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C88 Mourning

Freya's Pov

We all wore black and stood as they set the bodies on fire . He did this, Artemis killed Leilani and Williams, he took them away, he would pay for this.

Rachael had stopped crying now and Merona was rather by my side than at her side, ever since Leilani’s death, she had been avoiding Rachael, I intended to ask her but I didn't know how.

Tobias, he had been the best thing in my life, I was so glad I didn't lose him.

“How are you?” speaking of the devil and he appeared by my side, hand on my waist as if to shield me from the harsh grip of life.

“I'm digesting everything and blaming myself?” I said honestly.

He brought me down for a kiss on the forehead then kissed me, “how?” I questioned, he raised his eyebrows at me at my question.

“How are you so strong?” I asked in bewilderment.

Tobias chuckled, “It's one of the rules as a leader, they must never see you break, less they break with you,” he repeated the same words Rachael said to me during one of my lessons on being the perfect Luna.

“Your courage gives them strength, you must not act weak in front of your subordinates,” he stated, pulling me away from the track my head was about to run to.

“I love you,” I heard myself saying prior to his statement.

He was taken back, before he quickly collected himself and replied, “I love you, Freya,” he said in a way that made me grateful that I met him.

I loved how he always said ‘I love you, Freya,’ rather than just the mare ‘I love you too.’ It made me count myself lucky.

“I'll be right back,” he left another kiss on my forehead, and with that, my safe haven left.

Looking over to Merona, I went to her side, I was looking from her to Rachael, “she needs you,” I muttered and she jerked not expecting to hear a word from me.

This wasn't the Merona I was used to, the Merona I met. The girl I met was brave and confident, nothing could shake her but now? She seemed as though the world was after her.

“I'm not what she needs right now,” she said in so much agony that I could literally feel the sadness emit from just her words.

“What do you mean?” I queried holding her.

“Her mate is dead, Frey, she is not herself,” she said but I didn't understand what she meant.

“I'm not following,” I said.

Merona turned to me, “she's not going to want me Freya, every hope of that died with her mate,” she explained and I finally understood from her point of view.

She knew damn well that Rachael would never follow her, her mate was dead and so every chance of her fighting for her were gone.

“It doesn't mean that you don't have a shot,” I told her,

“I don't, Freya, I doubt she will recover,” she said in a broken voice.

“I know it's wrong to say this but you should not give up on her, don't give up on your love for her,” I patted her shoulder,

“Are you certain?” She was in so much doubt and it was quite a contrast to the person she was.

“I'm sure, believe me she loves you and I know she may seem distant now, but she's going to come around,” I encouraged and she broke into a smile.

“Thank you, Frey, and don't beat yourself up so much for Artemis' mistake, he's not worth it,” she chuckled and I smiled in return.

The burial was over, so we moved to a new place. We were still in the mountains, gathering up what he had as a pack.

Everyone was working together as we tried to form back what we knew as our pack.

We would rebuild.

Artemis Pov

“Take her back!” I commanded as they drove Loretta out of the court.

“You!” I turned to Jude, “you would be joining her, take him away,” the guards snatched him up.

“You've failed Artemis, you have,” Jude said.

“I want you to send out scouts right now to the pack, find and look around for her. She would not escape her fate,” I told Oslo.

We weren't going to stall, we were going to launch several attacks until she was found. Freya would be like a plague, anyone that did as much as give her water would fall with her.

I marched out of the room furiously, Iris had still not returned from the assignment, neither he nor Evelyn showed up for the meeting.

“Alpha!” Someone ran to me.

I stopped and turned to them, “what is the problem?” I asked in the most calm voice that I could muster.

“Alpha, I just wanted to ask when Luna Freya would return?” an elderly woman asked with hopeful eyes.

“She's not, she ran away,” I told her.

“Oh but why, she doesn't look like the type. She really did love and care for the pack,” the woman argued and I had the sudden urge to strangle her although I could not, I'd be the worst person and they would see.

Of course Freya was the perfect one, how some people that were against her were now the same ones asking of her where about.

With a stiff smile I said, “but there is Evelyn, your recent Luna, give her time and you would grow to love her,” I assured the lady.

I stood convincing this god knows who lady when all I craved for, was to retire to my room.

The woman snorted, jerking me back to the frown on her face, “she's not a Luna material, all she does is sit and look pretty,” the woman said with spite.

“She's lovely, just give her time,” I Insisted. Standing and convincing an old lady was the last thing on my mind but I had to live up to the expectations and be a good alpha to my pack members.

“Perhaps we could meet her and get to know her,” she suggested and I nodded to it.

“I'll let her know and set a date,” I told her, “now I really must go, good bye,” I walked away not waiting for her reply.

I was about to go to my room when I spotted Evelyn’s room and I decided I had to let her know of her new meeting with the pack members, give her a head start.

Groaning, I walked towards her door and knocked on it before I pushed open.

I froze in my spot with anger blaring from me, a dark deep growl left me and they jolted to their feet. Evelyn and Iris my beta were fucking?

What the hell!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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