Groom For The Day/C5 Who Is Martinez?
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Groom For The Day/C5 Who Is Martinez?
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C5 Who Is Martinez?

He moved to the sink to fill the glass.

"Well, I hate to put anything to waste. Anything at all, especially when that thing could be useful," she said, licking her lips like she was tasting it.

"Damn, you really would enjoy that, won't you?" He said as he moved back to the bed to offer her the water.

"Hmmm hmmm," she purred. Looking at him seductively from beneath her lashes as she stretched her hands slowly to take the glass from him.

"You are thirsty, ain't you? He asked.

"You bet, very thirsty" she replied with a hot look that made Ayo almost lose it.

"We have to get some water in you then."

He moved the water out of her reach and drank it, keeping some in his mouth as he climbed the bed. He captured her mouth in his, slowly trickling the water into her mouth.

Tanya felt like she would explode. She had no idea that a man could ever make her feel like this. She moaned into his mouth as the water that had been warmed from his mouth made her feel like she was taking him in her mouth.

"I would have imagined wine in this scenario, guess water could work too" she purred when she could trust her brain not to spew out gibberish.

"As I said, we aim to please and we love to make good use of the available as well. It worked, that is what matters," he said as he motioned at her nipples that had hardened and were straining toward him.

She laughed sheepishly "How resourceful of you! Oh look, it worked on you as well," she said with a laugh as she grabbed his aroused cock, giving it an abrupt hard stroke.

She laughed when he groaned and let him go.

"You are fire, baby! I have never met anyone like you," Ayo exclaimed when he could find his voice again, lightly spanking her butt.

Tanya turned her head to grin at him "Would you mind saying that to a camera, please? Just so I can add "Take that, Martinez!"

Ayo's hand stilled where he had been trailing circles on her ass "Who is Martinez?" He asked

"Oh shoot! I shouldn't have mentioned that bastard right now"

"Who is Martinez?

Tanya rolled over, dislodging his hand from her behind as she reached for the sheets. " My fiance."


Ayodele couldn’t believe his ears as he looked at her in shock “Wait what? You…you have a fiance” he said then he remembered that she had mentioned something about marriage and a fiance.

“And you are here with me right now? Right here? Like this? In bed? Not that I am complaining, mind you, but well, it just boggles the mind. Shit”

She gave him a defiant look as she thought “How typical! Why not? Let’s just jump right to conclusions.”

Ayo couldn’t quite remember her exact words at the moment as it seemed that his brain had been scrambled from vigorous good sex or maybe it was from the ridiculous wave of jealousy that enveloped him when he thought of the fact that she was about to get married or she had any man in her life that had enough claim on her to be called a fiance.

Ridiculous, he knew but it made him want to punch through a wall or preferably through the idiot’s face. Sporting a bruised face to the wedding venue should be a fine way to start that happy married life. He thought maliciously

“Damn, she is literally down the aisle already,” he thought. Then he remembered what she had said when they were running from the men. “Tomorrow. Damn it all, she had said tomorrow” the thought chilled him as he leapt off the bed to put his trousers on.

“Of course, I have a fiance,” Tanya said shakily, then she firmed her voice as she put on her bra, the euphoria of sex leaving her already. I am pretty sure I informed it to you already. Or I at least said something close to that” she defended herself.

“Yeah, now that my lust-hazed brain has been cleared, thank you very much, I can clearly remember you saying that you’re getting married tomorrow. Was that correct or it was just a joke?” Ayo asked incredulously

Tanya raised her eyebrow “Why on earth would I joke about something like that? And no, it’s not tomorrow. It is happening today” she said folding her arms across her waist as she inclined her head towards the wall clock.

Ayodele looked at the clock and it was truly 1:25 am.

“What?” he thought. “We had been entangled for two hours straight?” He wondered then he swore as he realized what that meant.

“Jeez, I have been fucking a woman about to marry on her wedding day?” He gave her a long look as myriads of emotions ran through him, betrayal being paramount.

He had no idea why he would feel betrayed.

They hadn’t even known each other for that long and the moment they left this room, both of them would go back to their lives. Yet he couldn’t but feel used. Why would any woman do that on the day she was supposed to be at her best for her man?

Would she leave the room right now, forgetting him the instant she stepped outside and went back to her boring boyfriend? Fiance. Husband to be or whatever his title was now.

Well, he had to be boring if she was here right now, banging somebody else.

“I’d be damned if I would be used for a quick fuck by anyone before she starts her perfect neat new life. The man is properly old and impotent,” he thought viciously.

Tanya couldn’t take the silence anymore “No, you have not been fucking anyone, we both did the fucking together, and if you stand there right now been hypocritical by judging me for what we both enjoy? You better have a rethink, man. I do not need your bullshit. Nor do I need to explain myself to you. I needed a quick fuck. You were it. That is all.” she said dismissively, turning around to search for her panties.

Ayo blinked “Wow!” He tucked his hands in his pockets as he laughed humorlessly turning his back on her then he turned to her again. “Wow!” He gave her a mocking look “You know, this would be the first time I would hear that from a female. Normally you hear a woman whining about a man using them for sex. And now, I have just been described as a quick fuck!”

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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