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C6 Chapter 6

Clay's laughter echoed through the dungeon. Jenna rolled her eyes, “ I promise you. I’m not kidding you. I was brought here by a crazy old time clock wizard.” Clay looked at her now interested, “ The clock wizard that gave the queen her power?” Jenna nodded, “ But according to him, she didn’t have any power. She just placed herself in the king’s path to gain status.” Clay looked at Jenna with wonder. “ So your really from somewhere else?” Jenna nodded, “ I swear to you I am and in my timeline, no dragons, witches werewolves or vampires exist. At least not in the open.” Clay put his head down, “ so that means we lose.” Jenna sighs, “ I don’t know what that means. What I do know is this isn’t possible. I should be sitting here talking to a dragon. DRAGONS DON’T EXIST!” Clay sighed, “ we do. Well now at least, I’m wondering if we're extinct in the future.” Jenna nodded, “ Honestly I'm not sure, In my future, this castle is a museum.” Clay looked at Jenna with confusion, “ what’s a museum?” Jenna laughed, “ It’s a place that holds things of the past. A way to look at history.” Clay nods, “ So in the future, there’s not even a queen or king.” Jenna laughs faintly, “ No..actually a president. “ Clay sighed, “ I don’t know if I can even believe you.” Jenna nods, “that’s exactly how I feel about you being a dragon.” Clay laughs as he looked at her. She could make out some of his facial features but not that many. Besides his glowing green eyes, she had no reason to believe he wasn’t crazy and not an actual dragon.

“ either way, I’m escaping. Do you want to come with me?” asked Clay. Jenna looked at his eyes and then at his face, “ escaping how?” Clay smiled, “ My best friend is working on that now. He should be breaking through that wall any time now.” Jenna looked at the wall he pointed at, “ That’s made of stone. Breakthrough how?” Clay laughed,” Dragons are strong.” Jenna nodded. The only thing she knew about dragons was what was told in books.

Just then, the walls began to shake. “ Here he comes.” Exclaimed Clay Excitedly. Thunderous blows hit the wall until it split. A man walked through the hole that he had made and light immediately illuminated the dungeon, “ Yale, you big brute! Took you long enough!!” said Clay looking at the man who walked in. He was tall. The sudden light almost blinded Jenna. She turned to the cell that Clay was in. Yale walked to the cell and broke it open. Clay stepped out. “ Open hers too. She's coming with.” Yale looked at Clay in confusion, “ she's a human. She cant come with us.” Clay shook his head, “ It’s a long story. Now grab her and let's go!!” Yale rolled his eyes but did as he was told. He smashed open Jenna’s cell and reached for her. Jenna hesitated. “ Come on girl! Let's go!” said Clay. “ You can stay here if you want and perhaps be put to death or escape with us.” Jenna sighed, escape sounded much better than death. She reached for Yale’s hand and he grabbed her pulling her out.

As they stepped into the light Jenna took in the surroundings. The castle looked so much different. The stone was the same but it was in a forest. There was an actual draw bridge. “ Get down!” yelled Clay. Arrows raised past their heads. Jenna looked down, the king's guard was trying to take them out. “ what now?!” she shouted. Clay smiled and his body began to change. He transformed into a beautiful beast. Where had stood before stood a massive green dragon. His scales bounced the sunlight off of them. His wings were beautiful. He used his tail and picked up Jenna and placed her on his back. He gave her a reassuring, “ Hold on look” and ran picking up speed. Jenna gulped as she felt him lift off the ground. She looked behind her and Yale was just as magnificent. He was blue though.

Soon the arrows could no longer reach them and she marveled at the world below them. The town of pleasant Ville wasn’t a town. It was a village. She could see the people below her and they scream as the dragons flew over. Yale and Clay swooped in and over clouds. This was incredible. Jenna had never even been on an airplane and now she was flying through the sky on a dragon! This was completely crazy! She watched the world below turn into nothing. No towns, no people. It was barren. She then looked up and saw that they were headed to the mountains. The wind started to pick up and it got cold. She shivered against the wind as it kissed her skin. The mountains had snow. They went from sunshine to an Iceland. She sighed as the 2 dragons landed close to a peak.

She got off and both men shifted again back into human form. She covered her eyes. Both men were naked. Clay laughed, “ You’ve never seen a naked man before?” Jenna blushed, covering her eyes, “ can't say that I have.” Yale grinned, “ seems you picked up an innocent human.” Both men walked into a cave that was just below the peak. Clay motioned to Jenna to follow. She followed them with her head towards the ground, not to see their nakedness. Once they reached the inside of the cave, both men grabbed clothes. Jenna looked around. This was incredible. This was a whole home in a mountain. There was furniture, clothing a kitchen. The works. “ wow.” She gasped. Clay nodded as he handed her a blanket and started a fire. “ We will get this started to warm you up. Dragons run a lot hotter than humans.” Jenna nodded as she shivered. Clay motioned for her to sit down. “So why is she here?” asked Yale.

Clay smiled, “ well.. it's a pretty interesting story.”

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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