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C270 Mad(1)

He had completely defeated Fu Chuan, scolded Helian Bozhong, and ignored all the inner circle elders!

Woo Zhengyang's actions had scared the disciple who was leading the way into a daze. Even if he did wake up, he would never dare to lead the way for Woo Zhengyang. Woo Zhengyang wasn't afraid of the Great Elder and the others, but that didn't mean he wasn't afraid.

It wasn't really a big deal if he didn't lead the way for the disciples. The Profound Heaven Sect's base was built to make it easier for the disciples of the Profound Heaven Sect to stay there. The backyard was filled with training rooms. Woo Zhengyang casually chose one to stay in.

Of course, Woo Zhengyang knew that Zhou Lianshan, the Great Elder, and the others would definitely want to kill him at this moment.

However, Woo Zhengyang also knew that they wouldn't dare to attack him so easily. After all, they were only elders. Even if it was the Sect Master, Nie Fengyu didn't have the right to kill inner circle disciples as he pleased. As for whether they would be afraid of him or not, Woo Zhengyang wasn't sure. At least the combat strength Woo Zhengyang displayed wasn't enough to threaten the expert at Shape Gathering Stage.

However, if they really wanted to attack, Woo Zhengyang wouldn't be afraid. At most, he would use all his trump cards and fight to the death.

Woo Zhengyang was confident that if they dared to attack, the one who would regret it in the end would be themselves.

After running for so long, even the Martial Dao cultivator couldn't help but feel tired. Woo Zhengyang took a shower and changed his clothes, then he heard someone knocking on the door.

The person who came was actually Fu Chuan, which was somewhat out of Woo Zhengyang's expectation.

Fu Chuan came with food and wine.

Woo Zhengyang did not want to hit the smiling person, so he did not want to refuse and invited Fu Chuan in.

Seeing Woo Zhengyang's puzzled face, Fu Chuan placed the food and wine on the table. He smiled and said, "Mr. Zhengyang, don't worry. I am not here to win over people's hearts this time. Our Black Sect can't let go of a giant dragon like you! Besides, I can also see that Mr. Zhengyang's ambitions are very high. Even if I give up the position of the Black Sect's leader to him, I'm afraid that Mr. Zhengyang won't even put me in his eyes."

After saying that, Fu Chuan raised his wine cup and indicated.

Woo Zhengyang didn't stand on ceremony. He raised his wine glass and downed it in one gulp, then asked, "Then aren't you afraid that the Great Elder and the others will find out about you coming to find me?"


Sighing, Fu Chuan also cleared his cup of wine. With a bitter smile, he said, "Mr. Zhengyang really does not listen to what is happening outside the window! I'm afraid you don't know that before you, I have long been a thorn in the side of Great Elder and the others! I, the gang leader of Xuan Gang... It's not easy! "

As soon as the box was opened, Fu Chuan started to vomit bitter water at Woo Zhengyang.

Indeed, Woo Zhengyang knew very little about the matters in the Profound Heaven Sect.

It wasn't until Fu Chuan mentioned it that Woo Zhengyang found out what the Great Elder of the Profound Heaven Sect was called.

Helian Hanhai!

Upon hearing this name, Woo Zhengyang had already guessed that he must be related to Helian Bozhong.

The truth was that Helian Bozhong was Helian Hanhai's grandson.

Woo Zhengyang knew that the Great Elder, Helian Hanhai, and the Sect Master didn't get along well.

The reason why the two didn't get along well was because of Helian Bozhong.

When Helian Bozhong entered the inner circle, Helian Hanhai had hoped that Nie Fengyu would take him as his personal disciple.

A personal disciple of the Sect Master did not mean that he would become the next Sect Master, but he was the most promising and qualified one.

However, Nie Fengyu rejected it without any reason, which caused Helian Hanhai to be dissatisfied.

As the third disciple of the inner sect, Fu Chuan was the Sect Master of the Black Sect, and he had to compete with the Sect Master of the Heavenly Sect, Helian Bozhong.

Besides that, Fu Chuan also had another identity - Nie Fengyu's in-name disciple!

Until now, Nie Fengyu did not have any personal disciple. As his in-name disciple, Fu Chuan was also Helian Bozhong's strong opponent in the competition for the position of the Sect Master. It was only natural that the Great Elder was dissatisfied with him.

According to Fu Chuan, he lived a life of misery every day. He loved and hated the identity of the Black Sect's Sect Master. If Woo Zhengyang took over the position, he would be very happy to do so.

Woo Zhengyang wasn't afraid of the Great Elder and the others, but he couldn't take over the Black Sect. Just like what Fu Chuan had said, Woo Zhengyang's ambition wasn't here.

Most importantly, Helian Bozhong wasn't a strong opponent for Woo Zhengyang. Competing with him wouldn't do Woo Zhengyang any good. How could Woo Zhengyang waste his time and energy on these meaningless things?

Regardless of whether Fu Chuan's words were true or not, his distress did not seem to be faked. It was rare for him to find someone to talk to. He drank pot after pot of wine until late at night before he was sent away by Woo Zhengyang.

After sending Fu Chuan away, Woo Zhengyang sat down cross-legged and began to study the golden vortex in his Zifu Soul Sea.

Ever since that day when he unintentionally triggered the golden vortex, when Woo Zhengyang was free, he would try his best to find the method to trigger it. Unfortunately, it had never been fruitless, and it was the same tonight.

The next morning, Woo Zhengyang got up and left the Profound Heaven Sect's encampment.

This time, he had come for Moh Lunhui, so he naturally wanted to go to the Heavenly Martial Academy. The Heavenly Martial Academy of the four kingdoms was considered a family, so Moh Lunhui and the others would probably stay here.

However, Woo Zhengyang was wrong. In the Heavenly Martial City, there was still the main courtyard of the Heavenly Martial Academy. Moh Lunhui and the others had already gone there a long time ago.

After learning about this, Woo Zhengyang didn't stop and headed straight to the Heavenly Martial City.

Libre Baskerville
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