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C24 The Snoop

Artemis Pov

I knew it without an inkling of doubt that she would be perfect and she would fit the position of a vice chairman in our multi- billion dollar company. In the Waterfall pack, we had a posse which we loved to describe as the MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR GROUP, it consisted of an elite of werewolves which all earned in billions of dollars. I of course with no hesitation was the chairman of this court. I oversaw the running and was in charge.

But one thing with all of this, one thing with greatness was that people plotted your downfall, you’d have more enemies than friends and in my case it was no difference. After a while they had incipiently added that I should find a mate soon. They went on to tell me that I needed an heir. All this if added were summarized to one thing, I should be removed without a Luna. But I would never forfeit my throne to a hound of foxes to gnaw at. My mate was going to ascend that position alongside me.

She smiled in my embrace and spun to face me. “Are you sure? You have that much faith in me?” She asked, I could hear the disbelief in her voice. She didn’t believe in herself.

I grabbed her by her cheek lightly and made her look at me into my eyes, “hey I believe in you, not just faith but I know you can,” I assured her.

She smiled and kissed me. It was meant to be a light kiss but I beat her to it and turned it into a passionate kiss. She giggled and hid her face in the safe of my jackets.

“I’m sorry to interrupt this lovely moment that I didn’t mind to disturb because you both make me want to puke but it’s time for training,” oslo said wearily. He was just jealous. Freya was still in my embrace, not anymore than me ready to let go.

“Freya!” Oslo barked and she jumped from my grasp and followed him out.

I whimpered because of the loss of contact. I turned to where they were arranging and preparing for the events. A familiar face walked in and I grimaced.

There was no way a visit by one of the court members was a good thing.

What the hell did he want?

His eyes were roaming the place like a hawk or rather a vulture searching for rotten meat. His presence was eerie, even to me.

If he was here it meant that he had been sent to snoop around and look for any smell of something odoriferous. He was my biggest adversary. He was almost never on my side, If anything it would bring him ample joy to see me fall.

His searing eyes found mine. He made no delay with his approach. Swimming through the ocean of busy people like the predator that he was. Left to I alone he would’ve found himself deep down six feet buried with the rest of the old hags. But I couldn’t, at least for now. Just like me, he was a man already in hell ready to drag anyone that fell guilty of his wrath.

His eyes had grown old and wrinkled for existing on this earth longer than he should, someone needed to help him get to the other side. His eyes grew old with any sort of emotions that lingered in those eyes in his youths. The only thing left was a chance to spot a weak and vulnerable prey any time. Sharp and witty, ready to pounce at his next victim.

“Artemis,” he called. Even in his old age his voice still held that familiar order and commanding tone. He reminded me so much of father and I shared the same contempt for both he and father. The old wag would soon join his friend and together they could dominate the underworld.

Father’s memories weren’t good ones. If anything they came with the peeling of old scars and causing them to bleed.

“Jude,” I said, equally not pleased to see him.

He ignored my icy tone and went on to deliver whatever black poison he had in that mind of his.

“The court had sent me to see your mate,” he said simply. There was nothing friendly about his tone. By ‘court’ he meant the ‘multi-billion dollar company’ one that my mate would soon rule beside me.

“She’s out for the moment,” I said, not one bit ready for him to meet Freya. He only needed a split second for him to judge her inside out. His hawk eyes would roam his body in disapproval.

“She’s the future Luna of the Waterfall pack, she has an event in two weeks and she’s not in for what? A moment?” He asked, his disapproval not one bit coated.

Maybe trying to protect Freya wouldn’t look good on her.

“She’s training,” I told him.

“Better,” when he said that it was as though his eyes clapped with gaiety.

“Take me to her, she should meet the head of the court, don’t you think,” he asked with a smirk. This old lycan got to me and he was very well aware. He smirked with the old skin on his face that had seen rough days and harsh seasons. The skin had grown thin and dry, glueing to the bone on his face.

Without one more word I walked towards the direction of the training grounds. We took the elevator there. Arriving on the grounds we saw Freya climbing the monkey ropes that were fixed in the form of a net. She was climbing very fast. When she finished climbing she ran. I could tell she was going down on breath, I did not need no mark to tell that.

She started running, rounding black tires on the floor. She put one leg on the left black painted tire on the ground and one into the right. Then she started jogging with her legs in both of them.

Her hair was packed in a clean dirty bun, wrapped around with no ponytail. Oslo was looking at his watch, probably checking the timer. When he did, Jude did the same, he stared at the gold wristwatch and I was influenced to do same.

Jude inspected her with much curiosity. He rubbed his chin and moved like a freaking camera following a star.

As we watched Freya I noticed her speed had increased and so did her endurance skill. She was cutting through the trees, dodging and rounding them and she came out finally from the end panting like a woman in labour.

She leaped for joy and drew out the band that held her hair in one place. She roared and fell to the ground. I saw Jude going down, descending the stairs that led to the balcony where we stood inspecting Freya.

“That was great!” Oslo said. He was happy and cheered for her. I guess she had the power to make anyone smile and melt. She was like the sun rays cutting through shields and melting frozen hearts.

She smiled at Oslo’s words.

“You really are one determined girl,” Oslo complimented and this time he meant it.

“Thank you. Did I get better?” She asked him.

We were already close. Oslo was about to answer but Jude beat him to it. “You were excellent for your size,” Jude commented, earning her attention.

When she saw him she was confused but upon seeing me she smiled.

“Artemis,” she called. I felt my body tremble from her voice. It wasn’t her voice that made me tremble, it was rather the taste of my name from her mouth. Every letter of my name made me quake. I think it was the first time she called me by my name and it tasted so fu-cking good. I was going to make her call me by my name all night long.

She waved and welcomed me with the finger. Oslo immediately sighting us bowed and greeted us.

“Hello Freya,” Jude said with all professionalism, his hand out for a handshake.

Her eyes ran a check on him and she immediately grasped that he was no nonsense person. She contorted herself and stood straight.

“Hello—-“ she looked at me for help to tell his name.

“Jude,” Jude completed.

“To what do I owe this honourable visit from an elite,” she asked and Jude smiled. The old fool smiled.

“Pardon my intruder's arrival, it was of great importance to meet the future Luna of the Waterfall pack in person first before the event,” Jude told her.

She appeared calm and collected, not letting any emotions escape. I thought she would fumble or panic but she instead was chill.

“Don’t tell me I got to meet—- what do they call it again? Ah, ‘the multi-billion dollar group’” she asked. This time she smiled slightly.

How did she? Wow.

I was astonished.

“If you don’t mind, shall we go for a walk?” Jude asked politely, his palm open and inviting for a walk.

She smiled and took it, “of course, if it’s okay with my mate.”

I just nodded with no words and Oslo stared at me dumbfounded.

Are you sure she was just an ordinary omega? Oslo asked telepathically. I wasn’t sure of anything again. I just smiled at her in admiration.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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