Glass Table Girls/C3 Penthouse, Weekend Starter
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Glass Table Girls/C3 Penthouse, Weekend Starter
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C3 Penthouse, Weekend Starter

Ruth and Tatiana were busy in the living room, setting up the drinks and snacks for the girls who were coming over. It was Friday, and they were preparing for the weekend's events. Tatiana was a bit nervous but tried to act cool. Ruth noticed this and tried to reassure her.

"Don't worry, Tatiana, you're going to do great. You'll make a lot of money, and you'll have fun doing it," Ruth said as she poured herself a glass of wine.

"I just don't know if I'm cut out for this," Tatiana replied, a worried look on her face.

"Of course, you are. You're beautiful, smart, and charming. You'll be the star of the night," Ruth said with a smile.

The doorbell rang, and Ruth went to open it, revealing three girls who looked like they were in their early twenties. They were dressed in tight clothes, and their makeup was heavily applied. Ruth welcomed them in, and they all greeted Tatiana, who was sitting on the couch, nervously sipping her drink.

As they settled in, the girls started sharing their past experiences in the club hosting world. They talked about the lavish parties they had been to, the expensive gifts they had received, and the high-profile men they had met. Tatiana listened intently, trying to soak up all the information she could.

The three girls, Brittney, Taylor, and Blue sat around the living room, sipping on champagne and chatting about their experiences in the underworld of club hosting. Ruth and Tatiana listened intently, fascinated by their stories.

"So, there was this one time when I met this really wealthy guy," Brittney began. "He took me out on his private yacht for the weekend. We drank champagne and ate caviar every day. It was amazing."

"I remember that guy," Taylor chimed in. "He bought me a designer handbag worth thousands of dollars. I still use it to this day."

Blue laughed. "You think that's lavish? One of my clients took me to Paris for a week. We stayed in a five-star hotel and went on shopping sprees every day. I came back with a closet full of designer clothes and bags."

Tatiana was in awe of their stories. She couldn't believe the lavish gifts these men were willing to give to young girls they just met at a club.

"Do you guys ever worry about getting caught?" Tatiana asked hesitantly.

Brittney waved her hand dismissively. "We're careful. We always use fake names and keep our personal information private. Plus, most of these guys are married, so they have just as much to lose if they get caught."

Tatiana wasn't sure if she was convinced, but she didn't want to ruin the mood. She sipped her champagne and listened as the girls continued to share their extravagant experiences in the underworld of club hosting.

Tatiana listened intently as the three girls, Brittney, Taylor, and Blue, shared their experiences of the underworld of club hosting. She couldn't help but ask more questions, her curiosity piqued.

"Do you ever fall in love with these guys?" Tatiana asked, her voice soft.

Brittney, the oldest among the girls, shrugged. "I don't think so. We do this for the money, not for love."

"Yeah, it's all about business," Taylor chimed in. "You don't mix business with pleasure."

Blue, who was the most talkative among the three, added, "Plus, these guys are married most of the time. It's not like we can have a real relationship with them."

Tatiana nodded slowly, taking in their words. She couldn't imagine falling in love with someone she met at a club, but she couldn't deny that the thought had crossed her mind.

"I see," she said softly. "It must be nice to get all those lavish gifts though."

The girls laughed, reminiscing about the expensive watches, designer bags, and luxurious vacations they had received as gifts from their wealthy clients.

"It's like being a princess for a night," Brittney said dreamily. "But you have to be careful not to get too attached to these guys. They come and go, and you don't want to get hurt."

Tatiana nodded in understanding, but a small part of her wondered if it was really that easy to keep her heart out of it. She couldn't shake off the feeling that she was playing with fire, but she was too curious to stop now.

Tatiana shifted the question directly to Ruth - Have you deeply fallen for one of these wealthy guys cousin?

Ruth hesitates for a moment, looking down at the ground before she speaks. "Yes, I have," she says quietly, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. "There was this one guy, a businessman, who used to come into the club all the time. He was charming and handsome, and he always treated me well. We started seeing each other outside of the club, and things were good for a while. But then I found out that he was married."

The other girls listen intently as Ruth continues her story. "I was devastated when I found out," she says, her voice shaking slightly. "I didn't know what to do. I had feelings for him, but I didn't want to be the other woman. I tried to end things, but he kept coming back to me, telling me he was going to leave his wife. I knew it was a lie, but I couldn't help the way I felt."

Tatiana and the other girls sit in silence, taking in Ruth's story. They can see the pain in her eyes, and they all feel a sense of sadness for her. "I eventually had to cut ties with him," Ruth says, her voice stronger now. "It wasn't easy, but I knew it was the right thing to do. I don't want any of you to end up in a situation like that. Just remember that these men are not looking for love, they are looking for something else."

The girls nod in agreement, and Tatiana can see that they all have a newfound respect for Ruth. "Thank you for sharing your story," Tatiana says, reaching out to squeeze Ruth's hand. "We won't forget it."

The girls quickly change the mood and start getting ready for the night. Ruth takes Tatiana aside and gives her some advice on how to attract the high-paying clients. She tells her to always smile and be friendly, to dress provocatively but not too revealing, and to always be discreet about their business.

Brittney, Taylor, and Blue are excitedly discussing the wealthy men they hope to meet that night, and the lavish gifts they might receive. They start trying on different outfits and doing each other's hair and makeup, all while chatting and giggling.

Meanwhile, Ruth is on the phone, finalizing the details for the night's events. She tells the girls that they will be hosting a private party at a luxurious penthouse in the city center, and that they will be entertaining some very wealthy clients. The girls are thrilled at the prospect of making a lot of money and having a good time.

