Go! Miss Hedgehog/C52 A Boyfriend and Girlfriend
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Go! Miss Hedgehog/C52 A Boyfriend and Girlfriend
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C52 A Boyfriend and Girlfriend


She wanted to stand out from behind Su Huai and stare into He Cheng Qian's eyes as she asked what exactly he meant by those words.

But Su Huai's reaction was even faster. He placed one hand behind his back and stopped her, hugging her tightly and not allowing her to move at all.

Lin Jia was behind him, and she could not see his handsome face that had instantly faded away the color of blood as well as the panic that filled his eyes.

He Cheng Qian saw it very clearly, so he laughed and laughed. "Interesting, you actually really like this woman? Su Huai, you're good, you're too good. "

"He Cheng Qian, shut up. " Su Huai gritted his teeth, and in his heart, he had the impulse to charge forward and fight with He Cheng Qian.

How could He Chengqian possibly be obedient? The more Su Huai didn't allow him to say, the more he wanted to say it. The more Su Huai refused to let Lin Jia face him, the more he had to jump in front of Lin Jia.

"Look at how nervous you are. You really like her. But did you tell her those things you've done, did you. . . "

He Cheng Qian suddenly stopped talking. He laughed loudly and crazily. He looked like a patient who had just come out of a mental hospital. There was a terrifying madness in his expression.

"Miss Lin! What about you, do you like Su Huai?"

Lin Jia didn't have the time to reply before her body was suddenly pulled by an enormous force, and her entire body was pressed close to Su Huai's back.

She was able to clearly feel how tightly his arm was stretched.

"Miss Lin, you're colleagues with him. So we are in the same environment and have sex for a long time? That's not right. He has only been working for three months, right? We don't have much time, and our relationship isn't very strong either. He probably didn't tell you the truth, so look at how nervous he looked. His face was pale, and his forehead was covered in sweat. Hahaha. . . "

He Chengqian's laughter suddenly stopped. " Let me tell you, your boyfriend is the one with a mouth full of lies, the one with the biggest mouth. . . Aiyo. . . "

A pair of high heels came crashing towards him.

He Chengqian subconsciously used his hand to block it. The sharp heel of the shoe hit his palm. The pain was unbearable.

Su Huai swiftly turned around and saw Lin Jia bend down and take off the shoe on her other foot. She used it as a weapon and held it in her palm. She didn't look at him at all and only glared angrily at He Cheng Qian.

"Tell me who my boyfriend is, and you, this bastard who hit women, don't need to tell me. " Lin Jia fiercely shook her high heels that were used as a weapon very skillfully. "Let me hear you say it again. I will not be polite to you if you speak ill of him. "

It was the first time He Chengqian had seen such a fierce woman. He was suddenly frightened.

By the time he recovered from his shock, Lin Jia had already pulled Su Huai to the side of the road.

A taxi stopped, and the two of them very straightforwardly squeezed into the car and swaggered off.

He Cheng Qian once again tasted that heart-wrenching feeling. Besides a string of words that came out of his mouth, he was unable to do anything else.

On the other hand, the atmosphere between Lin Jia and Su Huai wasn't very good in the taxi.

Once she sat down, Lin Jia collapsed and panted heavily.

Recalling his string of actions that were like flowing water, Lin Jia felt that she was truly a cool and stupefied young lady. However, this was her first time doing such a thing after all. After getting excited, she slowly started to get nervous.

"Lin Jia. . . " Su Huai's voice was gentler than ever before.

"Please don't speak. I want to be quiet. You should also be quiet. " No expression could be seen on Lin Jia's face.

With her current appearance, Lin Jia did not conceal her aloofness that was a thousand miles away. Su Huai only felt as if a basin of ice water had been poured onto his face, and it instantly doused that little flame that had just burned fiercely in his heart to the point not even a spark was left behind.

The radio station was filled with dull music, and from time to time, the radio host would interject and mutter some words to himself.

It was a bit boring, so he went all the way to the entrance of the neighborhood.

After getting off the car, Lin Jiashun threw the shoes he had been carrying into the trash bin, and walked quickly in front of him barefooted.

"Lin Jia?" Su Huai quickly caught up and looked at her feet with a complicated expression, "Your shoe. . . "

"Even if the sheepskin shoes are destroyed after being dipped in water, what's more, there's already no one left. It's useless to keep the other shoe. " Lin Jia waved her hand, meaning that she didn't need to care about such unimportant things. "It's still early. Do you want to go out and find a place to sit?

"Why?" Su Huai's expression was completely concealed by the night sky, and he actually couldn't see very clearly.

"So many things have happened, don't you think it's necessary to have a chat with me?" A wave of anger surged up from the bottom of her heart for no reason, but Lin Jia did her best to suppress her emotions. She had to maintain a clear mind and reason.

"What are we talking about? He Cheng Qian's nonsense? Or about his girlfriend and boyfriend? " Su Huai's tone had completely changed. It was slightly frivolous, and it was filled with cold words and obvious resistance.

Lin Jia's entire body was icy cold as she stood there straight, and her fists that hung down on both sides of her body were tightly clenched.

"If you are curious about what He Chengqian said, what I want to say is. . . That part is my private matter, my personal privacy. . . It is inconvenient, and we don't like to disclose it, so there is no need for us to talk. As for girlfriends, boyfriends, and so on. . . It's just a harmless joke, don't take it to heart. You don't need to take it seriously. " Su Huai's arms were wrapped around his chest, and no emotion could be seen in his peach blossom eyes at this moment. "Lin Jia, you suddenly suggested to have a chat. Don't tell me. . . You really took the joke seriously? Hey, Miss. Relax, we are the best partners. The alliance of attack and defense is united against the enemy. It has always been like this, hasn't it? "

Lin Jia's heart suddenly contracted. When the sharp pain hit her, she admired herself for being able to remain expressionless and not see the slightest change in her emotions.

She heard herself reply to him in a tone that did not have any fluctuations: "Of course I will not take jokes seriously. What I want to talk about is not these boring private matters. To be honest, I am not interested at all. "

"It's good that you don't have any. Otherwise, I would have to think of an excuse to refuse. It's quite troublesome. " Su Huai's hand moved with his back, and his right hand firmly grabbed onto his left wrist. His five fingers were clenched very tightly, as if he was about to crush his own bones.

Lin Jia stared at him coldly. "You still don't know, right? This afternoon, I received an investigation from the company. "


" The investigation is related to you. "


Lin Jia clenched her fists even tighter. The man in front of her suddenly became extremely unfamiliar.

It was as if she had never known him. From head to toe, she could not find any familiarity with him.

"It's late. I'm tired. I should go back and rest. " Su Huai patted her shoulder. "It's best to go back to the company to deal with work matters. It's time to get off work now. "

Lin Jia:???

Did Su Huai take the wrong medicine? She had already hinted so clearly that he actually hinted that he wasn't interested in the content of those investigations at all?

Could it be that when they were wrestling earlier, Su Huai's brain was broken by He Cheng Qian?

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