Heaven-Defying Conceited God/C308 Chi Xue's Red Eyes Were like Thousands of Stars Ruo(1)
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Heaven-Defying Conceited God/C308 Chi Xue's Red Eyes Were like Thousands of Stars Ruo(1)
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C308 Chi Xue's Red Eyes Were like Thousands of Stars Ruo(1)

Although Qian Banruo's eyes were as red as blood, there wasn't any fierceness in them.

If one really went in, they would find that there were no distracting thoughts in his eyes. There was no desire or desire in them.

Unlike the innocent and innocent children, Qian Banruo's eyes were the kind of pure and clear eyes that could see through everything after experiencing so many miscellaneous things.

Woo Zhengyang had never seen such a pair of eyes, even though he thought that he was calm and composed enough. He also knew that his calmness was only because of the karma that he had been infected with. Many of the people and things that he cared about would still make Woo Zhengyang crazy. Anger or joy.

All this time, Woo Zhengyang had been working hard on the Soul Energy. He had even tried to activate the golden vortex more than once, but he had never been able to figure out the Imperial Censor technique that allowed him to use soul attacks and defense.

Through Qian Banruo's blood-red eyes, Woo Zhengyang suddenly understood.

The Soul Energy could only be effective when controlled by the mind.

However, the mind could only give the Soul Energy the ability to move, but it could not form an attack or defense.

The emotions and desires of humans should be closely related to the Soul Energy's attack and defense.

Moh Lunhui's soul attack made Woo Zhengyang's heart palpitate. This kind of heart palpitating must have aroused the fear in Woo Zhengyang's heart, and it was instantly triggered when Woo Zhengyang himself didn't know about it.

As for Yelv Qingyin's soul sound wave, it borrowed a special rhythm to enter his mind, causing Woo Zhengyang to be confused for a moment.

It was because of the fear in his heart, temptation, and so on that it made his heart palpitate and feel lost.

Therefore, stimulating the fear and temptation in the deepest part of people's heart should be the technique of soul attacks, or at least one of the techniques.

As for how to resist the fear and temptation, that was the corresponding soul defense technique.

Although he thought about this clearly, there was still a distance before Woo Zhengyang could directly create a soul attack technique that could use one's mind to trigger the emotions of others.

But how to control himself to resist this soul attack wasn't too difficult. After all, with Woo Zhengyang's mental state and the strength of the Soul Energy, as long as he tried his best to stay true to his heart... It wouldn't be easy for him to invade Woo Zhengyang's mind.

On the other hand, Qian Banruo, or perhaps it was because he cultivated the Banruo's No Desire Skill, was actually the skill that could resist soul attacks the most. Because of this skill, cultivators paid more attention to the control of seven emotions and six desires.

How could a person with no desires or desires trigger the fear in his heart?

However, Woo Zhengyang also knew that it was impossible for Qian Banruo to truly have no desires and no desires. However, the cultivation technique he practiced was closely related to his mental state, so he would not easily display his emotions and desires. If he really encountered a soul attack, it would depend on the strength of their mental states.

Also, since Banruo's Selfless Art was a cultivation technique, it naturally existed to become stronger. If he had no desires or desires, there was no meaning in cultivating it.

Otherwise, Qian Banruo wouldn't have appeared here and slashed at Woo Zhengyang.

Qian Banruo's sword carried a unique artistic conception.

This artistic conception was similar to a soul attack. It should be the effect of the technique.

When the sword slashed at him, Woo Zhengyang felt as if he had been transcended. He even felt as if he shouldn't resist. Resistance was evil.

Unfortunately, Woo Zhengyang, who had just comprehended the soul defense technique, couldn't be affected by this concept.

He had to defend his conscience and everything was clear.

Circulating the Floating Light Step underneath his feet, Woo Zhengyang easily dodged Qian Banruo's sword.

Seeing that Woo Zhengyang didn't seem to be affected at all and easily dodged the sword, Qian Banruo's eyes narrowed a little. His red and red eyes became narrow and long, giving him a demonic feeling.

Regardless of whether it was just for a split second, Qian Banruo returned to normal and thrust his sword at Woo Zhengyang once again.

This sword was still not fast!

However, in the middle of the sword strike, the sword Qi split into nine, nine into eighty-one, and directly wrapped around Woo Zhengyang's vital points.

However, in the face of these eighty-one sword Qi, Woo Zhengyang stood motionless on the spot, causing many of the spectators to heave a sigh of relief for him.

The sword Qi was retracted, and Woo Zhengyang was safe and sound.

Qian Banruo's sword, on the other hand, had stabbed into an empty spot on the left side of Woo Zhengyang.

An illusion. Everything was an illusion.

If it was anyone else, they would definitely be affected by this illusion. They would even choose to dodge to the left because of the distribution of the sword Qi.

Little did they know that because this sword technique created this illusion, the true point of attack had already been determined. It was precisely the left side. If one chose to dodge, they would face an unavoidable danger. This was also the most dangerous place.

However, as Woo Zhengyang was an Array Master of slaughter, and he had also practiced the sword skill similar to the Ink Night Sword Washing Arts, he was very familiar with all of this.

Moreover, with the powerful Soul Energy, although this was Woo Zhengyang's first time seeing this sword technique, he was able to quickly deduce the intention of the illusion. That was why he was so fearless!

"Amazing! I heard that Qian Banruo's sword technique is incomparably profound. There are only a handful of people who can block his second attack. This Woo Zhengyang actually managed to dodge it so easily. No wonder he's one of the super geniuses. " Someone exclaimed in Heavenly Martial City.

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