Heaven-taming Saint Lord/C12 Dou huang nie wushuang
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Heaven-taming Saint Lord/C12 Dou huang nie wushuang
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C12 Dou huang nie wushuang

I don't have a martial soul?" Seeing that there were no martial spirits among the dazzling light, Li Qingniu could not help but feel disappointed. This was the first time since he left the Savage Land that Li Qingniu felt so disappointed. Without a martial spirit, it meant that one would not be able to condense star power and become a Star martial artist. This was because even if one could condense star power, there would be no place to store it.

Brother Li, don't be disheartened! Even if the Brother Li was unable to become a Star Fighter, he could still join the Imperial Army. With the Brother Li's strength, he would definitely be able to accomplish great things. In his heart, Gu Chuan sighed deeply. Seeing Li Qingniu's dejected expression, he could not help but console him.

Thank you for President Gu's suggestion. I'll consider it again. As he spoke, Li Qingniu left the Qingyang Academy alone, and unknowingly walked to the stream outside the city.

The army? From what Gu Chuan knew about the continent in the starry sky, other than the Star Fighter s, there was another group of experts there. Most of them were born without any Martial Spirits, and their martial souls were weak. However, they worked hard to improve their body and Combat Techniques. They could also unleash extraordinary strength without relying on their martial spirits. This group of people were called the Black Fighter! And the army was the main gathering place of the Black Fighter.

When the potential of the human body was raised to the limit, it would be difficult to increase one's strength. Even the strongest Black Fighter would not be able to match up to a Star-moon Level Ranker, because experts who had reached the Star-moon Level could already continuously absorb Stellar Force s from the starry sky and strengthen their own bodies. Furthermore, the Black Fighter did not have the nourishment of the Stellar Force and his life expectancy was extremely short.

His goal was to become the The Most Powerful, only then would he be able to meet their expectations, and defeat the person who attacked their village! Although becoming a Black Fighter was a good choice, it obviously did not meet his requirements. Thinking of this, Li Qingniu could not help but shake his head dejectedly.

Is your heart so fragile? Can't you become stronger without a Martial Spirit? Do you have so little confidence in yourself?

Suddenly, a berating voice came from behind, it was unknown when a middle aged man appeared behind Li Qingniu, the man's clothes were casual, his hair was messy, and a wine pot was in his right hand, he was reeking of alcohol, giving off a decadent feeling, it was hard to imagine that the powerful voice from before came out from his mouth. It was precisely the man who was previously drinking on the roof of the Qingyang Academy.

Hearing the middle-aged man's scolding, Li Qingniu was jolted awake! That's right, why was he bound by his Martial Spirit? Grandma Long, Grandpa Xiazi, Grandpa Quezi … None of them had ever used a martial soul before, but they were still so powerful. Although he was weak, without a martial spirit, or Stellar Force, those Star Fighter s were even weaker than him. Li Qingniu believed that if he used his full strength, even President Yue Chen might not be his match! As long as he had the heart to become a powerful warrior, he would definitely have a way to become strong.

Li Qingniu's self-confidence had been restored, the depressed look on his face had completely disappeared and was replaced with a resolute expression.

Who are you? Li Qingniu, who had recovered from the shock, couldn't help but ask as he saw the middle-aged man who had just spoken.

Don't worry about who I am first, listen to my story. Seeing the self-confident Li Qingniu, the middle-aged man took a big gulp of wine and said indifferently.

In the past, there used to be a young man from a large clan. His father was the clan head, so upon his birth, the clan placed great expectations on him, especially his father, who hoped that he could inherit the position of clan leader. The youth had grown up in the flattery and love of his family, causing the youth to feel that he was a favored child of heaven. At the age of fifteen, he took part in the family's Martial Spirit Test. As expected of the young man, he displayed the astonishing talent of a Star Margin. But what could they do? When all of the family members were surprised by this young man's talent, they discovered that this young man didn't have a martial soul! In the blink of an eye, the young man's status in the clan plummeted. Even if the young man's father was the clan leader, there was nothing he could do.

The ridicule of the clansmen and the coldness of his father made the young man dejectedly leave the clan. The young man began to become cold and selfish, and his heart was filled with hatred towards the world. He no longer trusted anyone, and began to wander the Star Continent alone. Deep into the cold lands to sharpen his own perseverance, fighting with powerful Wild Animal to stimulate his own potential … The youth searched for all kinds of ways to make himself stronger, only to be convinced that strength is everything by the abandoned youths in the family.

The repeated life and death experiences had made the youth's strength grow stronger and stronger, to the point where he could be compared to experts of Star-moon Level. However, he was still unable to condense Stellar Force s, and at the same time, was stuck at a bottleneck. He began to train even more frantically, often with his life hanging by a thread.

Finally, one day, when he was in the midst of training his Mystic Moon Kingdom, he encountered a Wild Animal and an Earth Tyrant Bear which were the same as a human level Star-moon Level. Just as his life was about to be taken away, a peerless beauty appeared, saving the youth who almost died.

The moment he saw the girl, the frozen heart of the youth began to melt. He forgot his hatred, forgot everything from the past, and deeply fell in love with this peerless beauty. The woman was also attracted by the youth's perseverance and hard work. From then on, the two of them began to travel the continent hand in hand.

