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Uncle Tian looked at Zuo Feng's dark eyes and could not help but feel a chill in his heart. How could a teenage boy have such a temperament? "It was as if he could see through everything and his mind was extremely calm. It was no wonder that the Fifth Elder acted in accordance with his wishes at such a young age.

With a bitter smile, Uncle Tian said, "That's right, for the mayor, this is a great benefit. However, those benefits are nothing compared to being able to be promoted to the county governor. "

"Upgrading the county governor?"

Uncle Tian nodded and explained, "The city lord is appointed directly by the Ye Lin Empire, while the commander is appointed by the county governor. The two balanced each other out, thus preventing a situation where one person was in charge of the region. And for the third consecutive victory in the trial, there would also be some additional rewards. The City Lord would be given the opportunity to challenge the county governor. If it were a commander, he would also have the qualifications to challenge the City Lord. "

Zuo Feng looked meaningfully at Uncle Tian, and said with a smile: "Looks like the previous two trials were all for the City Lord's side to obtain an excellent victory?"

"I can't hide anything from you, little devil. It's just as you guessed, the City Lord won the first two trials." Therefore, this Trial is extremely important to the City Lord and the county governor. I believe you also understand why the City Lord went into seclusion for such a long period of time. "

Zuo Feng was very satisfied with Uncle Tian's detailed explanation. Actually, he didn't mind helping the City Lord's Mansion, but the premise was that he had to be honest with him like today. Even if the other party did not have any malicious intentions, Zuo Feng still did not like the feeling of being kept in the dark.

"Then, what benefits would I get if I were to participate in the Trial?"

Uncle Tian hesitated for a moment before continuing, "For such a large shop, you only used half of the price to get your hands on it. Isn't the reward too generous?"

Zuo Feng's expression did not change. This shop was originally a little trick for the opposite party to lure him into the trap. However, the reality was as uncle Tian had said. Even if the other party had borrowed money to buy it, he would have only spent less than half of the money spent. However, even though he agreed to it, Zuo Feng still hesitated.

As if he had seen through Zuo Feng's thoughts, Uncle Tian smiled and continued, "Actually, there is still some reward."

Hearing him say that, Zuo Feng's interest was immediately piqued. However, looking at the smile on Uncle Tian's face, he could guess that the "reward" he spoke of was not that easy to obtain.

Seeing Zuo Feng's reaction, Uncle Tian continued.

"Each side of our east prefecture's' Rotary Tower Trial 'will select four participants. Our Swallow City side will have twelve participants. Including the other two cities and Eastern County City, there would be a total of forty-eight people participating. This spiral tower is divided into five floors. Every floor that goes up will receive a reward. So whether or not you can obtain this reward will depend on your strength. "

Hearing this, Zuo Feng finally understood what was going on. It was no wonder that Uncle Tian wasn't worried that he wouldn't be able to do anything. If he wanted to receive the reward, he would work hard to advance through the trial, as long as he was willing to agree.

Zuo Feng lowered his head and started to ponder. Uncle Tian was already used to this young man's caution. He did not disturb him and just stood to the side quietly, waiting for his answer.

After thinking for a while, Zuo Feng raised his head and looked at Uncle Tian with a determined gaze. He said, "I agree to participate in this exam. When are we leaving?"

Uncle Tian was slightly overjoyed upon hearing the affirmative answer. However, he was at a loss whether to laugh or to cry after hearing Zuo Feng's words. He lightly patted on Zuo Feng's shoulder and said, "Young man, don't be so anxious. The exam will only be held three months later. You should prepare well during this period of time. If there's anything you need, you can come to the City Lord's Mansion to find me. "

Zuo Feng then reacted and rubbed his nose. Just as he was about to say something, the Fifth Elder, who had an embarrassed expression on her face, walked in. Zuo Feng also immediately suppressed his intention to ask about the details of the trial. There were still three months left for him to slowly understand the details of the trial.

When Boss Zhong saw the joy on Uncle Tian's face, he was stunned for a moment before hesitating. He then walked up to Uncle Tian and whispered a few words into his ear.

Uncle Tian's expression changed slightly as he listened. He looked at the Fifth Elder, but then he remembered something and turned his head to look at Zuo Feng. He said blandly, "I didn't expect you to trade with gold cakes. I have underestimated you and the strength of your Zuo Family Village." "I hope that from now on, your village will be one of the most powerful forces in Yan City."

After saying that, Uncle Tian walked out without looking back. Boss Zhong turned his head and gave Zuo Feng a deep look, then quickly followed him.

The exchange between the two was like a battle between two experts, ending just like that. This conversation had fully cooked up the taste, and the rest was left for the other party to savor. Uncle Tian couldn't help but have a new evaluation of Zuo Feng's intelligence and agility. Zuo Feng also had a new understanding of this old martial arts world.

