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C49 A Test

"Linjia!" Big Elder Liu's voice became a little heavier, "I specially used this method to invite you over today because I have a few words I want to say to you. "

There was a limited space in the car, so soundproofing was good too.

Big Elder Liu suddenly shouted. Lin Jia frowned slightly and rubbed her ears, "If you want to say something, just say it. I can see it. You don't need to be so loud. "

"What the f * ck is going on? You don't need me to say anything. You already know what's going on in your heart. I've always been reminding you to recognize your position. Think about what you want and make a plan for yourself. Then, you will do it step by step. You have done it very well. In less than six years, you've reached your current position with your own hard work. "

Elder Liu's praise was too much for Lin Jia to listen to. She waited for him to continue.

According to her understanding of him, the first part was just nonsense, and the second part was the main point.

As expected, Elder Liu had laid out a long passage. Finally, he said with a serious tone, "Interpersonal relationships is the most complicated part of your career. The bigger the company, the more colleagues you have, and the more promising your future is, the harder it is to avoid it. You used to be neutral. It is a good decision to treat work in a practical way. In line with your status, reducing the trouble in front of you will allow you to focus. Do your best not to be dragged into the mess. But. . . Things are always changing, especially when your abilities are constantly improving. More people have noticed your existence and value. At this time, every decision you make will affect your future. It is possible that your career will become wider and wider because of this, and it is also possible for you to make an impulsive decision. All your hard work will be put to waste and stop here. "

He parked the car at the intersection.

He turned around and stared into her eyes. There was a serious expression on his face that he had never seen before: "Lin Jia, I hope you didn't make the wrong decision. "

"Whether it's right or wrong doesn't have a specific standard, who would know in the end?" Lin Jia picked up the bag and thanked him. She opened the car door and planned to walk out.

This place couldn't be parked for long. Otherwise, Big Elder Liu would have to wait for the ticket.

However, Big Elder Liu clearly did not care whether he would be punished or not. He called out to her, "Lin Jia, I've always been full of expectations for you. "

The surroundings were noisy, and Big Old Liu's voice was somewhat unclear.

There was a faint tiredness hidden in Lin Jia's eyes. At this moment, she really just wanted to quietly eat a meal alone. If there was meat and vegetables, it would be hot enough to cause one's appetite to move. Perhaps she could also ask for a cup of hot beverage and a serving of dessert. Delicious cooking and filling was probably a good medicine to save a bad mood. She was filled with anticipation.

However, Big Elder Liu did not let her go. He bent his body and stared at her with all his strength. He tried to hide his words, hoping that she would give a clear answer.

"Director Liu, I have always wanted to ask you something. " Lin Jia looked up at the red light and calculated the time in her heart.

"What?" Big Elder Liu was stunned.

"Huo Department, Lu Department, Buddha Department, which side are you on?" Lin Jia blinked.

Big Elder Liu was even more astonished. He didn't expect Lin Jia to ask such a direct question.

"Let me guess. It seems like the most impossible thing for you to do in Buddhism is to do it in Buddhism. First, you are already sitting in your current position. And you are sitting steadily and deeply recognized. A pure workplace Buddha department doesn't have so many opportunities in the f * cking HM department. Second, you shouldn't be a Huo department either. Even though I always thought that you were a Huo department, but today I'm sure that you really aren't. Otherwise, you wouldn't have picked me up in a new car today and said so much along the way. " Lin Jia shrugged playfully. "How is it? Is your speculation correct?"

Big Elder Liu's expression was very ugly.

"If you don't leave now, you will really have to collect your ticket. " Lin Jia pointed to the opposite side.

The green light lit up and the traffic police walked over. As they walked, they waved their hands.

Big Old Liu's forehead was covered in a layer of sparkling sweat. It was unknown whether he was anxious or angry.

"It's not wrong to know how to protect oneself. But no matter what kind of environment it is, Relying on one's colleagues to get promoted will not result in a good end. I believe that a smart person like you will understand this principle very well. That confidentiality agreement is binding to you, but it does not mean that everything that has happened will be strictly kept in accordance with the confidentiality clause. Lin Jia, I watched you grow up. Today, I can only say 'take care of yourself'. " He rolled up the window and stopped looking at her.

Lin Jia didn't say much either. She closed the car door and watched Old Liu drive the shiny new car away with the most handsome posture he had ever seen in his life.

The surrounding environment suddenly became noisy.

A student carrying a schoolbag walked past him on a bicycle. He hugged a group of couples and shared the newly bought Guan Dong-Boo. The lone office worker tightened his coat and walked quickly. All kinds of sounds gathered together, and it was full of fireworks.

Although Lin Jia knew that what happened this afternoon would likely end her career because of some inappropriate sentence, she still chose to eat dinner first.

Her fingers subconsciously touched the secret compartment of her purse. This place should have been hiding the amulet that Grandma left behind, but now, she felt empty.

Ever since she lost the most important thing, her life had been a mess.

- - -

A serving of beef noodles, a plate of hot vegetables, and a hot spring egg that was cut in half. The golden liquid flowing out of the egg was slightly solidified, looking very beautiful.

Lin Jia set up the plate, took a photo, and uploaded it to her WeChat Moments.

The adjective was, "Nothing can cure one's mood better than delicious food after working hard for a day. " After sending it, Lin Jia took a few bites. The food that she usually thought had a good taste tasted a little weird today. Broth was salty, the vegetables were not fresh, and the hot spring egg tasted greasy.

She put down the chopsticks and decided not to torture herself anymore. When she did not want to eat it, she still stuffed it into her mouth.

When she walked out of the restaurant, it was even deeper in the night.

It was drizzling. Lin Jia had the habit of carrying a parasol with her. When it suddenly rained, the parasol to prevent ultraviolet rays could also be used to block the rain. Her footsteps were not messy, and they were still neither fast nor slow. The people beside her looked hurried, but they did not affect her.

Lin Jia found that she liked this feeling very much. It was as if all her worries had been put down. Her entire person had drifted away from the world, and her agitated mood had slowly calmed down.

After walking past two streets, her ankles ached, and her toes hurt.

Lin Jia stood under a tree, frowning as she looked at her half-destroyed shoes and then at the coffee shop not far away.

She would visit that shop occasionally. It was not far from the company, and the desserts made in the shop were very likeable. Lin Jia liked chocolate very much. Coincidentally, the chocolates chosen by the several desserts in that shop were very high-class. They melted in the mouth and attracted people.

Without hesitation, she chose to enter the shop.

She sat down at the window and ordered a vanilla latte, a Black Forest cake, and an expired magazine as usual. She slowly flipped through the magazine.

The rain outside the window fell on the window and gradually blurred the night.

At that moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared not far away. Although it was standing at the intersection of light and darkness, it did not prevent her from recognizing the other party at first glance.

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