Go! Miss Hedgehog/C50 Meeting by Chance
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Go! Miss Hedgehog/C50 Meeting by Chance
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C50 Meeting by Chance

"Su Huai?" Lin Jia narrowed her eyes and cursed the culprit in her heart.

He didn't have an umbrella and just stood at the center of the road. His body slightly leaned to the side and looked in a direction as if he was looking at something.

Lin Jia felt a little strange. She followed his line of sight and looked over, but that direction was coincidentally blocked by a blind spot. It was very difficult to see clearly from where she was.

It could be seen that Su Huai's emotions were slightly agitated. He continuously made hand gestures as if he was saying something.

The rain wet his coat, his short hair, and his face, but he didn't pay attention to it, as his entire person seemed to be very agitated.

"What's going on?" Lin Jia stood up and decided to go out to take a look.

Besides that, she also had something to ask Su Huai.

After all, the root cause of this day's difficulty was still him. Was he obligated to give her some reasonable explanation?

Lin Jia had yet to take a step forward. Suddenly, another figure flashed out. The two men turned around and appeared in Lin Jia's sight.

Initially, it was just a casual glance, but when she saw the other party's appearance clearly, Lin Jia suddenly lost her composure.

"Why is it him?" She clenched her fists.

She waved her hand excitedly, and the coffee cup fell to the ground. The aroma spread all over the place.

"Miss Lin, do you need another cup?" The female shop assistant who was familiar with Lin Jia jogged over. She was smiling, but when she accidentally saw Lin Jia's angry expression, she was shocked.

"No need. I still have things to do, I have to go. " Lin Jia jogged out the door.

However, when she reached the entrance of the shop, she did not really rush over. She only held up the umbrella and covered her face. Her eyes were slightly cold as she stared at the two men who were arguing loudly in the rain.

One of them was Su Huai. The other man's height and physique were very similar to Su Huai's. There were differences in the shape of his face, but he also possessed peach blossom eyes of the same type. At first glance, one would feel that these two men were inexplicably similar.

She stared fixedly at the ear nail on the left ear of that man and truly didn't dare believe what her eyes saw. But the truth was right in front of her, and she couldn't allow herself to not believe it.

It was him, the weirdo who couldn't hit on her in the bar. He slapped her. That night, she lost her most important amulet.

At that time, when she first saw him, she'd felt that he looked very similar to Su Huai, and thus she'd developed a natural sense of disgust towards him.

Who would have thought that he and Su Huai actually really knew each other?

They were still quite far away, and what the two men were arguing about couldn't be heard clearly.

Their emotions became more and more agitated, and after an intense argument, the man wearing the earring suddenly pushed Su Huai forcefully. Su Huai staggered and almost fell into the puddle. He wiped the water off his face and replied with a sentence, yet he even more infuriated the other party, causing that man with the earring to charge over like a madman and throw a punch.

Su Huai received two blows and didn't withdraw his hand.

Lin Jia was surprised in her heart. The Su Huai she knew was not a gentle and harmless herbivorous species in the bones. The theory of using violence to suppress violence that he'd publicized still remained by her ears. When he attacked Senior Brother Liao, he knocked him unconscious and sent him to the hospital, and he didn't wake up for the entire night.

The doubt in her heart hadn't faded away yet, but Su Huai had already made a move. He threw out a punch after punch, and then a kick followed closely behind. It truly caused people to suspect him. Whether or not he had practiced martial arts before was because that set of fluid movements was too methodical.

Plop! Plop!

The man with the earring fell into the puddle, causing a splash.

He fell down and actually shamelessly went to hug Su Huai's leg. Su Huai, who was unable to defend himself in time, fell down unsteadily. His body was wet and dirty, and he was in an extremely sorry state.

Lin Jia's gaze was complicated, and she didn't want to interfere in the matters of these two men at all.

But when she saw the man with the earring grab a brick and smash it towards Su Huai's head, although Su Huai dodged very quickly, he was still smashed onto his shoulder, and she didn't hesitate to take out her phone to call the police.

She didn't do this for Su Huai. It was purely because she couldn't bear to see the earring man's rudeness and rudeness. As an outstanding good citizen, she was unable to watch helplessly as innocent people were injured before her eyes and indifferently watched without doing anything.

Lin Jia found a very good excuse for herself.

When she came back to her senses, she was already sitting in the police station. She was wrapped in a blanket, and there were two wet men sitting opposite her. They were separated from each other and were staring at each other angrily.

". . . Mr. Police, this is what happened. I don't know why they had an argument, but I think it's unwise to use a brick to smash the other party's head. Not causing any harm is just luck. If it really causes serious irreversible consequences, it would be the same as destroying two families at the same time. That's why I took the initiative to call the police. " Lin Jia covered her nose and sneezed. Although she didn't get wet, she still showed signs of catching a cold.

She quickly cooperated with the police to finish their statement. Her mind was filled with thoughts of rushing home, taking a hot shower, and then sleeping soundly on the bed.

The man with the earring suddenly pointed at her and shouted excitedly, "She's lying. It's all a lie. I had a grudge with her in the past. She helped Su Huai take revenge for the false police and wanted to take revenge on me. "

It was obvious that the man with the earring also recognized her.

Lin Jia sighed in her heart. What was the point of having such a good memory when he had nothing to do? Look, a simple situation was complicated, and it didn't do him any good.

The young policeman who had taken her statement turned around with a swoosh.

Lin Jia said calmly, "I don't understand what he's saying at all. If he insists on saying that he knows me, then he should be able to tell what my surname is and what number I have, right?"

The man with the earring was stunned. How would he know these personal information? He had met her at the bar before! The reason why he remembered more was because. . .

"You can't answer it, right? I knew you wouldn't be able to answer it!"

"You don't even know the most basic information, yet you dare to say you know me? We are completely strangers! And don't forget, it was you who provoked and caused trouble on the streets, fought and tried to hurt me that gave me the opportunity to act bravely for justice. If it wasn't for these policemen, why would they bring you here?"

After Lin Jia finished arguing angrily, she quickly put away her firepower and spoke in a soft voice. Her eyes swept across the few policemen in the room one by one, and finally fixed on the older middle-aged policeman.

"This kind of guy with a mouth full of lies, please investigate carefully from head to toe, and see if he's a fugitive. Do you have any criminal records on him? Could he be a criminal. . . " Lin Jia's expression was cold, and her eyes were piercing. "After all, ordinary people would not pick up a brick and hit someone's head if they didn't agree. This kind of violent tendencies is really very worrying. "

"Stinky woman, speak nonsense again! . . . " The man with the earring was so agitated that he stood up and was about to pounce on her.

Before he could stand up straight, he was forcefully pressed back by the police standing beside him. "Mr. He, please control your emotions. If you continue like this, I will have to handcuff you. "

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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