Go! Miss Hedgehog/C123 The Fight for the First Sister
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Go! Miss Hedgehog/C123 The Fight for the First Sister
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C123 The Fight for the First Sister

Housekeeper Jiang stood by the side, always wearing a friendly smile on his face, the kind that made people feel at home.

However, this did not reduce the tension like that of the chief editor. When she came to find Su Xiaoyu, she was still impatient and aggressive. However, once she arrived at the Jun residence and was led to the living room, she sat down in a formal manner. The sweat on the chief editor's body never stopped.

She repeatedly questioned herself whether she had a stroke or not.

Otherwise, how could she have so much courage? Even a wealthy family like the Jun Family. . . She also dared to challenge the Jun Family by herself.

The moment Su Xiaoyu appeared, it was as if the chief editor had been relieved of a heavy burden. "Mi Mi, I have something important to talk to you about. You haven't answered my phone or sent me a message. I can't wait any longer, so I decided to call a car and directly come over. How about it? Can you give me an hour? I want to talk to you alone. "

She emphasized the word "alone. " The impatience in her eyes seemed to be gushing out of her willfully.

"Uh, sure. Why don't we go to the studio? Oh, right. Have you had dinner? We can also find a restaurant outside and chat while eating. "

It was mainly because she felt that the Chief Editor was about to lose control of his emotions, so she made a" considerate "suggestion.

Chief Editor Ru hurriedly nodded. "I haven't. . . " When she saw a tall figure, the words dinner were forcefully swallowed back when she saw it.

Su Xiaoyu had her back to that person and did not notice him.

Ru Ru, on the other hand, saw it clearly. She held her breath and forgot everything she wanted to say. Her entire body was like a block of ice, stiffly standing there. She felt all kinds of discomfort and all kinds of discomfort.

"There are guests?"

The man hugged Xiaoyu from behind. His deep voice had an inexplicable heaviness.

"Brother Runner? You're back! It's so late today. " Su Xiaoyu cheered.

"Yeah, I'm a little busy. " He didn't try to avoid pecking her lips. Jun Chengtian's cold gaze swept over.

One second of heaven.

One second of hell.

It was as if the editor only felt a chill, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, as if she was about to be seen through.

"Is there something you want to discuss?" He asked.

"Yes, if the chief editor has something important to discuss with me, we are discussing where to go later. " Regarding Su Xiaoyu, he never avoided telling Jun Cheng about it.

"It's very late. " He shook his head disapprovingly. "We'll talk at home. "

"But. . . " Su Xiaoyu wanted to say that the Editor-in-Chief was very nervous and she was trembling.

"Don't go out. " He interrupted her and spoke in an unnegotiable tone.

Su Xiaoyu had no choice but to give up on convincing him. She apologetically turned to persuade the chief editor, "I'll ask the kitchen to prepare a simple meal for you. We'll go to the studio. You can eat while chatting, alright?"

Editor-in-Chief Ru said in her heart, Not good, okay?

But she didn't have the courage to abduct Su Xiaoyu in front of the Jun Family's male owner. Although she still didn't know the identity of this man until now, just from the aura that he naturally exuded, she could easily deduce that this man was definitely not someone she could provoke.

She smiled stiffly and followed Su Xiaoyu upstairs.

When they arrived at the studio, the moment the door closed, it was as if the chief editor had fallen into the depths of the sofa.

"Your man. . . Is too scary. " She fiercely patted her heart, helped herself breathe, and supported herself.

"It's not that exaggerated, right?" Su Xiaoyu did not know whether to laugh or cry. "Brother Ran is just a bit introverted. "

"Internal? Su Mimi, when did your wording become so conservative?" Just like how the chief editor did not agree, he said in a low voice, "Your man has the aura of a domineering CEO! The kind of words that can be used to describe a person who is arrogant, domineering, and evil, the type that can be used with just three hundred words! With just one look, he can sweep through the entire audience and shock everyone! "

In order to express that what he said was not false, just like how the chief editor did not forget to fiercely wave his hand.

"Is. . . Is there?" Su Xiaoyu was so amused that she could not take it anymore. "I don't really feel much. It's just that I really feel that my Brother Ran is too introverted and treats people who are uncomfortable. He doesn't talk much. Actually, after getting to know him in private, he is also very gentle and considerate. "

Gentle and considerate. No matter how he described it, it couldn't be linked to the feeling Jun Chengtian gave others.

After the chief editor was rendered speechless, he silently added another sentence in his heart. That must be the aura that he displayed to you alone.

She gave up on arguing with Su Xiaoyu about this matter.

After drinking half a cup of ice water and calming down a bit, she acted as if she was the chief editor and opened her mouth.

"I came today to tell you something. "


Ru Ru raised her eyebrows and poured the remaining water in the blanket into her mouth. After making sure that she could remain calm, she continued, "In the afternoon, Shen Mengmeng came to the company and caused a huge ruckus. "

"A big fuss? The company?" Su Xiaoyu's voice dragged a little longer.

She didn't really understand the meaning of these words.

"Isn't she the most popular sister in the company? She suddenly went to the company to cause a ruckus? This isn't appropriate, right? " Upon hearing such gossip, Su Xiaoyu was filled with admiration.

"Who said that she is the most popular big sister? That's the matter of the Lunar New Year? Mi Mi, you are now the most popular mangaka on the website. You're also the mangaka that the company has invested all their resources to support. If there's really a First Sister saying that. . . Then you should be the one to do it. Who does Shen Mengmeng think she is?" The head editor pursed his lips in disdain. Her words were filled with disdain.

This was not the correct attitude that a website editor would have towards an outstanding mangaka under his command.

However, just like how the editor was undisguisedly expressing his disgust.

"Cough cough. . . " Xiaoyu cleared her throat, "I just want to write this manga well, what's the most popular author? What website number one sister, I'm not interested in that"

She always felt that the way he addressed her was very awkward and uncomfortable.

"Are you interested? These are all facts. No one can change it. Some people. . . They will never know who they are. And they would never know what they should and should not do. They would think that they were unreasonable and willful. He would be able to get what he wanted just by making a fuss. Humph, he really thought of himself as a child who would never grow up. You think that the whole world is her father and mother, so you deserve to give in to her. " Just like how the chief editor finished speaking in one breath, He was still huffing and puffing.

"If she really wants to like these things, then let her be. After all, that is also her freedom, isn't it?" Su Xiaoyu still did not understand why the Editor-in-Chief had specially come over to say these things. What was her true intention?

Shen Mengmeng and her debuted almost at the same time, but after the popularity of one of her works exploded, She continued to draw endlessly. After a few years, Su Xiaoyu's results were unstable, and the data of each piece was rising and falling. Shen Mengmeng was still relying on only one manga to conquer the world, and her comics had more than 1,700 chapters. With the speed of one chapter per week, she continued. God knows how long it will take for her to be willing to give an ending.

The operation promotion that was made in the same book was already the limit. In the past few years, Shen Mengmeng's manga had always been the benchmark for the entire website and company.

Naturally, she was also the well-deserved First Sister. Her position had never been shaken.

Until Su Xiaoyu's rise in power.

However, everyone knew very well that the reason why Su Xiaoyu was able to obtain the company's support was not only because her works had so much potential, but also because she had an unshakable backer behind her.

The End
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