Freya And The Lycan King'/C43 The Stalker
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Freya And The Lycan King'/C43 The Stalker
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C43 The Stalker

Artemis Pov

I stood by the balcony, a glass of wine in my hand, I swirled my hand gently, thinking about who could be stalking Freya.

Nobody came to my mind, but I knew they were from the court. They were the ones so fixated on me getting a mate and now they were still the ones who wanted to decide which mate I got to be with.

My hand was in my pocket as I walked aimlessly in the open area. Staring out into the big land I had acquired over the years. Lands that I had razed down packs to acquire, one of them I joined to build The Multi-Billion Dollar group. A goal that even my father couldn't achieve, I had done it. He would bow to me when I met him in the underworld.

I wonder what he would think of me now. I had surpassed all the records that he had set, earned more respect, and of course, enemies. Found a mate who was smart, strong and beautiful, and controlled the empire and its vastness.

Yes, they were constantly trying to bring me down, but just like always, their plan would ever end in their hearts. In the meantime, Jude was going to walk right into the trap that I had fixed. I knew he would.

He may be my father's beta, but I was still his alpha, and he would respect me, less he would reconcile with my father.

“Alpha,” they called in unison.

I turned around and saw my beta and gamma walk in.

“You sent for us, Alpha,” they both said.

“Yes, I did, something important came up and it seems like our enemies had acquired wings,” I said, taking a sip from my wine.

“What do you mean?” Iris asked, he moved toward me. I snickered and patted Iris on the shoulder, walking towards the side table to drop the glass of wine. Their eyes followed me all the way to the side stool.

“Freya, what did she say yesterday,” Iris asked with care.

“My mate has a stalker,” I announced, and he gaped at me.

“Freya has a stalker?” Oslo beat him to ask the question that was at the tip of his tongue.

“Since when?” Iris asked.

“On the day of her trials, although I feel like it was pretty longer than that,” I stated.

“Does she know the person?” Iris asked. Oslo, glared at him, “he's a stalker, how's she supposed to know him?” he asked the obvious.

“Did she give you the full details?” Oslo asked, looking at me for an answer.

I exhaled, “it was basically forced out of her mouth by Loretta.”

It was still a surprise that she confided in Loretta and trusted her more than her mate. I got the whole woman thing, but it was I that she was sharing her body with so she should have confided in me first for that sole reason.

“And Loretta?” Iris asked with care, knowing that I never planned for things to play out the way that they did. I mean

“What happened to Loretta, I don't like being in the dark, and that's where I've been since I started babysitting Freya,” Oslo cried out, “I'm sure she would be pissed if she found out that I was her nanny. She can handle herself!” Oslo added.

I blew out a raspberry and rolled my eyes, “again, think of it as being her guard instead of Nanny,” I told him, but he groaned even more.

His eyes lit up and his brow arched upwards, “she doesn't like it either does she,” he stated more than asked.

“None of us wants this,” Oslo cried. I ignored his cries and turned to Iris. He would get the hang of it soon.

“What happened to Loretta and Freya,” Oslo queried. I knew he would come around soon. His curiosity usually got the best of him, always.

“They are suddenly friends,” Iris answered. Oslo turned and looked at me, “that doesn't change anything,” I said firmly. They left it at that.

“And the stalker, do we have an idea where they could be coming from?” Oslo asked.

“The court,” I answered simply.

“It's simple, Ajax and Jude set out to bring our profit down, then your mate appears, and they have to check who she is,” Iris explained, laying it out as it was and I had to agree, he was right. It really did make sense.

“They have a whole blueprint ready. They strike the company's income, they discover you have a mate, and they look into her, following her stealthily. They set this match for her to fight and asked you to publicly present her after her fight and one comes down here one week to the event. That can't possibly be a coincidence,” Oslo said, staring intently into our eyes. Everything had been planned. Damn it!!

“You are right. They have a pattern set up. Damn, those snakes,” Iris yelled.

“Freya might actually be in real danger!” Oslo prophesied.

“They won't get their hands on my mate,” I assured them.

“Who wants to get their hands on me?” I heard Freya's voice before her head poked out. She veered round my big-sized bed and walked out, coming to meet us at the balcony where we stood, discussing.

“Hello, boys,” she greeted smiling, she turned to me and glared. What have I done this time? Only multiple things.

She smiled at everyone but sent daggers my way with her eyes. She wore a floral sundress that reached her toes, then a high slit going up. How did she come to mount as a threat with a flowery dress?

She graced herself on the summer chair that was at the balcony. All the boys shut up and stared at her.

“Hmm?” she asked.

“Umm. Umm,” Iris bit his tongue using his head to ask for permission.

“Oslo, my dear instructor, don't lie to me,” she said standing up. She walked up to him and straightened his tie. Oslo looked at me terrified.

“The court!” he said quickly. She smiled and patted his chest.

Iris coughed and said something like, “pussy!”

Her presence always seemed to make me lighten up, she had superpowers, because how did she always turn out to be a sunshine on a dreary day?

“Hey! She had my tie in her hands, how could I possibly lie,” Oslo said to Iris.

“Artemis!” she turned to me, the boys immediately smiled, “why am I learning from my maids that the court is here and they gave orders that involve me?” she asked, gaiting her way to me. I smiled, she was mine.

“I didn't know they would be crossing the line,” I answered, gazing intently into her eyes.

“Well, they are, and more than that, they want to get their hands on me.” she scoffed in a way that said ‘as if they could try.’

“Well I won't let them,” I assured her.

“I won't let them,” she said sternly, “they want to see me fall, they are going to have to try harder. Tell them I said that,” she said.

She turned to Oslo, “We have to train, I can't fail tomorrow,” she declared, dragging him away. He stumbled as she dragged him.

‘Goodbye babysitter,’ Iris said in the mind link, and Oslo growled, which made Iris chuckle.

Iris chucked in delight, “Oh I love her,” he said, and I sneered.

“Chill man,” he said but I growled deeper and he shut up.

“Who are we going after first,” Iris said, conveying seriousness.

I smiled, oh yes I did. It was time to visit my long-lost friend.

“Jude, we are going after Jude,” I declared.


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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