Freya And The Lycan King'/C82 The lady knew my parents
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Freya And The Lycan King'/C82 The lady knew my parents
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C82 The lady knew my parents

Freya’s Pov

For the first time in my life, I witnessed another’s transformation.

Tobi, my mate was by his side, he was the only allowed near him as the child was trashing and growling from pain. It was his first shift and it was so very painful.

His fingers elongated and his back crouched, a loud growl erupted from his chest as he whipped his head in numerous locations in order to contain the pain, but he couldn’t, it would rip off of him.

He growled and clawed the air in aimless fit, “deep breath, deep breath,” Tobi cooed beside him and the boy tried to do just that. He listened to his alpha’s voice and did just that, he heaved and gulped in air like one submerged into the water.

Water, if only that was how it felt like. It brought incredible fire, like one set ablaze, that was the feeling, burning and hot.

I remembered how it was like, it felt as though, your flesh was ripping out of you, forming something else, your bone cracked and shifted in all various locations.

He needed help, so I moved to step closer but Williams obstructed me and got in my way, “the Alpha wouldn't like that,” he said.

“Why?” I queried peering over his shoulder to the boy transforming.

A family by the side held onto one other’s hand in horror, the smaller girl, her face. With every shift and crack and growl her brother, I guess emitted she grimaced.

We all agreed, it wasn't a pleasant sight but the after feeling was euphoric.

“Because you are the Luna and—-”

I clipped his mouth with my hand, “I'm not yet the Luna, I'm also an Alpha,” I tilted my head and he nodded.

With a smile on my face, I let him go and he stepped away.

“Don't fight it,” I said from behind him.

His senses snapped to me and so did Tobi's. He nodded at me but sent me a look of caution.

“Just accept it, imagine your wolf is big and domineering. Imagine running through the forest, the grass beneath you and the wind caresses your furs with soft tend——”

A large growl interrupted me and before we knew it, a large thick wolf was in sight with caramel eyes searching the whole area.

“Wow, Luna did it!” a voice cheered from the crowd. Tobi came beside me, “yes she did,” he acquiesced and a proud smile laced my cheeks when I saw the pride in his eyes.

‘We are making mates proud,’ Jade blushed. She wasn't as active as before. She was now reserved and far, barely within reaching distance ever since the incident and I missed her.

‘Yes,’ I said, desperate to have a conversation with her but just as she came she was gone.

The werewolves made out a loud growl in joy as men leaped into the air and transformed, ripping their clothes in the process. It was sexy and cool. They jump on their paws and waggled their tails in delight.

“Watch me,” Tobi whispered into my ear. I smiled and did, he had one of those proud and cocky grins that made my smile elastic.

He unbuttoned his shirt slowly and threw on the ground, then unzipped his pants just a little bit, with one last grin my way, he leaped into the air and landed on all fours, his wolf form out.

Before that, I could have sworn I heard a whistle at his chiselled body, damn!! He was hot.

“Freya,” I heard my name and I turned to all eyes on a confused Merona, then as if struck with realization she smiled sheepishly, “I mean, excuse me Luna,” she corrected her mistake.

Gosh the smile on my face when I saw her act cute and dumb would forever remain engraved in my heart.

“May I have a word with you?” she asked politely and dear goddess, what wouldn’t I give to relish in this moment.

“Luna?” she added. I smiled and she resisted to roll her eyes at the fact that I was enjoying this far too much.

“I'm sorry, I'll be with you in a short while, I want to take a walk with the alpha,” Tobias nuzzled at my feet and I reached down and caressed him.

“It wouldn't be long,” she stayed quiet for the longest time, “Luna,” she added in between teeth.

“Excuse, Luna,” a familiar woman called, the woman from before, who sought an audience with me while I gave my speech.

“I'm sorry,” I said to Tobi's wolf, “I'll meet you in a short while,” my hands brushed his fur softly.

He turned and headed in the direction of the boys and they raced down into the woods. My awareness returned to the lady, “let's have the word,” I said and directed her to a secluded area with shelter.

I didn't miss the side glare Merona sent my way and, “traitor!” she sneezed yet I smirked in satisfaction.

“Seat,” I told the lady and she smiled appreciatively.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” I sat down on the log of wood

“Your father, I knew him personally,” she said and immediately my attention was piqued.


“I walked with him and used to be one of his numerous admirers,” I looked over at her face and acknowledged the fact that the harsh times were not so pleasant to her, however, her beauty was undeniable, looking closely I could still see it, see her in her prime.

