Half-Yokai Sparrow/C29 The King of Eastern Zhou Had Revealed Himself
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Half-Yokai Sparrow/C29 The King of Eastern Zhou Had Revealed Himself
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C29 The King of Eastern Zhou Had Revealed Himself

When he heard Wei Liu say that his sword was in the kitchen, Ruojie had a distressed look on his face. He quickly asked, "Why did you put my sword in the kitchen?"

Weiliu laughed dryly and said, "I saw that his body was big and sharp. I thought that it would be useful if I put it in the kitchen to chop firewood."

"What? Chop firewood? You … You actually took my Little Ruojie to chop firewood … " Ruojie said in pain.

Yun Yan agreed, "That's right. You are going too far. No matter what, it's a treasured sword. How can you take it to chop firewood? Hurry up and take it back."

Weiliu turned around to the kitchen to get the sword. Yun Yan comforted him, "Ruojie, don't think too much. It's already good enough that you can get it back. Just treat it as your Little Ruojie going out to train."

Ruojie held his chest and could not breathe. Seeing that his face was as white as paper just now, and now it was flushed red again, Yun Yan said anxiously, "Ruojie, are you feeling unwell?"

Ruojie shook his head slightly and said, "I'm feeling sorry for Little Ruojie."

The two of them did not say much, but Wei Liu had already brought Ruojie's sword over. Ruojie almost jumped up and hugged his sword.

Yun Yan thought that the Little Ruojie that Ruojie spoke of was just a sword. He did not expect it to be such a huge sword. Yun Yan made a rough gesture. That sword was almost as tall as her. Ruojie was tall and carried a huge sword everywhere. It was really flamboyant.

Yun Yan smiled and said, "So this is the Little Ruojie that you were talking about. After listening to him for so long, I finally meet him today."

Ruojie held his sword in his arms like he was holding his little brother. No wonder he said that this sword had grown up with him since he was young. Yun Yan thought, "How did Ruojie carry such a big sword when he was young? Why did he place it in his house to admire it?"

Ruojie's body was still not mobile, so he could only lie on the straw obediently. Compared to when he was living in the inn, he was very disgusted with the inn's utensils. At this time, he could only lie on a pile of straw and struggle to survive. It was too embarrassing for the White Tiger Clan to let a ghost come and save him. Ruojie thought that he must not let anyone know about this matter, especially the people from the Demon Realm. Otherwise, he would not know where to put his face.

Over the past two days, Yun Yan had taken good care of Ruojie. Wei Liu's kitchen was temporarily lent to Yun Yan to use. Ruojie also benefited from it for a few days. He finally ate some normal food here. Ruojie praised Yun Yan's cooking skills, and even Wei Liu, who was used to eating ghost food, praised Yun Yan's cooking skills.

After that, Wei Liu was very serious in preparing to acknowledge Yun Yan as his master. Yun Yan looked at Wei Liu and said, "Your cooking skills are really terrible. It's only enough for ghosts to eat. Who else in the other realms can eat it? Using fresh blood to cook noodles. Tsk tsk tsk tsk, even a normal person can't eat it, okay?"

Weiliu said seriously, "That's why I want to acknowledge you as my master and call you to cook, okay?"

Yun Yan reluctantly agreed. Firstly, they needed to wait for Ruojie's body to recover for a while. Secondly, they really had nowhere to go. They could just treat it as doing good deeds to accumulate merit.

Weiliu was very happy. He held his sleeves and helped Yun Yan in the kitchen. Yun Yan pointed to the cabbage on the table and said, "This needs to be fried first. When the oil is hot, pour the cabbage in..."

Weiliu scratched his head and said, "This... Does it need to be fried?"

Yun Yan said in surprise, "Are you boiling water?"

Weiliu said, "Haha, haha, I'm used to cooking with blood."

Yun Yan laughed and said, "It seems that you need to change your habit of cooking in the future."

Weiliu said, "But they all think that what I cook is delicious."

Yun Yan looked at him with disdain and said, "Could it be that your unique taste is that unique?"

Weiliu said doubtfully, "Actually, it's just that they think it's delicious. I eat it the same way. I'm a ghost anyway. I'm not dead from hunger anyway. It's okay if I don't eat it."

Yun Yan stir-fried the dishes as he said, "Look at this vinegar cabbage. After the cabbage is stir-fried in the pot, add some vinegar, salt, and it will be ready very soon."

Weiliu nodded seriously. Very soon, Yun Yan's dish was done. Yun Yan handed the dish to Weiliu. Weiliu took the vinegar cabbage from Yun Yan's hand and smelled it. The smell was really fragrant. He picked up a piece and tasted it. The taste was also very fresh and delicious. Yun Yan handed the big spoon to Weiliu and said, "It's your turn."

Weiliu stood in front of the stove, not knowing what to do. He waved the spoon in his hand, but he did not know what to do next. He hesitated for a long time, but Yun Yan could not bear to watch anymore. "First, pour the oil in."

Weiliu said, "Oh, first, pour the oil in."

As he said that, his hands lost control. He accidentally poured half a bowl of oil into the pot. Yun Yan hurriedly shouted to stop him, "You poured too much oil."

Weiliu held the bowl with one hand and the spoon with the other. He said in puzzlement, "Too much? I saw that it was just right."

Yun Yan said, "This amount of oil is enough."

Yun Yan called Weiliu to scoop all the excess oil in the pot back into the bowl. Weiliu said again, "So little, is it enough?"

Yun Yan said, "They say that a gentleman is far from cooking. You are an innkeeper, so why don't you know how to cook? Are you a gentleman?"

Weiliu said as he followed Yun Yan's instructions to pour the cabbage into the pot, "I used to have a high status before I died. How can I do such a rough job?"

Yun Yan looked Weiliu up and down. "Oh, so you are also a noble young master."

Weiliu nodded and said, "Mmm, a little more expensive than that."

Yun Yan continued, "Prince?"

Weiliu thought for a while and then said, "A little more expensive than that?"

Yun Yan continued, "You can't be a prince, right?"

Weiliu nodded and replied, "Mmm, I used to be."

As Weiliu spoke, his hand stopped moving. Yun Yan shouted, "Use the spoon to flip the vegetables. If it's not the top, it's already cooked."

Weiliu said, "Oh, okay." He quickly flipped over the cabbage in the pot and picked up the vinegar bowl. Just as he was about to pour the vinegar into the pot, Yun Yan stopped him, "Don't. That will be too much."

Yun Yan searched around the kitchen and found a small spoon. He gave it to Weiliu and said, "Use this. One spoonful is enough."

Weiliu looked at him and said, "Is it enough?"

Yun Yan said helplessly, "It's enough."

The two of them continued to talk. Yun Yan asked curiously, "You're a prince, so you can't be the king, right?"

Weiliu revealed a proud smile and puffed his chest out. Then, Yun Yan patted his chest and said with a smile, "How is that possible? You don't look like one. How can a king be reduced to opening an inn?"

Weiliu quickly said, "How is that impossible? Everything is possible."

Yun Yan said, "I don't believe it. Tell me which country you are from?"

Weiliu said mysteriously, "Have you heard of the Dongzhou?"

Yun Yan felt like he had heard of this name somewhere before. He nodded and said, "I think I have."

Weiliu said, "Qin Ji is from the Dongzhou, and I am the king she mentioned."

Yun Yan was shocked, "What? You … You are … The king of the Dongzhou?"

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