'Although I don't know how he figured out that the money was related to me, but his words before he left clearly indicated that the City Lord's Mansion would support the expansion of the Zuo Family Village.

Thinking about this, Zuo Feng couldn't help but feel happy. At the beginning, he only hoped to get some small businesses for the Zuo Family Village, where he could be self-sufficient and let the villagers gain a foothold in Yan City. However, looking at the current situation, it was entirely possible that the Zuo Family Village could become one of the big forces in Yan City. Zuo Feng would definitely not let such a good thing go.

Looking back at the Fifth Elder who was still flipping through the deeds, Zuo Feng couldn't help but smile as he spoke.

"Fifth Elder, I think we should set up our own trading shop as soon as possible."

The fifth elder was stunned by Zuo Feng's sudden words for a long time. He stuttered for a long time before speaking, "Y-you said the Exchange Hall …" It's not a mountain trade? "

Zuo Feng smiled and nodded, then said, "Yes, it's the Merchant Shop. And it's a comprehensive trading shop that collects both auctions. I haven't thought about the details yet, but tomorrow I'll tell you exactly what I think. "

The Fifth Elder just watched Zuo Feng walk out with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face. It took him a while to recover from his shock. But after all, he had lived for so long. Recalling what Uncle Tian said before he left, he seemed to have understood something. Following that, a look of excitement appeared on the Fifth Elder's face.

Zuo Feng was definitely one of those people who acted with great speed. Although he was only a novice in management and management, he had a powerful backing, and that was the support of the City Lord's Mansion.

Since he had already agreed to their request, and since both sides were on a honeymoon, and had Uncle Tian's promise as well, Zuo Feng naturally wouldn't be polite with them. The next day, Zuo Feng found Uncle Tian and made a few "small requests" to him.

First, he borrowed his "good friend" Boss Zhong to be the shopkeeper of his new store. Just as Zuo Feng had expected, this person was indeed the manager of a business in the City Lord's Mansion. Instead of letting the villagers manage it, he might as well hire an expert in this area. Of course, this Boss Zhong would still be under the supervision of the Fifth Elder.

After that, Zuo Feng suggested to buy a batch of rare items, and of course, Fifth Elder would not mind if he transferred a portion of the money Zuo Feng brought back. As for the rare items mentioned by Zuo Feng, they could not be gathered in a short period of time. He could use this time to reorganize the new shop.

Zuo Feng's goal was to prepare for an auction. In order to attract popularity, he would need to use rare items to make the auction more effective. After father Zuo Changqing used the elixir brought back from Zuo Feng, he was able to use only five days to walk underground. With the help of father's old carpenter and the hunting squadron, the new shop quickly became as good as new.

For the past half month, Zuo Feng had been running all over the place, frequently going back and forth between the City Lord's Mansion and Xinpu. Zuo Feng had bought another ten houses on the other side of the house, and the villagers no longer needed to live together like before.

The spacious yard behind the new shop had already become a place for Zuo Hou and his buddies to train. Zuo Lang and his family also moved into a yard at the back of the house. Just as Boss Zhong had said, the two houses were empty.

But then there were some new changes. After the fight with the fifth elder, Teng Fang insisted on going to one of the courtyards. After Zuo Feng found out, he didn't say much and just gave one of the courtyards to the hunting squadron. This way, both the small and hunting groups would each occupy their own courtyard. Zuo Feng had wanted to leave the last courtyard to Zhuang Yu, but Zhuang Yu insisted on staying in the old shop.

Zuo Feng also understood that although the old shop was simple and crude, it was something that Teng Xiao Yun had bought back then. Zuo Feng could only respect her decision. Zhuang Yu also underwent a huge change. When Zuo Feng visited her for the second time, Zhuang Yu's hair had already turned as white as snow.

After a month of busy work, the old shop was completely organized. One auction hall, two sales rooms and a comprehensive trading hall were all redecorated. After the preparation was completed, Uncle Tian also personally delivered the goods. Zuo Feng didn't intentionally lower the price, but Uncle Tian intentionally sold them at a price that was 20% lower than the market price.

Although Zuo Feng was grateful, he knew that this was also a way for the City Lord to rope him in. Therefore, Zuo Feng just politely declined the offer and handed it over according to Uncle Tian's request.

Some of the special materials in this batch included magnetic spirit stones, iron crystals, and the cores of two Rank 1 Demonic Beasts. News of this kind of precious material was spread very quickly. On the day of the auction, Zuo Feng even saw a lot of cultivators with extraordinary cultivation bases. It was obvious that they were warriors from other empires.

The Zuo Family Village's "Zuo Yun Trading Company" also officially opened on the day of the auction. The reason why Zuo Feng used the name "Zuo Yun" was because he wanted everyone to remember that the people of the Zuo Family Village could have what they had today. Don't forget that Old Village Chief "Teng Xiao Yun".

On this day, the village of Zuo had a brand-new start and finally had a place in Yan City.

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