“You knew my father?” I asked in bewilderment, shock visible in my tone.

“I did more than know him, I loved him,” she closed her eyes reminiscing the past, “your father was handsome and when he found your mother he was the happiest person in the pack,” her old eyes twinkled from retrospection.


She smiled and took my hands, “yes, your mother was even more beautiful, she was like a goddess and I knew I didn't stand a chance—”

“Oh but I'm certain you had all the guys, I can still see your beauty,” like that was what she had longed for, she smiled in gratitude, “I did, but none of them caught my eyes like your father. Anyway?” she waved her memories, “this is about you,” her wrinkled hand held mine and massaged them gently, “you are just like your mother. From your eyes to your nose and lips. The only thing you took from your father is your hair,” she took my short hair in her hand, “black like ebony, your mothers hair was rose in color, fierce and wild just like her,” her eyes closed with her lip in a thin line.

“She was brave, just like you,” she told me

“I'm not brave,” I let down gently.

“Yes you are, brave and courageous, not anyone would go against their mates, Artemis, the ruthless lycan king,” she knew and she saw in my eyes shock.

“I know child, I know.”

“But, but how?” I tried to reign in my emotions.

“I mustn't tell anyone, I would be quiet about it, although I doubt it is much of a secret,” she told me. My heart piqued, wondering how much of it she knew.

“You can stop by later to see your mother and father’s portrait, I guess it has finally come in handy,” she patted my shoulder and stood up.

“Why? What happened?” I asked, coming to my feet, “we are not through,” I said.

“Your mate has come for you,” she smiled a gentle smile my way.

I swivelled around and caught sight of icy blue eyes and a large wolf, standing on its paws.

“Later then,” I nodded and veered towards the big bad wolf.

“Tobi,” I brushed his fur horizontally, “I learnt of my parents,” he bent down, and laid on his stomach, “everyone in the Waterfall pack all told me I looked like my father, but they were wrong. I resemble my mother, it's pleasant,” I hummed as I stroked him.

His body vibrated beneath my touch and I smirked, “enjoying it much?” he nestled closer and a short laugh emitted from my throat.

“The lady, she knew my parents, she said I had the eyes and looks of my mother but her hair I never inherited,” I sighed in disappointment, “I wished I did, I imagined I would look fierce and badass in a red hair,” I touched mine tentatively, “what do you think, me in red, a ginger.”

Tobi rose to his feet, and peered around before he moved away, with a wolf grin on, he crouched and vibrated and then he was back, to his human form. He rose to his feet and immediately my mouth dropped.

He was naked!

“Cover up!” I commanded and swirled to back him.

“Why?” I listened to the sound of his approaching footsteps and oxygen got trapped in my throat.

“You wanted me in you not too long ago,” he reminded me. Gosh, my cheeks heated up and I could imagine all my blood in one spot now.

“You begged me for it,” he turned me around gently and brought my eyes to meet his, “have you soon forgotten?”

I shook me head as my eyes involuntarily trailed down, following and outlining his strong chest, the abs and down to the V that went all the way too

“Use your words,” he urged.

“No.. No I haven't,” my throat went dry and so did my tongue. My lips cracked dry and I momentarily used my tongue on my lips.

“My eyes are up here princess,” he called my attention and another wave of shame flooded me.

“I'm so.. Sorry,” I choked, “you are just incredibly—-”


“Jeez not that,” I stuttered.

“Cover up Tobias!” I ordered and looked anywhere but him.

“Incredibly what?” he prodded

“Cover up, someone may see you,” I said, rummaging the woods with my eyes.

“I would not unless you complete your statement,” he teased

Being embarrassed for the both of us I rushed, “alright alright,” and fell silent

“I’m waiting,” he sang.

I shut my eyes and hurriedly said, “so incredibly hot and damn big,” I couldn’t believe I said that out loud.

“Now that wasn’t so—-“

“Alpha!” We heard and I went still like a statue when Tobias pulled me and slammed me against his front naked.

My heart beat accelerated and I forgot how to breathe. I felt him twinge behind me.

A girl moved in, she halted when she saw our position. I made to move out but Tobi pulled me back flushed against him. By reflex I struggled under his grasp to be free but he quickly whispered, “you’re getting me hard,” and I paused, hands by my side as he pulled me even closer.

“I’ll join you soon, “ he told the girl.

“Now what about that mark you wanted,” my will disappeared with the girl.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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