Half-Yokai Sparrow/C30 Willow's Vinegar Cabbage
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Half-Yokai Sparrow/C30 Willow's Vinegar Cabbage
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C30 Willow's Vinegar Cabbage

Yun Yan looked at Weiliu and stir-fried the cabbage in the pot again. He looked at the shocked Yun Yan and said, "How much salt do you need?"

Yun Yan came back to his senses and said, "Oh, just a little less."

Weiliu scooped some salt and asked, "Is it okay to put so much?"

Yun Yan looked at him and said, "Just half is enough."

Weiliu muttered that the dish was difficult to cook and added salt to it, turning the cabbage in the pot over and over again.

Yun Yan said, "Okay, it's ready to be taken out of the pot."

Weiliu smelled the cabbage he stir-fried and it seemed to finally have a normal taste. Yun Yan picked up a piece of cabbage and took a bite. The expression on his face was uncertain, making Weiliu a little nervous. Weiliu said carefully, "How is it? Is the taste okay?"

Yun Yan tried his best to swallow the entire piece of cabbage. Weiliu saw that Yun Yan was at a loss for words and knew that he had failed again. "Is it... very bad?"

Yun Yan turned around and patted Weiliu's shoulder and said, "I know that you have already done your best."

Weiliu picked up his chopsticks and tasted a piece of cabbage. He then picked up another piece of cabbage and ate it with satisfaction. "Mmm, I've never cooked such a delicious dish before. I really don't dare believe that I can actually make such a delicious dish."

Yun Yan said with a solemn expression, "You... are you misunderstanding... the word 'delicacy'?"

Weiliu said, "I'm very normal."

Yun Yan whispered, "There's no harm without comparison. Only now do I know how delicious Master's dishes are. If I was raised by Wei Liu, I would probably have starved to death."

Yun Yan continued, "You said that you were the king of the Dongzhou Country, so what did you eat when you were alive?"

Weiliu thought for a moment and said, "At that time, I naturally ate normal food. But after I died, I didn't seem to have eaten anything that was cooked by others."

Yun Yan finally understood. This evil spirit had been cooking dark food for him since the death of the king of the Dongzhou Country. He thought that he could cook everything together, but why could Qin Ji still eat the noodles he cooked? And she could eat two bowls at a time. Could it be that the ghost's taste was very unique?

Yun Yan remembered what Qin Ji said to him that night: The king of the Dongzhou Country planted many Dove Flowers in the country and attacked the neighboring country for her. What was all of this about? Yun Yan was filled with curiosity. He asked with a smile, "Weiliu, do you really like Qin Ji?"

Weiliu was still jealous of him. He held the plate and kept stuffing the cabbage into his mouth. When Yun Yan asked this, he choked and coughed for a while. He pinched his neck and waved at Yun Yan.

Yun Yan said in surprise, "You don't like her? Since you don't like her, why did you do so many things for her?"

Weiliu took a long time to recover before he slowly said, "I mean, I was stuck."

Yun Yan rolled her eyes and said, "Then you like her."

Weiliu said, "Of course I like her. When I was not enthroned, I had seen Qin Ji once. At that time, she was not famous. I just felt that she was very special. Even though she was in the fireworks, her eyes were still clear. With just a glance, I fell in love with her, and it was a very crazy love."

Yun Yan said, "Then why didn't you think of a way to save her?"

Weiliu said, "Perhaps I just felt that it was not appropriate for me to do such a thing. However, it would not be good for the king to spread the news about a woman. If I were an ordinary man, I would probably save her at all costs. But I am the king, so I can only do something that can make her happy."

Weiliu, who was just holding a plate and eating cabbage, had a hint of melancholy between his eyebrows. It was completely different from before. Yun Yan looked at Weiliu and thought, "Maybe this is what he should be like as the king."

Weiliu continued, "Unfortunately, I could only plant her favorite cuckoo in the entire country. When the cuckoo blooms, she should be smiling."

Yun Yan nodded and said, "You have done so much for her, but she knows very little."

Weiliu held onto the chopsticks tightly, "She is too dazzling and too talented. She can't possibly remain nameless forever, so her name is known by everyone in the entire Dongzhou. I can't stop this, perhaps this is the beginning of her tragedy."

Yun Yan said, "Haven't her tragedy already begun?"

Weiliu laughed self-deprecatingly and nodded, "Indeed, if I had never seen her, perhaps her ending would be much better."

Yun Yan shook his head and said, "You are wrong. Just as you said, she is too dazzling. Even without you, there is still the possibility of the Western Zhou and Northern Zhou kings. So she can't escape the fate of fate."

Weiliu finally put down the chopsticks in his hand, "You are right. Even without me, there might be someone else who would do the same thing."

Yun Yan said, "Are you really going to attack the neighboring country for her?"

Weiliu said, "This, is it true?"

Yun Yan frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Weiliu said, "They are all very curious about why I don't attack the weak country, but go to bite the hardest bone." Weiliu continued with a light smile, "Dongzhou doesn't have much resources, and there are more mountains. The amount of food planted is very little. How many people die of hunger every year because they can't eat their fill? I'm the king, isn't this my fault?"

Yun Yan said, "So, are you going to expand the land?"

Weiliu nodded and said, "That's right. I am expanding the land. Half Xia Country and Dongzhou Country are not much different. There are more mountains. If I take down Half Xia Country, then more people will starve to death under my rule. I can only fight for it and target the fertile and rich Yuwu Country. If I win, then the lives of the people will no longer be difficult."

Yun Yan nodded and said, "I understand, but why didn't you tell the others?"

Weiliu said, "Maybe it's because of the pride of the king. I don't want my people to be sad because of a useless king, so it's better to not explain."

Yun Yan said, "Then wouldn't it be too much of a pity if you let Qin Ji bear such a crime?"

Weiliu laughed and said, "It's too insincere."

Yun Yan said, "It's not just insincerity. She lost her life for this matter."

Weiliu said, "I did indeed let her down. If it wasn't for my selfish desire, she might not have died so miserably."

Suddenly, footsteps came from the door of the kitchen. The two of them looked towards the door. It was Ruojie. He had already walked to the door of the kitchen and said while covering his stomach, "I'm starving to death. The two of you have been cooking for a long time."

It was only then that Yun Yan remembered that they had already been in the kitchen for a long time. A dinner had been made into supper.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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