Freya And The Lycan King'/C58 He knows about my dad
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Freya And The Lycan King'/C58 He knows about my dad
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C58 He knows about my dad

Freya’s pov

“I know the truth about your father,” he repeated and I felt my body go still with my heart pounding within my ribcage.

We were silent for a long beat with just the drumming of my heart sounding through the dark stilled room, his breathing fanning my neck. The thudding of my heart swallowing my thoughts in whole.

For the first time I experienced true calm as shudder ran through me, my head was blank with no clattering thoughts, my body dead and still, my fingers numb as they dropped beside with a thud.

My heart suddenly accelerated as all previous emotions and thoughts began returning, slowly, gradually, with ease I felt life infusing back in with all five senses sipping back into my veins.

‘He knows my father.’

It was only when apprehension returned that I realized that he was yet to let go as he still secured me in his grasp with a loose palm acting as a lid over my mouth.

My elbow came up and connected with his abdomen, “you can let go now,” I hissed from pain but that only made him tighten his grip on me.

“Can I get your trust?” he asked like I was an idiot. Get my trust? Guy you've been stalking me and now you want me to grant you my trust? Who am I? An idiot.

“Are you insane? How can you even ask that!” I pushed his hand down from my mouth, “are you crazy?” It was only during my question that he let go.

“So I take it that you won't scream,” he stated like he knew right well I wasn't going to.

I opened my mouth and did like I was about to scream but he didn't budge, he just watched me with curiosity, as if he were counting on his luck that I wouldn't scream.

Well, he was a good judge of character compared to me because I didn't scream. He chuckled, “I knew you were not going to scream,” he stated and returned to the window. I noticed his black mask and brown logs spilling from his mask.

“And how do you know that?” I asked as I went after him.

“Because you reacted normally, you didn't promise me that you were not going to scream and that made me trust you, although I don't think you do I,” he said peeking out through the window, spying at the guards that were stationed down.

Trust him, a guy whose mouth and nose and eyes were the only thing obvious to the apparent eyes.

I took a quick peek and returned to him, “you know my father,” I stated, “how?” I asked directly.

“Straight forward much, I see,” he noted.

“How do you know him? How do you know me? How do you know I'm his daughter,” I hauled questions after questions at him.

“Woah woah, hold up princess,” he said, holding up his palm to my face, “I can't just give out information,” he said, studying my face.

“What? Why?” I queried with an arched eyebrow at him.

“I'm not screaming out my lungs right now that I caught you my stalker but instead you want to leave me with crumbs of information?” I furrowed my brow at the possibility of it.

“I appreciate you not shouting but I need you to get me out of here before your evil mate gets his hand on me,” he said, once again studying the patrolling guards. They had flash lights in their hands, pointing around as they went in search of him. He tilted his head at me in a manner that said I should watch what he meant.

But I was interested in one little phrase he used, “my mate is not evil. It's just the absurd rumors spreading across packs which in fact I think is really rude,” I said in a defensive manner.

“Yeah whatever you say, you need information about your father and who you are? You gotta get me outta here,” he bargained.

The flashlight mistakenly came up to the window from where we were asserted, he immediately ducked, did a backflip, and landed on the bed.

“Watchya saying princess, I get caught and carry all the information I hold to six feet with me,” he was rather very grotesque and specific.

“Let me think, that's a very hard decision,” I protested.

“Doesn't look that hard to me,” he said from the bed, legs crossed over the other as he studied me lazily.

“Off course you would say——”

The door shook from outside, an indication that an external force was trying to break in. The pounding of the door again had him flying up from the bed.

“Shit!” he cursed, “what are we going to do,” I asked panicking.

“Do you agree with my condition?” he asked as he flung his neck to and forth at me. He aborned to seek a concealing place in the room.

“Think, think!” His agitating form only made me panic more as did the pounding of the door. As their body connected to the door multiple times, the wall started vibrating.

Oh no no no.

He ran to the window, “fuck me!” he grabbed the face mask from his face and shuffled his hair.

Multiple fist and body connected to the door and I knew right then and there that Artemis was outside giving command. Nothing was going to stop him from tearing down this door or bringing to ground the thick luxurious walls.

“Tell me who my father is!” I yelled out to a pacing brown log head.

He stopped his pacing and walked to me, “I would rather I die than sell out my ticket of getting out of this hellhole!” he snarled in my face, the spit from his mouth splashing on my face.

He punched the air and moved back, “fuck it! I told him this was a bad idea,” he grumbled beneath his breath.

So he did have a master.

He peered at the guards on the ground one last time, deliberating if he jumped he would be able to take them out.

I strongly doubted that but from the look on his face, it seemed he very well knew that, but he was willing to take a bet on it.

“How about you use me as a hostage and escape,” I blabbed out before I could get hold of my running tongue which only showed how fast my heart was running

“That's a brilliant suggestion but I think that would likely not work,” he saw at the questioning look on my face and went on to say, “Why? Because I would be heavily surrounded by Artemis guards and I would be forced to hurt you in order to show him that I'm not joking around, anyway I would still be locked up and would experience much more grotesque death that's in that messed up head of his,” he explained bitterly.

I didn't miss the venomous tone that dripped from his tongue whenever Artemis name was mentioned, he must really hate him huh.

But also I didn't miss the fact that he didn't want to hurt me.

“I agree to your condition,” I was following my intuition, and dating back to my previous judgement had always been bad and lastly I was being impulsive. But I was counting on this.

“Very well Th—”

“Boom boom!!” The sound echoed through the wall ripping through us as the door was coming open.

“We don't have enough time! Got any more plans?!” he asked, staring intently at the breaking door, gaze never once breaking.

My heart was beating with the sound the door gave off with every bang.

I stood still like a statue and stared motionless at the booming door.

We were caught and I just disappointed Artemis. What are the guards going to think? That he chose a lunatic as their Luna and his mate.

Just a little thrust left and that door would come down flat and I would be met with a set of golden orbs. Disappointed ones.

“Come! I have an idea,” he dragged me away from my startled phase.

He held up the mattress and nodded at me to get in. I gave a ‘what?’ gaze.

“Do you have a better choice? I guess not. Well then get in,” he instructed.

With one more look at the soon coming down door and his face, I slipped in. I didn't have much of a choice as he had pointed out.

“Hold it up for me,” he instructed. I brought my hand up and supported the bed with my weight.

The door was ajar slightly with just a small opening. He quickly glanced at it, “shift,” he said hurriedly.

And the door came open with him frozen by my side staring at me.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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