As they finish getting ready, Ruth reminds them to be professional and to always keep their clients happy. She tells them that they are providing a service and that they should always be respectful and courteous. With that, they head out into the night, ready for whatever the underworld of club hosting has in store for them.

As the girls arrive at the penthouse in the city, they could feel the excitement building up inside of them. The exterior of the building was breathtaking, with a grand entrance that was guarded by two muscular men in black suits. The girls walked up to them and showed their invitations, and were quickly allowed inside.

Once they entered the building, they were met with a lavish setting that took their breath away. The penthouse was huge, with high ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows that provided an amazing view of the city below. The atmosphere was electric, with the sound of music, laughter and chatter filling the air.

The guests were all wearing masks, which added to the mystery and allure of the event. The girls had dressed up in their best outfits, with Brittney wearing a short, red dress that accentuated her curves, Taylor in a glittering silver dress that made her stand out, and Blue in a black sequined jumpsuit that gave her a sleek and sophisticated look.

Ruth had chosen a stunning emerald green gown that hugged her curves in all the right places, and Tatiana wore a black dress that was elegant and timeless. As they made their way around the room, they were greeted by the wealthy and influential people in attendance.

The guests were all sipping on champagne and nibbling on exquisite hors d'oeuvres. The girls were thrilled to be a part of this world of luxury and extravagance, and were excited to see what the night had in store for them. As they mingled with the guests, they couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration and danger that came with the underworld of club hosting.

Brittney, Taylor, Blue, and Tatiana mingle with different guys at the party, enjoying the music and drinks. Tatiana, who is still new to the scene, is a bit hesitant at first, but she loosens up as the night goes on.

She strikes up a conversation with a tall, handsome man wearing a black mask. He introduces himself as Alex and they talk for a while about their interests and hobbies. Tatiana finds him charming and is drawn to him.

Meanwhile, Brittney and Taylor hit it off with a group of guys who seem to be enjoying their company. Blue, on the other hand, meets an older man who introduces himself as Mr. Williams. He seems to be wealthy and offers to buy her a drink.

As the night progresses, the group starts to get more comfortable with their respective partners. Tatiana and Alex share a dance and exchange numbers, while Brittney and Taylor plan to meet their new friends the next day. Blue enjoys the attention from Mr. Williams and seems to be having a good time.

However, things take a turn when Mr. Williams starts getting too touchy with Blue, making her uncomfortable. She tries to politely decline his advances, but he persists. Brittney and Taylor notice this and quickly intervene, pretending to be her friends and whisking her away from the situation.

Blue tries to back away from Mr. Williams, but he follows her, hurling insults at the other girls. Brittney and Taylor move in to protect their friend, but Mr. Williams shoves them aside.

Ruth quickly intervenes, trying to calm him down. "Sir, there's no need for that kind of language or behavior. Let's talk this out calmly," she says.

But Mr. Williams is beyond reason. He grabs Blue's arm and starts dragging her towards the exit. The other girls try to pull her back, but Mr. Williams is too strong.

Tatiana steps forward, blocking Mr. Williams' path. "Let her go. You're hurting her," she says firmly.

Mr. Williams looks at Tatiana, sizing her up. "And who are you supposed to be?" he sneers.

"I'm Tatiana, and I'm not going to let you hurt my friend," she replies, standing her ground.

Mr. Williams glares at her for a moment, then shoves her aside. "Get out of my way, you little bitch."

But Tatiana refuses to budge. She stands tall and looks him straight in the eye. "I said, let her go."

Suddenly, Mr. Williams is tackled from behind by a group of security guards. They drag him away, kicking and screaming, as the other guests look on in shock.

Ruth puts a comforting arm around Blue, who is shaking and in tears. "It's okay, he's gone now. You're safe," she says softly.

The other girls gather around, offering words of support and comfort. Tatiana looks at them, feeling a sense of camaraderie and sisterhood. She knows now that she has found her place in this world, and that she will always have these girls by her side.

The girls then decided to head back to the apartment - Ruth helped Blue to her feet as they made their way out of the building, with Tatiana walking closely behind them. Blue stumbled slightly, her high heels making it difficult to walk.

"Are you okay?" Ruth asked, her arm wrapped around Blue's waist.

"I'm fine," Blue replied with a slight slur in her voice. "Just a little too much to drink."

Tatiana looked around nervously, hoping that no one would recognize them from the party. They walked a few blocks in silence, the only sounds coming from the clicking of Blue's heels on the pavement.

As they approached the apartment building, Tatiana noticed a group of men standing outside, smoking and talking. She immediately felt uneasy, but tried to keep her composure as they walked past.

One of the men whistled at them as they walked by, causing Blue to stumble again. Ruth held onto her tightly, and Tatiana glared back at the men as they continued on their way.

Once inside the apartment, Ruth helped Blue to the couch while Tatiana went to the kitchen to get her a glass of water. As she poured the water, Tatiana couldn't help but feel uneasy about the events of the night. She had seen a darker side of the club scene that she hadn't expected.

Ruth joined her in the kitchen, sensing her unease. "Are you okay?" she asked, placing a comforting hand on Tatiana's shoulder.

"I don't know," Tatiana replied honestly. "I just didn't expect things to get so out of hand tonight."

"I know," Ruth said softly. "But it's all part of the game. You learn to deal with it."

Tatiana nodded, still feeling a bit shaken. She handed Ruth the glass of water and they made their way back to the living room, where Blue had fallen asleep on the couch.

Ruth sighed, looking down at her. "I guess we'll just have to leave her here for the night," she said. "I'll sleep on the couch with her and you can take my bed."

Tatiana nodded, grateful for Ruth's kindness. She knew she had a lot to think about, but for now, all she wanted was to get some rest.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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