Groom For The Day/C4 The Selfish Type
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Groom For The Day/C4 The Selfish Type
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C4 The Selfish Type

"Wow! What is this? What is going on?" Ayodele thought fleetingly as the bundle of energy in his arms came on to him with fervour. Ayo had always prided himself as a man's man through and through, and he wasn't about to complain about his luck.

It wasn't every day that a man went from narrowly escaping death to ending up in the arms of a crazily beautiful woman, all in the space of an hour.

He was bowled over with the hint of desperation in the way she was tearing at him, yet he matched her fervour without backing down. Buttons flew as they tried to get a better hold of each other.

They rolled on the bed, one trying to take control and the other not seceding.

The temperature in the room heightened and the staccato whirring from the ceiling fan was barely sufficient as steam rises off them.

Ayodele swore as his tight belt made it impossible for her to unbutton his fly. He sat up, capturing her mouth in a steaming kiss as he hurriedly unbuckled his belt.

Tanya packed back her hair away from her face into a tight bun and she hurriedly drew her legs up on the bed to unbuckle her heels, throwing them to the floor as they came back together in a renewed frenzy.

Ayodele holds the hem of her top, removing the material over her head in one slick pull unveiling the creamy perfections underneath cupped daintily by a cotton white bra.

Next goes her pant trousers and he chuckled when he saw matching cotton panties.

He looked at her with a raised brow and she shrugged. Ayodele couldn't be certain but it seemed a look of uncertainty crossed her face, then she averted her face and placed her hands flat against his abdomen from underneath his shirt and she grew bold again as she sucked his nipple through the clothing, laughing when Ayo's body jerked.

Ayodele had been with several ladies in his life, but her touch, her kiss, her boldness, and the underlying shyness and uncertainty in her turned him on more than he could believe possible.

He rolled her over, placing her on top as his engorged penis rest firmly against her panties. Ayodele ground against her, lying back with a silent challenge in his eyes for her to go ahead.

"Are you good?" He asked when that fleeting uncertainty passed in her eyes again.

She shook her head with a smile and he wondered why she reminded him of a skittish bird.

But then she bent down to give him the hottest kiss of his life and he forgot his fanciful thought as he held her closer; deepening the kiss.

Ayo's eyes crossed as she took his hand, and looked him straight in the eyes with a sensual look as she held his hands to her breasts.

Ayo took up the challenge and he thumbed her nipples through the sheer bra, her moans rang out loud and long as he pushed down the bra, the underwire lifting the two globes for his ministrations. Ayo reared up looking straight into her eyes.

"Don't close your eyes" he told her when she attempted to. "Just getting started, baby" Tanya opened her eyes drowsily to look at him and he grinned wickedly as he sucked her tits hard and then bit her gently before blowing hot air on her. Tanya forgot his order and her head lolled back as she let out a long low moan.

"I want you in me now!" She said throatily.

"Oh, yeah? Your wish is my command" he said as he lifted her in one swift move. He extended his hand to take one of the complimentary condoms that the hotel provided for every room. His engorged penis stood at attention as she collected it and rolled it on for him.

Ayo groaned out loud when she squeezed him through the latex as she hurriedly pulled down her moist panties and he pulled her down slowly on him.

Tanya opened her mouth in a silent scream as he angled under her in a way that she felt him much deeper than she believed was possible. He turned her slightly sideways, pulling out shortly from her before slamming back in.

Tanya screamed then belatedly shut her mouth as they looked at each other and shared lust-hazed laughter then they started moving in tandem.

Ayo couldn't boast of a lot of talents but he can confidently claim that when it comes to sex, few people could match his stamina. His friends don't call him the coitus god for nothing after all.

This energetic woman with fluttering hands and boundless energy beats all odds though. He has had his fair share of women and none had been able to blow his mind like this.

She matched her energy to his, meeting each bar he raised and he, who was rarely wowed by anything or anyone these days, was flabbergasted at how open she was to trying everything he threw at her.

Ayo thought to shock her with each new style he suggested but she took him up on each, adding her ingenuity.

By the time the two of them collapsed, tangled together on the bed, the sheets were somewhere on the floor, their clothes scattered everywhere and they had used up the five condoms they met in the room.

Ayo was certain that if he shook his head hard enough, his brains would probably leak out of his ears.

"Oh! My god!" Tanya exclaimed breathlessly, trying to catch her breath.

"Yeah, oh my god is about right! That was hot damn!"

"I think I just died and went to heaven. Six orgasms in a row! " Tanya whispered in awe.

"That means you choose the right partner then. You are welcome, madam. We aim to please. We are always here for you." Ayo grinned.

"Oh? Would you please extend your service to get me a glass of water? I am parched right now."

"Oh, alright. As I said, we aim to please" he stood up, glanced at his trousers, and then decided to let go of them. He walked naked to pick up the glass cup on a low stool close to the door "You, madam would have to make do with tepid water though for now. I would have to go downstairs to get a cold bottle of water and I'd rather not go like this" he gestured to his naked form.

"Oh really?" Tanya levelled up on her side placing her elbow on the bed with her hand to her head to enjoy the show. "Why not? I love what I am seeing and I am sure that the girls downstairs would be grateful as well"

"Oh really? You would love to see me walk downstairs buck-ass naked?" He snorted out a laugh.

"Hold on, let me picture that in my head" She closed her eyes and moved her head theatrically from side to side before opening them, her eyes were filled with laughter when she said "On second thought, I think not. I wouldn't like to share this privilege of seeing Adonis in the flesh with anyone"

"Oh yeah? So you are the selfish type?"

"Yes, very" she answered immediately "The tepid water would do, I need something down my throat right now, unless you are offering something else you know," she said suggestively.

Ayo looked at her in confusion for a minute then he realised what she meant "Tanya, damn, are you suggesting what I think you are suggesting?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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