Freya And The Lycan King'/C70 Truth hurts
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Freya And The Lycan King'/C70 Truth hurts
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C70 Truth hurts

Freya's Pov

In my room I paced continuously, my mind running on and on and suddenly I wanted to be let out, I wanted to be free of this torture, my strewn all over my face causing me to groan from fury, I yanked a fistful of it and moved to the mirror.

A scowl veiled my face like the uttermost layer of my face, from the corner of my eyes I caught a red sharp double mouth joined in a hilt lying on the table.

I picked it up and cast one last glance on the long wavy hair that got on my face and without one last glance I chopped it off. It fell with a silent thud on the floor that resonated through me, I heard the sound of it drop internally but that didn't stop me from whittling away the ones left till they were nothing but shoulder length.

“Argh!” I screamed and shrieked, casting a dull look at my hair that was once on my head, now lying disarrayed on the floor.

The door opened and Racheal stood perplexed on her form, impossibly still, watching me for the longest while.

“Oh my gosh, Freya!” she ran to my side, shaking my still form, “what happened? What did you do to your hair!” she hurled questions at me while I just stood trying not to break down .

“I was due for a change,” I told her, taking hold of the scissors and bringing out my hair to level it.

She stood for a second or two before she said, “let me help you do it,” she offered, gently retrieving the scissors from my hand. As I let go. The tears threatened to spill.

Racheal drew out a pink soft chair and guided me to the mirror. She was quiet, too quiet but I didn't complain. Right now I could use some silence and I wished my head would equally be just as quiet.

It wasn't long before she levelled my hair to my shoulder length, short. She picked up the hot iron and straightened my hair..

Hours turned to days and days into weeks. I've been in Tobias pack, I did the little I could find and assisted in the kitchen although I was told not to, I had insisted. I couldn't feed on people's food and not help out the little way I could as I was no longer Luna.

I hadn't cried, the sadness came along with the darkness, the pain grew but the tears never came forth not as it was supposed to though.

Tobias had given me the space that I required and yes I was grateful but I was beginning to feel to pull to him. When he was close I would be irritated and when he was distant I would grow weary. It was messed up and confused me even more.

My feet grew close as I neared the door to his office, why was I going? I didn't know yet my feet and body led me there.

A knock one and two and the door opened to a breathless Tobias. He looked calm, the breathless one was me.

“Come in,” he opened the door wide for me.

I stepped in and slowly resumed the couch I previously occupied.

“Hello,” I greeted sheepishly, he looked at me suspiciously from the door, wondering what got into me.

‘Don’t worry, I'm wondering the same.’

“I'm ready, for answers and I would not be all wild,” I said acutely.

“And I'm sorry for lashing out last time, everything was new for me and was too much,” I recalled, I hid my face slightly from shame.

“It's understandable,” he said brushing it off, “what do you need to know?” asked Tobias.

“Everything, from the start, all that you know,” I answered. Some part of me was scared, terrified of the knowledge.

“Follow me then,” he stretched out his hand and after much contemplation, I took it tentatively standing up.

“I'm not going to rush you Freya, not for anything so take your time,” he said while looking at me.

I smiled a thank you and retracted my hands from his, I was yet to be comfortable with him and the mate process.

He smiled in understanding and led the way. We walked through the back door that I had yet to notice, then he led me through a carpet of grass, they were soft and wind blew my short hair and black dress back. I felt it pass through me, washing away my months of heartbreak. I felt light for days.

Tobias crouched on one knee and sat on his ass, I followed his act and sat crossed leg.

“My parents didn't just give you to me,” he took a break but would not meet my gaze, he stared into the ever green of lush grasses, the wind blowing his soft hair and sent my way.

When I didn't say anything he continued, “you were offered as a collateral to my parents from your father.”

“What!” I knew I promised not to talk but this was deviating from what I thought.

“When Artemis attacked your father, he was small compared to the alpha Artemis and he was just as stubborn, your father wouldn't cave, he needed help and he knew he couldn't do it by himself so——,”

“He offered me to him?” I asked not seeing the point.

“No, he.. He asked for help from my father, and my father required something in return, he asked for—”

“Me,” I whispered

“Yes and—”

“And my father agreed,” my voice was below a whisper and if he wasn't a werewolf, he would not have heard me.

“So my father just offered me up?”

“He did what he thought was best,” he came to his support which infuriated me.

“Yeah for his pack, not me, his blood and daughter,” I muttered, picking on the glass by my side to distract the anger that was brewing.

“This is probably the worst time to say this, but when you are an alpha, you and your family are second, the pack is first,” he said, meeting my prinkling gaze.

“Yeah, I guess they are all the same,” I muttered.

“That's not what I meant,” he defended himself.

“I know what you meant, continue,” I felt the darkness return, enveloping me in a brutal embrace.

“Why did I end up with Artemis?” my eyes found his gaze this time but he looked away from his own shame.

“My parents I think gave you away to save their skin after Artemis successfully destroyed the Snow Moon pack, he turned his attention to my father’s pack and then you were offered to him. My guess is he already knew you were his mate, because he was pretty precise in getting you,” he explained.

There! I was just a piece of an item passed from one alpha to another. The darkness like a rainy day hovered over my head, soon later hot liquid cascaded down my cheeks, the tears flowed and I hiccuped from restraint.

“Oh my goodness, I'm sorry Freya, I'm sorry,” his arms enveloped me as I sobbed continuously. A wave of nausea swept past me and I felt my eyelids grow heavy.

“Freya! Freya!” he called in a panicked tone

“Freya!” he called again and I managed out, “I'm fine.”

I started standing up as I didn't want to seem weak, he was by my side and before I knew it I shut forward, spewing the food I ate through my mouth. I puked some more and suddenly went light.

My world went dark and I felt my weight drop.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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