Heaven Burning Devil God/C45 Extortion of Confessions by Severe Punishment
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Heaven Burning Devil God/C45 Extortion of Confessions by Severe Punishment
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C45 Extortion of Confessions by Severe Punishment

Zuo Feng's palm strike sent the opponent flying, but his face didn't reveal any trace of joy because that palm strike still couldn't bring out the power of the Cloudwave Palm.

After recovering from his severe injuries this time, he discovered that his strength, speed, and other aspects had all increased by a large degree. However, after using the Cloudwave Palm, he realized that his ability with martial skills had remained at the same level.

Speed and strength were all improved through special modifications. However, the use of martial skills required comprehension and familiarity with the circulation of spiritual energy. There were almost no shortcuts in this aspect.

His opponent's Na Hai had been destroyed by his palm strike due to the sudden explosion of his spiritual energy and his opponent being caught off guard. Although Zuo Feng's heart was in turmoil, one must know that he was able to destroy the Na Hai in one attack with his body strength of the eighth level. This was something he could be proud of.

Zuo Feng looked at his palms, and the dissatisfaction on his face also disappeared in a flash. After that, he looked at the heavily injured man on the ground. He then looked at Zuo Feng, who was slowly revealing a cruel smile.

The person on the ground had just spat out two mouthfuls of blood. Just as he was about to spit out the third mouthful, he saw Zuo Feng's smile, which scared him so much that he swallowed his blood back down.

"Cough, cough …" Because he suddenly swallowed the blood, he coughed a few more times. At that moment, his face was completely pale. It was unknown whether it was because he was injured or because he was scared. Now, he was no longer as simple as when he was first chased. He simply thought that he was looking at a teenage boy.

"What do you want?" He forcefully suppressed the fear in his heart and shouted loudly as if he were trying to strengthen his courage.

"In the remaining time, I will ask and you will answer. If you displease me, I will make you regret living to the end. " Zuo Feng's face was calm, and when he spoke, his expression was very indifferent, as if he was talking to a rock.

After hearing Zuo Feng's words, the man's expression changed many times, from fear to hatred to despair. He was currently struggling in his heart. If they failed to act, they would inevitably die. However, if they were to speak the truth, it was likely that their entire gang would be wiped out, not to mention what would happen to their families.

"Have you decided? I don't have much time, so let's get started. " If someone who didn't know the situation heard Zuo Feng's words, they would suspect that they were discussing an unimportant matter.

"Who are you people?" Zuo Feng asked calmly.

The man's gaze wandered for a long time before he gritted his teeth and turned his head to the side, looking like a dead pig that wasn't afraid of boiling water.

"Sigh, I have to make things so complicated." Zuo Feng sighed helplessly and squatted down to remove his boots. The man was also baffled by Zuo Feng's actions, but he instinctively felt a sense of unease.

After he took off his boots, Zuo Feng grabbed one of his feet and held it in his hand. He pinched the man's toes with both of his hands and forcefully pulled it to the side. With a "ka" sound and a painful scream, the man's toes weirdly twisted to the side.

Zuo Feng acted as if he didn't hear anything, and pinched the other toe to break it apart. This kind of crisp sound and unceasing shouts continued for a while. The man's five toes were all forcefully pulled to the side.

"You want to answer now?" Zuo Feng waited for the miserable scream to gradually die down before he asked again.

"Damn you, you little bastard! Even as a ghost, I won't let you go!" The man's eyes were blood-red. Traces of tears actually flickered in his eyes, but his reply was an unusual one.

"Sigh …"

Zuo Feng helplessly looked at the crazy man, then sighed and shook his head.

"Do you know how many joints there are in the human body?"

Zuo Feng spoke softly, but he did not have any intention of getting an answer from the other party. Instead, he slowly continued, "There are 78 of them." Pausing for a moment, he continued, "So you must know how many more times this pain will persist. You can choose not to tell me, but I will continue to do so." Only now did Zuo Feng raise his eyes to look at him.

"Who are you people?" Zuo Feng repeated his previous question.

"I beg of you, please let me go." The man was on the verge of breaking down. After hearing what Zuo Feng said, he said with a sobbing tone.

"That's not the answer I want." Zuo Feng shook his head and said indifferently. The next moment, the man's other toe was also broken.

"Ah …" You beast, you are a demon. " The man let out a loud scream. The pain in his leg was so intense that he could barely feel the pain from the sea. Sweat mixed with tears continued to fall.

Zuo Feng's face was now frosted over as he watched another toe completely deform in his hand. He twisted the other's foot without hesitation, and after the ankle was broken, it powerlessly hung down. This was because only the skin between the leg and the foot was still connected.

"I say … I said... "Wuu wuu …" The man's mental defenses had completely collapsed and he began to cry like a woman.

