Go! Miss Hedgehog/C13 Intentionally Approach
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Go! Miss Hedgehog/C13 Intentionally Approach
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C13 Intentionally Approach

When they arrived at the company, the receptionist Zhou Siyu was adding lipstick, Dior 999. The classic red color was painted on her lips and it was enchanting and imposing. On the table was the latest LV bag during the season, and the bag was stuffed with soy milk and pancakes. It must be hot sauce, Zhou Siyu's favorite.

There were f * cking hidden dragons and crouching tigers in HH. Rumor had it that this young girl who drove a Ferrari sports car to and from work was Little Mi, who was kept by a big shot in the industry. Those people who gossiped behind her back were all very confident, as if they had seen it with their own eyes. Zhou Siyu was also an existence with a very strong psychological quality. If others liked to talk, they liked to talk. As long as you don't say it in front of her, just pretend that you didn't hear it, no matter how the rumors spread, as long as you don't say it in front of her, she'll just pretend that you didn't hear it.

However, if she were to be blocked in front of her face one day, it would definitely be a large-scale car accident. A while ago, there were two or three female employees in the washroom who were gossiping privately. One of them said with certainty that Zhou Siyu was actually surrounded by three old men at the same time. One, three, five, a big shot. Two, four, six, a big shot. He also had to give a time to a big shot in between. These big shots were also old friends in the business world. They had a good relationship with each other. But sadly, they were fooled by the same bad girl, and were willing to pay a large sum of money to support them. Supply Zhou Siyu to live a luxurious life of extravagance.

Zhou Siyu listened to the whole story with great interest in the corner and suddenly appeared unhurriedly. She grabbed the female employee who was gossiping as if she had seen it with her own eyes, dragged her into the toilet, and pressed her hand on the toilet bowl. This girl didn't say a single word throughout the whole process. She didn't even have any self-justification, and she simply flattened the other party into a pig's head. She also told the other party that in the future, the two of them would beat each other up every time they met, and that she would absolutely not tolerate it.

The female employee was shocked by her ruthlessness and quit her job within a few days. She completely disappeared from everyone's line of sight. Zhou Si Yu acted as if nothing had happened and flipped the page open. She was still dressed formally every day. She treated this simple front desk job with a sense of ritual. Gossips and rumors would not disappear because of this, but the lesson was there. When she wanted to chat more, she had to first confirm if the person involved in the gossip was present.

Lin Jia's impression of Miss Zhou at the front desk was only at the beginning stage of "She's a very beautiful little beauty. " The two of them were always polite when they met, and they would talk about unimportant topics such as how the weather was good today and how beautiful your new clothes were.

"Miss Lin, did you work overtime again last night? Her complexion was a little bad. Would you like to drink some wolfberry and jujube ginger tea? Beauty, beauty, and health supplements are most suitable for girls. " Zhou Siyu pointed at the health pot that was placed at the side. She had already put the base material down and poured it into clear water, causing a light red color that was rich in appetite to appear.

"Thank you. I think I still need a cup of especially strong tea or coffee. " Lin Jia nodded her head. "I need to be clear-headed here. "

As she spoke, someone ran in from behind and made a call at the last minute.

When Lin Jia saw that it was actually Su Huai, her hair was probably still messy even though she woke up late. There were still suspicious marks on his face. He should have rushed to work in the morning before he had time to wash up.

"Luckily I'm not late!" Su Huai let out a long sigh of relief. "If it's troublesome to make another serving of coffee later, I also need it. "

"All of you. . . " Zhou Siyu looked at Su Huai with an ambiguous gaze before looking at Lin Jia.

She didn't say anything, but Lin Jia just felt uncomfortable.

"I have to go to the office. "

"Wait for me. " Su Huai quickly followed, "I have something to talk to you about. "

Zhou Siyu smiled and raised her voice, "Then I'll cook two servings of thick coffee and send it to Miss Lin's office?"

"Give me a cup of health tea. I need some supplements. " Lin Jia sighed helplessly.

In her heart, she was also impressed by Su Huai's recklessness. He really was a newbie. As a person, he still retained the naivety and impulse unique to a newly graduated student. Regardless of whether it was the resistance and repulsion that he'd displayed earlier or the intimacy and roping that he'd displayed now, He shouldn't have let others notice him in front of his face, but he just had to do it. He was not worried at all that other people would look at him and cause other things to happen.

She lowered her head and pinched the space between her eyebrows.

This small movement was coincidentally seen by Su Huai, and he suddenly leaned closer and asked in a low voice, "Didn't sleep well last night?"

Lin Jia restrained her expression and subconsciously turned her head to look at the beautiful young lady at the front desk. Only when she saw that Zhou Siyu hadn't noticed them did she slightly relax. She casually replied and did not want to talk about this topic.

"Did you get scared?" Su Huai raised his brows. "I suddenly became Old Su next door, a neighbor that's separated by a wall. "

Lin Jia stared at his eyes for two seconds, her expression not too good.

"If I say that everything is a coincidence, would you believe me?" A colleague passed by at the side, and Su Huai put away his mocking smile as he explained in all seriousness.

This time, Lin Jia had an answer.

"I don't believe it. "

At this point, the topic could no longer be carried on. Su Huai rubbed the tip of his nose and wiped away the nonexistent dust.

"After I returned to the country, I rented a residential area on Jade Forest Road and have already lived for an entire month. During this period of time, I went in and out countless times every day and never met you. Sometimes, it's really hard to explain the various coincidences that exist in the human world. " Last night, when he found out that Lin Jia lived next door, he was also very shocked.

Lin Jia nodded and didn't say anything else.

After entering her office, the room was quiet. Zhang Xiaoyan saw that the two of them didn't look too good, so she tactfully found an excuse to leave.

"Didn't you say you had something to do?" Lin Jia saw that he sat down and did not speak, so she asked directly.

"I need you to attend the business meeting in the small conference room this morning. " Su Huai lowered his eyes, and there was an undetectable nervousness hidden within his expression.

Lin Jia flipped open the notebook and found the page of the schedule and asked in a slightly strange manner, "This time, it's only about half an hour of early communication. According to convention, we won't talk about the core part, so we don't need to send too many people, right?"

To put it bluntly, it was the initial contact between the two companies. After meeting, they would have a general understanding of each other. After evaluating and making judgments, they would then consider the future cooperation. There were similar business activities practically every day, and Lin Jia was already familiar with it when she was the group leader of the second group. She never expected that Su Huai would actually specially make a request to go with her for such a small matter.

She even thought that he was joking, but what she saw was an expression that couldn't be any more serious.

Lin Jia quickly checked her schedule that was filled to the brim in the morning, and after hesitating for a moment, she nodded. "Alright, but I can only stay for 20 minutes. There's still a meeting that I can't miss next. "

The smile on the corner of Su Huai's mouth turned much deeper, "See you later. "

Zhou Siyu sent coffee and tea in. Su Huai was just about to leave, and when he left, he didn't forget to bring the coffee away and even thanked Zhou Siyu with an especially beautiful smile.

The one that caused her to be beautiful. The little receptionist sighed with joy in her heart, "It's really rare to see such a talented and handsome young brother like Manager Su recently. "

When Lin Jia thought of the relationship between her and Su Huai developing in an increasingly strange direction, the smile on her face could no longer be maintained.

Originally, she had made up her mind to draw a clear line with him, do things according to the law, and privately not interact with him.

Who knew that she would suddenly become a neighbor.

Damn it, she was angry, but she had to pretend that nothing had happened.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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