Global Mutation/C2 Spirit Transformation or Mutation
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Global Mutation/C2 Spirit Transformation or Mutation
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C2 Spirit Transformation or Mutation

1: Spirit Transformation or Mutant 2

Family, marriage, career, power. . . All of these were things that Chung Yongchao hated from the bottom of his heart. It was because of these things that he had never truly experienced the warmth of a family, nor had he tasted the joy of heaven.

Without having a bite of dinner, Chung Yongchao quietly lay on the bed and slept soundly.

"Get up, quickly get up. "

Chung Yongchao twisted his body and fell asleep again.

"Get up! Please!" It was the voice of a young girl. Her voice was trembling and carrying a trace of helplessness as she cried.

"So tired, don't disturb me. " Chung Yongchao turned his body around and replied in a half-awake and half-awake state.

"Wuwuwuwu. . . " The little girl's cries became more and more tragic.

"Who is it?" Chung Yongchao suddenly jumped up.

In his dream, it was as if he had returned to his childhood. His mother was pulling him out of bed to chase him to school, but her cries told him that this was his home, and there was no one else in this home other than him.

"That's great. . . Wu. . . Wu. . . . . . You're finally up. " The voice was still the same, but Chung Yongchao could not see anyone.

"Who are you?" Chung Yongchao felt a cool breeze behind his neck, and all the hairs on his body stood up.

"I found you so easily. Can you help me?" The girl's voice came from the empty room. It was full of hope and pleading.

"Who are you? Where are you?" Chung Yongchao picked up the baseball bat he had placed on the wall when he returned home. He held it tightly. Due to overexerting himself, his nails lost their color and turned green and white.

"I am. . . How should I say it?" The voice seemed to be hesitating.

"Where are you?" Beads of sweat began to form on Chung Yongchao's forehead. He was an idealist, but there was no one else in the room.

"You can't see me, and I can't see you either. I can only feel your existence. " The girl's voice sounded again.

"You can't see me either?"

"Yes, listen to my explanation" The girl seemed to be a little anxious, but she didn't know where to start, so she suddenly said: "Do you know what a soul is?"

Chung Yongchao did not expect her to ask such a question. He casually replied, "I don't know. " At the same time, he put down the baseball bat in his hand. It seemed that the owner of the voice really did not have any ill intentions. It was just that he did not know what she meant by saying these words.

"The soul is human. Part, part, part, part. And it is very important. Part of it, But no matter what method you use, you can't find out which part of it exists in the human body. Some people say it's in the brain, but it turns out. . . There is no tissue in the brain that can be called a soul, right?" The girl spoke quickly and anxiously.

Chung Yongchao nodded his head reflexively. When he thought that the other party could not see him, he could only agree and express his agreement. But, could it be that this girl came to find him to talk about souls?

"Ai! Actually, the soul is just a wave, a wave that I don't understand. " The girl's voice was a bit sad and helpless.

"How do you know?" Chung Yongchao asked.

"Because. . . I am a soul wave. "

"You. . . What do you mean by this?" Chung Yongchao gritted his teeth and did not shout out a ghost.

"My body is dead. In other words, I am dead, but my soul is still alive. " The faint female voice sighs at the injustice of life.

At this point, Chung Yongchao was not afraid anymore. What this girl said seemed to make some sense. Maybe after a person dies. . . However, he felt that something was not right. If the soul did not die. . . That person should have already come into contact with the soul, not to mention. . . From ancient times until now, who knew how many people had died. . . How many souls must exist?

"I really need your help" The girl's voice sounded again.

"Help me with what?" What did this soul mean?

"This wave of mine is about to disappear, but I don't want to disappear just like that, I want you to keep my soul"

"What? Keep your soul? Can you keep your soul? " Chung Yongchao shouted.

"I think so! I used to study physics, and I have done some research on waves. Maybe I can give it a try. " The girl's voice was still uncertain.

"What can I do to help you?" Chung Yongchao started to feel pity for this soul that didn't want to disappear. She was different from him, and she was more reluctant to leave this world.

"I need a lead box. It doesn't need to be too big, just a centimeter square will do. "

"What's the use of this?" Chung Yongchao asked, puzzled.

"I really don't know if this will work, because the hardest thing for a beam to penetrate is metal like lead. On the other hand, when I enter the lead box, it might not dissipate. " The girl said.

"But where am I going to get the lead box now?"

"I don't know. Help me think of a way! Please. " The girl said sadly.

"Alright! I'll try my best to think of a way, but how long can you last?" Chung Yongchao didn't want to get back a lead box, but he couldn't find the soul. What was the use of getting a lead box? Could it be that he wanted to collect souls in the future?

"Today is April 30th, 2010. I can hold on for about 15 days. In other words, you have ten days, it should be enough. " Seeing Chung Yongchao agree, the girl's voice became much happier.

"Oh? Why are you sure you still have ten days?" This soul seemed to have experienced death before, yet it was so sure.

" My name is Lau Yuru. I died the day before yesterday. Perhaps it is because my willpower and desire to live are especially strong that my Soul Wave has not dissipated. When I was alive, I was studying the effects of the Seven Star Consecutive Chain on Earth. And although I felt the loss of the waves these two days, it wasn't much. I guess it might be related to the Seven Star Consecutive Star. " The girl spoke very slowly this time. It seemed like she wasn't sure either.

"You mean those planets are arranged in a line?!" Chung Yongchao had heard of this before, but he didn't really understand it. He couldn't even take care of his own family's matters, so how could he have the time to care about things outside of Earth?

"Yes, but I don't know if it's true or not. So you better find the lead box as soon as possible. I can't guarantee that I can really support it for ten days. " The girl said.

"Alright! I'll try my best. "

Chung Yongchao did not expect that it would be so difficult to buy a box made of lead in Beijing. There was no box made entirely of lead because it was useless. The weight of lead was bigger and heavier. There was nothing that could be used as a packaging.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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