of Wusu to wash it? Look at this black, did you get a syphilis under the widow? "

When he said this, he cursed. He said, "You better hurry up and bring him down. Your eyes really stink."

I laughed and squeezed his arm. The guy ducked out of the way and asked me if I hadn't taken the pills and wanted the glass. I said go to your mother, brother is to see if you are strong.

After I pinched him, I found that Wang Zhi An's muscles had expanded quite a bit. I was secretly surprised. It seemed that I wouldn't be his match if I were to use brute force now. This made me lose quite a lot of time.

After boasting for half a day, Wang Zhi An said that he wouldn't visit the Three Treasures Hall unless it was something important. You don't have anything to do, so why did you say it?

I told him my plan, and asked him if he could get me someone.

Wang Zhi An did not hesitate but said with glowing eyes: "Really? That girl is really pretty? "

I took a drag on my cigarette and smacked my lips. "I didn't lie to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Zhi An looked forward to it. He even told me that it had been a long time since he last spoke to his student's sister. He also said that if he really wanted Ma Xue'er to be obedient, he would have to wipe off a few handfuls of oil.

The reason he said this was naturally because he agreed to it. I patted his shoulder and said, "As expected of a brother. When the time comes, don't mention wiping a few handfuls of oil, you can even do it if you want to!"

Wang Zhi An laughed and asked me if there was anything else. If there was nothing else, I would go for a drink after he finished cutting down the tree.

I asked him how long it would take to cut the tree, and he said two hours or so. After that, I said that was fine. I still have to go to class tomorrow, and after I settle the matter with Marcie, I will drink a few more cups.

When Wang Zhi An heard this, he didn't urge me to stay any longer and instead told me to be more careful when I return. He also said that he would wait until noon on Friday and ask me to take him there.

I said yes and said goodbye.

The next day, when I went to school, I was full of energy. It was as if I had been hit a lot. The bruise on my face was obvious and people were looking at me everywhere.

Ma Xue'er, right? She was naturally happy. When you look at me, you feel more cocky. "At this moment, I was thinking," "B, laugh, let's see how long you can keep laughing!"

Afterwards, after school was let out at noon, Jiang Wei came to me. It was good that she didn't come, but I was happy the moment she came. I saw that the corner of her mouth was dark green, so I asked her what was wrong.

Jiang Wei first looked around to make sure no one else was around before swearing, "It's still that rotten b * stard Ma Xue'er." They said it was after class in the morning, and they shut her up in the bathroom and slapped her twice. Jiang Wei even asked me if my face was scarred by her revenge.

I said I didn't know if it was her, but ninety percent of it was.

With a bitter face, Jiang Wei said, "Anyways, pay attention, I'm still on your side." But in the morning they threatened me, saying they'd see me with you again, and they were going to take care of me.

With that, Jiang Wei walked outside gloomily. I wanted to comfort her when I saw her like that, but I thought better of it. She and I weren't that much of a couple, so there was no need to be so particular.

After hearing what Jiang Wei said, I became even more furious. Damn it, the girls who were close to me still needed to be taught a lesson. It seems like beating up Marcie isn't enough to vent my anger.

So, at lunch time, I was thinking, how exactly do I add the ingredients to make Ma Xue'er's heart burn in her bones?

At the time, I thought about a lot of things, like disfigurement, picking a nail, filling it with chili, and slashing it with a knife. However, this was too vicious and I rejected them one by one. Later on, when I was peeing, I thought of the most ingenious method. After touching my fur, I had a flash of inspiration. I thought that Marcie was also in her growing period, so her hair must also be growing longer. Why don't I buy a pair of scissors and give her a B. This way, it won't be too vicious, but it'll make her remember me one hundred percent.

After thinking it through, I was so excited that I couldn't help but jump up and piss my pants.


The next few days were nothing special, except I saw Chu Han again on Thursday afternoon. At that time, he had been standing at the school gate and eagerly watching. When she saw me, she smiled happily and waved to me. I don't know if it was my imagination, but I felt that her expressions and actions were similar to those of someone looking for me.

But the next second, I remembered her hypocrisy and ignored her when I walked up to her. At this moment, Chu Han quickly called out to me. She crooked her head and giggled, saying, "What, my old fellow villager, you don't even plan to bother with me?"

I turned around and saw that her smile was so innocent that it made me feel even more sick. But I'm not going to slap her in the face, I'm going to ask her why?

Chu Han very enthusiastically came to my side, saying that she wanted to hold a party in the future and wanted to ask if I could attend! Perhaps she noticed my lack of interest, she added, "I came here today specifically to invite you. Ma Xue'er isn't willing to bring a message for me."

To be honest, Chu Han's words still shocked me quite a bit, but I feel like you're stabbing me in the back.

So I said, "I've always had bad luck with girls. It's better if you sisters go to your gathering. Besides, I'm not going to deal with Marcie. "

After I finished speaking, I was about to leave. Chu Han became a bit anxious. I probably didn't expect a beauty like her to personally come find me and I would still refuse. Just call me, wait, wait. After I stood there, she ran in front of me again. She looked me in the eye and said, "Then tell me, if I tie the strings and help you and Marcie make up, would you be willing to do so?"

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