Godly System: From Fire to God/C5 This Is a Miracle!!
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Godly System: From Fire to God/C5 This Is a Miracle!!
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C5 This Is a Miracle!!

"It's a miracle! A true miracle! The Goddess doesn't want us Cat-people to suffer, so she has come to save us. This is a sign from the heavens!"

The most beautiful among the Cat-women suddenly trembled, her voice quivering as she cried out.

Tears streamed down her face as she knelt in the direction of Lin Mo.

The Orcs, unaccustomed to such wonders, were completely baffled by the scene unfolding before them. They instinctively interpreted it as a divine sign.

Following the lead of the Cat-woman, the others also fell to their knees, bowing incessantly.

Meanwhile, Lin Mo was preoccupied with stoking the flames that would end the three knights' lives, all the while observing the Cat-people's reverent display with amusement.

"Ding! Killed a Rank Two Knight. Gained 60 experience points."

"Ding! Killed a Rank Two Knight..."


After three successive chimes, Lin Mo contentedly retracted the flames.

Though the experience points from the three Rank Two Knights weren't as substantial as those from the two Rank Three Demonic Beasts, they were still far more rewarding than the meager points earned from incinerating vermin and wild beasts.

"Ding! Faith power detected. Would you like to activate Godhood?"

Just as Lin Mo was ready to dismiss the Cat-people and make his getaway, the system's prompt chimed in once more.

Holy smokes, I can activate Godhood!

A surge of excitement washed over Lin Mo. He had thought his only path to power was through relentless burning, but now the prospect of attaining Godhood and ascending to divinity was within reach!

Gods reigned supreme in Chaosland, and achieving such a status was to stand at the pinnacle of this realm. Lin Mo was convinced that with Godhood, he could carve out his own dominion on this vast continent.

"System, activate Godhood!" he commanded without a second thought.

"Ding dong, your level is insufficient. You must reach the Fire King level to activate Godhood."

"Damn, what a rip-off!"

The system's response plunged Lin Mo back into frustration.

Currently a mere Level-2 fire essence, he needed to climb eight whole levels to reach the Fire King status.

But with the Cat-people prostrating before him, Lin Mo knew he couldn't afford to wait. If he took the time to level up, who knew where these Cat-people might vanish to in the meantime.

Given the circumstances, this seemed like the best course of action.

Seized by a sudden stroke of genius, Lin Mo expended 500 points of his burning value to conjure a colossal visage of flames before the Cat-men.

As the fiery countenance materialized, the Cat-men collectively gasped in astonishment, thoroughly convinced they were witnessing a divine sign.

All of them prostrated themselves, pressing their foreheads into the ash-laden grass and soil, too fearful to lift their gaze toward Lin Mo again.

Having ascended to the rank of a fire essence, Lin Mo now possessed the faculties of speech and movement, which made communicating with the Cat-men quite straightforward.

"I am the God of Flames. Who are you, and why do you offer me your worship?"

Lin Mo spoke with an intentionally imposing tone.

"O Great God of Flames, I am Qingyou, the young chieftain of the Civet Clan. It is with great audacity that I address you. I pledge my life and soul to affirm that from this day forth, the Civet Clan shall be your most devout followers. We implore you, God of Flames, to shower us with your divine radiance and shelter your children."

The most striking Cat-woman among them crawled forward a few paces, her head bowed deeply as she spoke.

Ah? So this Cat-woman was the young chieftain of their tribe. That explained why the others had been so keen on shielding her, both overtly and subtly.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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