"Actually, you don't have to suffer this kind of torture at all. Then let's return to the previous question. Who are you people? " Zuo Feng helplessly sighed and said.

It was hard to tell the direction in the dark forest, but Zuo Feng seemed to be at home as he ran in one direction. After the torture just now, Zuo Feng had already gotten everything he wanted to know. That man had now turned into a cold corpse. On his face, besides pain, there was also more fear and despair.

So it turned out that this group of people were only members of the two gangs in Yan City. All of these were within Zuo Feng's expectations. However, since he came here, he should have never offended this Zhang Yu. However, why would he keep making things difficult for me, or perhaps it is more accurate to call it making things difficult for our village.

'There must be something I don't know, but the members of this gang don't know anything about it. 'Looks like if I can return to Yan City successfully this time, I'll have to pay more attention to this Zhang Yu.'

Zuo Feng ran quickly while thinking about everything. The surrounding scenery and lush trees quickly retreated, and Zuo Feng's mental energy would occasionally spread out as well.

After continuously using this type of probing technique, Zuo Feng found that his brain would feel a stabbing pain that lasted for more than half an hour. At the same time, his head would also feel dizzy. It would be better to let it out now and then and only extend it in one direction. It would not affect his body much.

Zephyr had already made his judgement on the situation ahead of him. The wild beasts that could bring danger and obstruct him had all let him avoid them.

This time, their journey back to the village was different from the last one. The last time, they had to bring a carriage and salute, so they could only take the road. Although it was a bit far, they didn't have to worry about being harassed by wild beasts. This time, Zuo Feng could avoid the wild beasts in the forest by himself, so he chose to rush straight towards the village.

As Zuo Feng ran towards the village, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear. This feeling was very sudden and he couldn't explain it. Zuo Feng also increased his speed to the maximum.

At this moment, he was running at full speed, even if he did not use up all his energy. Even so, Zuo Feng still used up an entire night's worth of time. There was nothing he could do. In order to kill the eight pursuers, he had been forced to run a long way in the wrong direction.

At this moment, the sun had already moved towards the center of the sky. If one were to climb over a small hill, they would be able to see their own village. However, the panic in Zuo Feng's heart did not show any signs of calming down. Instead, it became even more depressing. It was as if the closer he got to the village, the more obvious he felt.

"Did something happen in the village?" "Please don't let anything happen to Uncle Teng, I just hope that I'm worried." Zuo Feng comforted himself.

During the first half of the night, Zuo Feng had already expended a lot of physical strength. Afterwards, he rushed on without stopping, and by now, Zuo Feng had already run for more than ten hours in the forest. With his current strong physique and endurance, his legs were trembling non-stop as he panted heavily.

When they finally reached the top of the mountain, Zuo Feng sat down on the ground after looking up. He saw that the village was already in ruins and there was still some smoke coming out. However, from afar, the village looked like it was on fire. Zuo Feng's eyes instantly turned red when he saw this scene, and he could only think of one thing.

"The village of Zuo is gone!"

He rushed down the hill like a madman. At this moment, Zuo Feng no longer felt any fatigue, only anger and hatred in his heart.

Without caring about anything else, Zuo Feng charged down the mountain. He wanted to kill every enemy he met, or be killed by the enemy. But things were just that unpredictable. It was only after he entered the ruins of the village that he realized, along the way, he actually didn't see a single enemy. To be more accurate, he didn't see a single living person.

All that could be seen were the broken remains of the burning building, and inside the burnt house, one could see piles of corpses that had been burned into pieces. Feeling the heat in his surroundings, he realized that all of this had happened last night. Perhaps it was when he was fighting with the pursuers from Yan City in the forest.

Zuo Feng's heart was in pain. He did not use any of his strength to deal with the danger to the village. He did not save a single person.

Suddenly, he saw many corpses hanging on the wooden fence that was high up on the wall outside the village. When he had entered the village, he had been so angry that he had not had the time to examine it closely. At this time, he inadvertently glanced around and was shocked to find that all 100 corpses had been pierced from the top of the chest and hung on the wall.

Zuo Feng's anger could not be described with words. With a few leaps, he arrived at a fence. When he walked closer, he saw that he did not recognize the person on the wall. He then looked at the next person, but he still did not recognize the person. It was not until later that he saw a few villagers whose faces could barely be recognized. However, they had actually changed into grey clothes and were hanging on top of the clothes. This made Zuo Feng feel at a loss.

'The reason these corpses were treated in such a manner must be because of the people who attacked the village. There was even a portion of them who were changed into grey clothes.

This puzzled Zuo Feng, and he calmed down a little. He carefully checked every single one of the fences surrounding the village. In the end, he discovered to his shock that the majority of the corpses hanging on the wall belonged to the bandits of Golden Rock Mountain.

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