Global Mutation/C8 How Come There's More
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Global Mutation/C8 How Come There's More
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C8 How Come There's More

How come there's more in chapter 3?

"Alright, let's talk about you guys now! Your will to live must be very strong. That's why your Soul Wave is able to survive until now. With such a strong will to live, there must be a reason. " After Chung Yongchao felt relieved, he began to want to know the story of these four people.

He had no friends since he was young, and he rarely talked to others. In the past two days, he had talked to these four souls. He had talked more than he usually did in a month. To be honest, Chung Yongchao was really happy to meet these four strange friends.

"Let me say it first! I am the first one to come. " The four souls were silent for a while, but Lau Yuru was the first to speak.

"I'm from Beijing. I graduated from a PhD in Physics Department in Tsinghua last year. After I graduated, I worked at the Beijing Aerophysics Research Institute as an assistant researcher. The research topic is about cosmic rays and dark matter energy. "

After a moment of silence, Lau Yuru continued, "I was murdered. "

"What?! Sister Liu was murdered?" Shui Ruhua exclaimed.

" Yes. That night, when I got off work, on the way home, my brother killed me. " Lau Yuru's voice became lower and lower, as if she was unwilling to continue.

"How is that possible? Is he your biological brother?" Liao Mingbo also called out.

"He's my half-brother, I'm an illegitimate daughter. My mother is a country bumpkin, coming to Beijing to be a nanny. After being raped by my father, I was born. . . Later, he felt sorry for me and my mother, so he cared about us very much. He bought us a house and gave us a lot of money. " Lau Yuru sighed and said.

"My mother died of illness two years ago. My father wanted me to go home and live at his place. He also wanted me to officially join the Liu Family, but I never agreed. This year, my father's health also fell. He was even more anxious to let me acknowledge my ancestors and return to the Liu Family. " Lau Yuru said all of this in one breath, as if she had removed a huge burden.

"Then why did your brother. . . Kill you?" Shui Ruhua asked.

"Heritage is an inheritance, right?" Ling Shengtian asked.

"Yes. " Lau Yuru replied and was unwilling to say anything else.

"Do you want to take revenge?" Chung Yongchao remembered that she had said that she wanted to take revenge. Now, he was the only one who could help her.

"Forget it. I have thought it through these two days. My father only has one son, my brother. Now I'm dead. I don't want to take revenge anymore. " Lau Yuru's voice was very soft but firm.

"That's true. Even if you die, so what if you don't take revenge? Could it be that he wants to capture the soul of his enemy and imprison it in the lead box?" Chung Yongchao said.

He now knew that the most terrifying thing was that a soul that would never die in the lead box would forever be imprisoned in the dark and lonely lead box.

"En, I understand. As long as you have the time, you can go and visit my father. " Lau Yuru said faintly.

"I am Liao Mingbo, forty-two years old this year. I am the architect of Huadu Group, Bai Hua Xin Village, and Redbud Garden. I also participated in designing the swimming pool in the Olympic village. Sigh. . . I died in a car accident, I can't blame anyone else. . . It's just that I love my wife and daughter so much! I don't want to leave them. " Liao Mingbo said bitterly.

" Okay, I got it. I will help you visit them often. If you have anything you want me to tell them. I can also help you convey it. " Chung Yongchao held the book and started to record. He knew that these souls must have something to ask of him. Besides him, they had no other choice. No more contact with family.

"Thank you. Oh yeah, I died rather suddenly. I still have a personal account that my wife doesn't know about. " Liao Mingbo sounded hesitant, as if he was still worried about Chung Yongchao. He was now a soul, so his body naturally wouldn't have any effect. But to Chung Yongchao, those were all money! For someone whom he had only known for three days, Liao Mingbo really didn't know if he could trust him this much.

"If you don't want to say it, then forget it. " Chung Yongchao interrupted him. The moment he opened his mouth, Chung Yongchao knew what he was thinking. This was really infuriating. He even said how to love his family. How could he not know that his wife loved him so much? Chung Yongchao didn't think much of this architect.

"No, no. How could I not trust you? I don't have the right to trust anyone anymore. The deposit slip for the account is in my study desk. I need to take out the first drawer below the right drawer. I stuck the account card under the drawer with a transparent tape. " Liao Mingbo finished speaking in one breath. He could already feel Chung Yongchao's displeasure.

"Well, besides this, is there anything else you want to tell your wife?" Chung Yongchao asked after he wrote it down.

"Tell them. . . I love them. . . Tell my wife. . . To let her get married earlier. She's still young. . . . . . Liao Mingbo's cries could be heard, it was a very painful sound.

"Alright, I got it. Next. " Chung Yongchao felt that he was making records for these people. He had already gotten used to it.

"I don't need your help. Although I haven't lived for long, I am very satisfied. " Ling Shengtian said.

"Oh? Can you let go of the IT Empire that you built?" Chung Yongchao asked curiously.

"So what if I can't? I'm already dead, right?" Ling Shengtian's voice was very calm, as if he didn't feel depressed because of death.

"Good, well said. I like you. " Chung Yongchao shouted. This Ling Shengtian was really amazing. It was rare for him to have such achievements at such a young age. He was afraid that even if he was given ten times the time, he wouldn't be able to achieve such an achievement.

"Where's the little sister?" Chung Yongchao knew that Ling Shengtian was a man who could afford to let go. But as a soul, he was definitely a newbie. After a long time, he was afraid that he wouldn't think this way. Through him, he would know how the empire he created changed. When he saw that he wasn't satisfied, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to keep his cool.

"My name is Shui Ruhua. I am 16 years old this year. I went to the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of Beishi and had a heart attack. " Shui Ruhua said softly as if she was still thinking about home. At her age, it was probably her first time leaving home and living with strangers.

"What do you want me to help you with?" Chung Yongchao asked.

"I have a sister with twins. She also has a heart attack. Although she is not as powerful as me, but. . . Sigh, I don't know how she is now. I miss her so much. " Shui Ruhua started to cry softly.

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