Go! Miss Hedgehog/C51 You Are My Girlfriend
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Go! Miss Hedgehog/C51 You Are My Girlfriend
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C51 You Are My Girlfriend

"That's right. It's better to listen to the police. This is a police station, not your home. Don't think you can do whatever you want. After all, this is a society ruled by law. If you want to play hooligans, someone can cure you. The police station is prepared for people like you. " Lin Jia was much more aggressive than usual, almost not giving in at all.

It couldn't be helped. When she thought about how she couldn't find the protective talisman after losing it, Lin Jia felt uncomfortable all over, and she felt unwell all over.

The more annoyed she was, the more furious she felt towards the man with the earring.

This kind of anger naturally turned into a confrontation of tit-for-tat. She had no way of getting along peacefully with him.

But from the beginning until the end, Lin Jia didn't intentionally take a glance at Su Huai, as if she didn't recognize him at all. She didn't speak, didn't communicate, and treated him with complete indifference.

Even if Su Huai stared at her a few times, or opened his mouth and intended to say something to her, Lin Jia still used a stranger's attitude to treat him and basically didn't pay any attention to him.

It caused Su Huai to be slightly at a loss. He didn't understand if it was because she wanted to maintain a distance from him because she was at the police station, or was she angry with him and truly didn't want to pay any attention to him.

If it was the former, there was utterly no need for that. The reason she entered the police station was because of a fight, so it was only natural for her to call the police and stop it. Whether they knew each other or not was actually not that important. After all, she only called the police and didn't participate in it, nor did she speak on behalf of which party.

If it was the latter, where did Lin Jia get this anger from? He did not provoke her, did he? He didn't offend her, right? Fighting with someone was his problem, and he had his reasons. It had nothing to do with her. It was unreasonable for her to be angry over something like this.

"Lin. . . " He called her and ignored the sudden feeling of boredom in his heart.

Lin Jia stood up a step faster than him, "Mr. Police, the statement is done. Can I leave first?"

"Yes, you can go now. " The young policeman nodded.

"What about me?" Su Huai immediately asked.

"Your words need to be notified to your family or the unit you're in. Call them to come and fetch you out. " The police officer replied coldly.

"Is that necessary? the police officer asked. Can't we think of other ways to make an exception?" Su Huai asked rather unhappily.

" This is a rule! Anyone who enters must abide by it!" The police officer was a little unhappy.

Su Huai suddenly shouted towards the direction where Lin Jia left," Hey, did you hear that? The police officer said that only if my family or unit came would he agree to let me out. "

There was a mocking look in Lin Jia's eyes, "Then hurry up and inform those who are qualified to come and take you away. "

"My family isn't in this city. Police officer, can you call my girlfriend?" Su Huai asked seriously.

The young policeman considered for a while before nodding his head.

The case wasn't complicated nor did it cause any loss. After criticizing and educating, he still had to release the person, so it was actually understandable who dealt with it.

When Su Huai received an affirmative answer, he instantly smiled happily and curved the corners of his eyes. "Hey, girlfriend, why haven't you come over and sign?"

He stared at Lin Jia.

Everyone's gazes instantly focused over.

Lin Jia's cheeks were burning hot, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"As my girlfriend and colleague, is there anyone more suitable than you?" Su Huai had a completely matter-of-fact tone. "Sir girlfriend, I know that what happened today made you very angry in your heart. But no matter how dissatisfied you are, let's go home first, alright? You'd better take me away now. My clothes have already been drenched for a long time. The police station is full of cold air. I feel very cold. "

The man with the earring is the most stunned one. " She. . . She is your girlfriend? "

He looked at Lin Jia and Su Huai.

He looked at Su Huai and then looked at Lin Jia.

He had an expression of disbelief and astonishment.

"I'm not!" Lin Jia clenched her teeth.

This seemed to be the second time Su Huai said that she was his girlfriend and did not have the slightest kind of genuine classification method. When he needed her, she could be a colleague, subordinate, think tank, and of course a girlfriend.

"Do you want me to kiss you in front of everyone to prove it?" Su Huai smiled like a hooligan, but the expression in his eyes couldn't be any more serious.