This period of time was the happiest period of the youth's life. Moreover, it was unknown if it was due to the change in his state of mind. Just when the youth was no longer blindly exhausting his potential and pursuing strength. A random insight successfully condensed a mysterious power that was different from Stellar Force's. Using force to enter the dao, it broke through all things. From then on, the man's strength improved by leaps and bounds, finally reaching the starry sky and becoming the The Omnipotent Expert Of The Starry Sky.

Only now did the man realize that the woman he was seeing from morning to night was also a The Omnipotent Expert Of The Starry Sky, and she was even the successor to the Mystic Moon Kingdom. Not long after, the woman brought the man back to the Mystic Moon Kingdom to inherit the throne.

But the good news did not last long. At this moment, a wave of Starry Sky Level and beasts appeared. As two The Omnipotent Expert Of The Starry Sky s, they naturally did not hesitate to stand out, and together with the other eight The Omnipotent Expert Of The Starry Sky s, they led the human race to resist the beast tide!

This battle was extremely intense. Countless human experts had fallen, and finally, under the bloody battles of the human race, they had finally fought off the beast tide and obtained victory.

Just as everyone was cheering and celebrating their victory, the sky and earth suddenly changed. A mysterious Ranker appeared in the sky and without any explanation, he started to attack the ten The Most Powerful s. The mysterious man was powerful, the combined might of ten The Most Powerful s was not enough to defeat him. In the end, a The Most Powerful managed to heavily injure the mysterious person at the cost of his life. The mysterious man was injured and left, but before he left, he used Arcane Art to forcefully take away four of the The Omnipotent Expert Of The Starry Sky s.

Among them, only the woman was left. The remaining man was heartbroken, as he searched through almost every inch of his Star Continent, yet he couldn't find any trace of the woman or the other three The Omnipotent Expert Of The Starry Sky s. One day, the man finally gave up. He became muddle-headed and dispirited after that.

The man's name was Nie Wushuang, the number one Dou Huang under the stars; the woman's name was Mo Nichang, the number one female emperor under the stars!

After the story ended, Nie Wushuang's eyes glowed with tears. In his mind, he once again recalled the happy days he had with Nichang!

You … You are Dou Huang Nie Wushuang?

After hearing the man's story, Li Qingniu was deeply shocked. At the same time, he looked at the ordinary-looking man in front of him and asked in disbelief.

Are you willing to take me as your master? Nie Wushuang who had just walked out of his memories nodded lightly at Li Qingniu and asked directly.

Of course! Of course I'm willing! If a The Omnipotent Expert Of The Starry Sky was willing to be his master, then what reason did he have to reject? Excited, Li Qingniu quickly knelt to acknowledge him as master.

Good! It can be said that we are destined to meet each other. Looking at you is like looking at yourself all those years ago. Looking at the kneeling Li Qingniu, Nie Wushuang revealed a faint smile that he had not seen for many years.

I saw everything that happened at Azure Sun Academy. You don't have a martial soul, so you shouldn't be able to condense your star power." But let me tell you, without a martial spirit, you can condense star force! Nie Wushuang said with a face full of determination.

Martial spirits are the carrier of Stellar Force. Without a martial spirit, how can I condense Stellar Force? Looking at Nie Wushuang's determined face, Li Qingniu couldn't wait to know the answer.

To use one's body as an artifact, using one's meridians as a channel, to absorb the spirit energy of the heaven and earth, and to condense a vast Stellar Force.

Eh? Why did he seem to have heard of his teacher's words before! Hearing Nie Wushuang's words, Li Qingniu suddenly remembered that back in the village, Grandma Long had often said these words to him. At that moment, he started to ponder …

Actually, you don't need a Martial Spirit to condense your star power. When your body is strong enough and your meridians are wide enough, your body will be a container. By condensing your star power into your body, you can also become a Star rank Warrior!

Try to use your heart to sense the surrounding Stellar Force, then absorb them to gather within your body. Seeing the confused Li Qingniu, Nie Wushuang continued to explain.

Hearing Nie Wushuang's explanation, Li Qingniu immediately sat cross legged and stayed where he was. With his eyes closed and state of focus, Li Qingniu very quickly felt the gigantic Stellar Force in his surroundings. With a thought, all of the surrounding Stellar Force gathered over, and rushed into Li Qingniu's body.

Seeing this scene, Nie Wushuang couldn't help but be shocked, because he could clearly feel how huge the Stellar Force that Li Qingniu had attracted to him was. This huge group of Stellar Force had already converged into stars that could be seen with the naked eye.

This brat's Star Margin s are probably of more than just the highest quality!

In fact, there was a limit to the results of the Inductive Stone's test. After all, Inductive Stone contained so much energy.

As the Stellar Force continued to condense, Li Qingniu felt that his body was forming a white cyclone, the cyclone becoming bigger and bigger, finally reaching a peak. Finally, Li Qingniu stopped absorbing the Stellar Force.

This... One star? Feeling the majestic Stellar Force s in Li Qingniu's body, Nie Wushuang could not help but exclaim.

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