From Playmates To Lovers/C69 News of What Happened Got out
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From Playmates To Lovers/C69 News of What Happened Got out
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C69 News of What Happened Got out

In the large, brightly lit office, the floor-to-ceiling windows cast bright sunlight, and looking down from them, there was a bustle of traffic.

Shen Moyun was sitting in a chair, wearing a suit and leather shoes. He was working when the phone on his desk suddenly vibrated twice. He picked it up and saw that someone had sent him a video.

Lyi Rann was on the screen of the video, so Shen Moyun immediately opened it and saw Lyi Rann's face. He was lying on the bed, struggling and moving. It was obvious that he was in extreme pain, and Shen Moyun's heart tightened. Later, he saw Lyi Rann get out of bed, take a few white pills, and swallow them. Then he went back to bed and took a deep breath to calm down.

That was the end of the video.

Shen Moyun was not stupid, so naturally, he could see the meaning behind the video. He threw his phone on the table and leaned back in his chair. He let out a long sigh.

Shen Moyun smiled mockingly. He was almost moved to tears by himself. Look, it was as if everyone outside knew that Lyi Rann wanted to talk to him about Lyi Rann's drug use, not his brother, Lyi Aotian. When did he become Lyi Rann's guardian? They all knew there was something they needed to talk to him about, and he turned out to be the one to clean up the mess.

He frowned deeply. This was such a big matter, he had to inform Lyi Aotian.

He took his coat and car keys and was about to leave when he opened the door and almost bumped into his assistant, who ran after him. "Director Shen, where are you going? I have a meeting later."

Shen Moyun waved his hand and said, "Cancel it." The little ancestor in his heart was about to flip over. Why was there still a meeting?

He went to Lyi's headquarters and pushed open Lyi Aotian's office door. He was talking to Jee Qixi when he looked up and saw him. "What brings you here?" Shen Moyun sat on the sofa with his legs crossed. He raised his hand and pinched the space between his eyebrows, not knowing how to speak. Jee Qixi turned his chair around and asked in a shaky voice, "What's wrong with you, Moyun? Do you have no love for life?"

"Let me show you something," He said to Lyi Aotian, who was looking at him curiously.

He took out his phone, clicked on Lyi Rann's video, and put it on his desk. Jee Qixi was curious and went over to watch as well. The office was quiet, and for a moment only Lyi Rann's pained and suppressed voice could be heard. Jee Qixi leaned back in his chair without saying a word, looking a little innocent. Lyi Aotian raised his head and looked into Shen Moyun's eyes, then suddenly picked up his phone.

Shen Moyun held his hand down. "What are you doing?" "Let Ah Ying bring him back. I'll break his legs!"

"Lyi Rann is susceptible to persuasion but not coercion. At this point, the most important thing is for him to stop. Have Ah Ying bring him to the villa in my Hua Dynasty. It's very quiet there. Also, call Gu Ci. With so many people guarding him, I'm not afraid that he won't stop." Lyi Aotian looked at him, thought for a moment, and nodded. Then, he took the initiative to call his bodyguard, Ah Ying.

Ah Ying had been instructed to bring Lyi Rann back immediately no matter what he was doing, so she took him away as soon as he was discharged from the hospital.

His face was pale and his eyes were sunken, but in a week he had been so worn out by his stomach that he hadn't eaten much in a week, and he had lost a lot of weight.

He was a man, after all, and he looked frail. His legs looked like chopsticks, and his waist was thinner than a woman's. Lyi Rann stood in the living room and watched as the others sat on the sofa and studied him.

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