He really didn't want to stay in this icy cold environment any longer. It was Lin Jia who called the police and sent him in, so she naturally had the obligation to bring him out.

Lin Jia was completely shocked by Su Huai's shamelessness.

This man. . . He. . . He. . .

The man with the earring noticed something big and quickly reminded the policemen who were watching with great interest. He pointed at Lin Jia with a fierce look in his eyes, as if he was a fierce wolf that would pounce on her and bite her off at any time.

"She just said that she was a good person who acted bravely for the sake of justice. In less than ten minutes, the two of them suddenly became boyfriend and girlfriend. Mr. Police, they are the ones who are full of lies. They must have set up a trap to harm me. "

"If you don't fight, who would have the time to arrest you? You have wasted so many police resources for such a small matter, yet you still have the nerve to continue acting smart and blabber non-stop. " Lin Jia retorted unhappily. "We've wasted an entire night on such a boring matter, so much so that everyone is delayed from getting off work and not able to rest. If you have the time to shout, then hurry up and find a way to get someone to bail you out. It also saves you from causing more trouble. "

"You. . . " The man with the earring was clearly about to explode from anger.

"We won't waste the police officer's time. You will take me away, right?" Su Huai's eyes were filled with anticipation.

"I refuse!" Lin Jia rolled her eyes at him rudely.

Fifteen minutes later, after finishing all the procedures, Lin Jia and Su Huai walked out of the police station side by side.

Su Huai smiled like an old cat that had stolen a big fish. "I knew it. You wouldn't leave me behind and ignore me. "

"I don't want to care about you at all. It's just that your action of lunging over and hugging your waist just now was too shameful. " When she thought about it now, she still felt uncomfortable and wanted to go berserk.

The police officers who worked in the police department were used to being serious. In the process of investigating a case, their faces were all solemn and serious.

But just as Su Huai suddenly hugged her and lifted her up, perhaps it was because this couple's hugging posture at that time was too interesting, many people could not help but laugh along.

At the beginning, there were still some who didn't believe it, but at that time, they all believed it.

No matter how one looked at it, it was a pair of little lovers that were currently making a fuss. Now that they had turned hostile, they would reconcile later and enjoy it.

"Of course you have to care about me. No matter what, you have to care about me. Otherwise, I can only call Big Old Liu. But I don't know him at all, and I don't know if he's willing to meddle in this kind of business. " Su Huai stretched his arms as he walked, and the words that came out of his mouth were very like a joke, yet it also seemed like it wasn't.

He hadn't walked very far when rapid footsteps sounded out from behind him.

Lin Jia felt her arm being grabbed by Su Huai, and by the time she recovered her senses, she'd already been pulled behind him, and he'd used his body to completely block her.

The person that came was precisely that man wearing earrings, what was he called over for, He Cheng Qian?

He ran at lightning speed alone, leaving that friend who came to pick him up far behind, and chased all the way to the front. "Su, today's matter is only the beginning. I will definitely not let you go"

These words sounded like they would not stop until one of them died. The problem was, how much enmity and how much resentment would one have to say such words?

Lin Jia directly treated He Chengqian as half a retard. Although she didn't like Su Huai's rudeness, she hated He Chengqian's slap even more. Not to mention that she'd lost her most important protective talisman because of this fellow.

"I've already said what needs to be said, and I've done what needs to be done. If you really can't make it, then there's nothing I can do about it. " Su Huai was slightly helpless.

He Chengqian raised the corners of his mouth in ridicule and seemed to be quite sarcastic and mean, "Let all the things that have already happened pass. How can you have the face to say it out loud?"

Su Huai interrupted him. "Since you can't make it, repeating it over and over again is only a waste of time, isn't it?"

When the two men were fighting earlier, Lin Jia stood rather far away and couldn't hear what they were arguing about.

Now that she heard a segment, her interest was instantly aroused.

Unfortunately, the two of them didn't intend to continue.

He Chengqian sneered and raised his voice. "Miss Su, I heard that you are this person's girlfriend? Are you blind? There are so many men in the world, but you fell in love with a huge liar. "

Libre Baskerville
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