Freya And The Lycan King'/C44 The day of the battle
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Freya And The Lycan King'/C44 The day of the battle
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C44 The day of the battle

Freya's pov

The day was here, it had arrived. Artemis was beside me, by his left was Iris. Then there was Oslo, tilting my jaw from side to side repeating the same words, “Do you remember all our training?” he had asked that for the umpteenth time but I wasn't complaining, I understood why. Rather it was Iris that found the replay of the question infuriating. It was like being in a loop.

I was forced into a black leather fighting gear. A tight badass leather pants, a leather sleeveless top and a high knee boot. My hair was packed in a neat ponytail, wrapped into a bun by my maids. I and Rachael hadn't made up and right now, I didn't want to deal with the do's and don't. It wasn't time for introspection, if anything, I pushed away any ideas that would stand between me and winning.

Those badass brave females that usually had power-bikes were exactly how I looked and felt. The mere outfit made me feel brave.

“Do you remember all our trainings, everything I told you, just——”

“Oh for heaven's sake she does remember. With the way you have repeated it, I'm hell, as sure that it's part of her brain now. She knows it by heart, give it a rest Oslo!” Iris snapped.

“You are just jealous,” Oslo said as he took me in with a prideful look.

“Of what?” Iris asked with his face showing his confusion and sarcasm.

“That I'm a coach. You'll never know what it feels like,” Oslo said being cocky as fuck, he turned to me, he placed his hand on my shoulder making Artemis to growl which he vaguely ignored. Oslo held my gaze, with his hand still resting on my shoulder, “you can do this, I believe in you,” he said with every form of trust in me.

Just then, my eyes caught the sight of Rachael. She walked past us, not before sparing a glance. It was short, and quick, but I could just as easily read the emotions in them, which were void and empty.

“I know you can do this——” Artemis began, but I quickly hugged him, cutting him off. Exactly just what I wanted. I didn't want all the prep talks and motivational speech. They would only bring fear to me, fear that I didn't want to harbor. To some people, this type of stuff would get them gingered up, but when it came to me, they did the direct opposite.

“Please no speech, I can't stand them,” I said while still in his embrace.

“That's not fair, you listened to Oslo’s speech,” Artemis said, faking hurt.

I smiled and disengaged from the hug, patting him on the chest, I muttered, “because he is my coach, he trained me,” I stated.

Oslo grinned and smiled while Iris and Artemis wore an uninterested look. Seeing that I wasn't caught up for the whole speech, they smiled as they started out the door.

Oslo stopped. Oh please could he not? He veered around and faced me, “show her who's daughter you are. Show her that you are Demitri’s daughter,” Oslo said sternly and I nodded my head with equal agility. They walked out into the cheering crowd.

They were surprisingly enormous, it was as if they had all come to witness the fall of Demitri’s daughter and Artemis's mate. This fight had been the biggest talk in town. With the gossip that swarmed around me, I feigned ignorance. It stood out amongst all other gossip. This particular fight didn't need broadcasting, it came off with ease, flying like the air carried it to a new set of ears.

All these people cheering, all these people present had all come with one thing in mind, with one agenda which was to watch me fall, to watch me get my ass kicked by my subject. To give the justifications that they had been harboring in their hearts. But just as they thought, it would end just in their hearts, because I was the daughter of Demitri.

A cell was placed in the middle. Only one way in and one way out. The way out was only if you won. The ring was surprisingly placed in the middle, surrounded by fish of people.

A referee stood inside the cell, dressed in black and white, hair packed up with a pair of Nike shoes on. Her shirt was tucked in nicely into her black pants.

The bell rang to mark that we have started. I took one last look of my reflection in the mirror. My father's necklace dangled from my neck.

Show them who's daughter you are, show them that Demitri is your father. Oslo's voice replayed in my head and instinctively, I reached out to the necklace.

I fumbled with the necklace, twirling it between my fingers. I gave it a gentle squeeze and brought my fisted palm close to my chest.

Father I need you, I muttered

“We present our first contestant, Merona of the Waterfall pack!!” the judge announced as the people clapped and cheered, they went as far as blowing whistles to her name.

It didn't bother me at all, my mind was fixated on the fight.

“And her opponent, Freya of the Eastwood pack, mate to Artemis!!!” he announced my name.

The people equally clapped and cheered, I didn't pay attention to them, because the moment I stepped out from the small room, I was blinded by lights.

I walked towards the ring and I felt my wolf come to life within me. But we weren't doing this her way, it was my way. All I needed was her strength.

As I moved toward the ring, the referee held the door open to me. Without hesitation, I crossed and walked Inside, crouching by the entrance.

Fear, I felt it poke its head like a needle. It pierced me and injected doubt in me. I looked around the crowd of people and I imagined failing in front of these numerous people. My failure would break a record. I would be all over the internet. I would be laughed at and mocked at and, Artemis….. I would not be able to stand him.

Merona’s mouth would know no end, her ego would fill this entire pack and I would be nothing but one Insignificant werewolf.

She would marry Artemis and have his mark on her, she would rule beside him, beside my mate and I would be nothing but a ghost, a shadow.

‘I would never allow that,’ I snapped. I would choose death over losing to her.

“The rules are simple,” the announcer said and took a pause, “which are, there are no rules!! Just win!!” he declared.

“Now turn and face each other,” he yelled, we obliged. When I and Merona locked eyes, I could see the smug and confident look in her.

I didn't blink or falter. My eyes locked on hers, upholding no emotions at all. My face was stoic as I calculated her move and my move.

“Step forward and shake hands,” the announcer said.

We stepped forward and shook hands,

“Now hug,” he added.

Locking arms across one another, Merona whispered into my ears, “Say bye-bye to Artemis and Racheal,” she said and smirked.

I wasn't interested in bantering words with her, Oslo’s words rang in my ear like a bell.

“Go!” and just then the bell rang.

And she charged——-

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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