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Chu Tian looked at Xing Li and said, "Xing Li, what news is this!" Chu Tian asked, the Proud Sky Sword directly interrupted Chu Tian's question! He said to Chu Tian, "Chu Tian, there are too many people here, we'll talk about it when we get back to Heavenly Sword Mountain tonight!"

After Ao Tian Sword finished speaking, Chu Tian also realized his mistake! No matter what, it was still a competition! Although they were in the resting area and everyone nearby was familiar with each other, they were still afraid of what might happen if they didn't go for 10,000! Who knew that at this time, the Grand Elder's side would eavesdrop on their conversation!

Hearing Ao Tian Sword stop him, Chu Tian knew he was wrong. If the Great Elder found out, then it would be hard to obtain news, but it would be useless. Was he completely useless to his grandfather, Liu Potian, and the Ao Tian Sword?

Luckily, the Proud Sky Sword managed to stop it in time! Chu Tian looked at Ao Tian Jian and said, "Master, I was wrong!" Ao Tian Sword shook his head and said to Chu Tian, "It's fine, just pay attention next time!" Chu Tian nodded at the Proud Sky Sword! Chu Tian made up his mind, in the future he would not be this reckless!

Ao Tian Sword looked at the time. Currently, there were still many participants who had yet to fight, and there were still many who had yet to step down from the stage! It seemed like today was over, Chu Tian and Xing Li shouldn't need to fight right? The supervising disciple came over to the side of Ao Tian Jian and the others and said to Meng Xue'er, "Meng Xue'er will be arriving for you soon! Please get ready! "

Meng Xue'er looked at Ao Tian Jian and the rest and said, "I'll be going to the competition first. You guys wait for me!" After saying that, Meng Xue'er directly went to the battling platform with the supervising disciple! Meng Xue'er's match was assigned to Stage 5!

Meng Xue'er's opponent was actually ?! He was also the number 22 disciple of the Misty Peak - Liu Yan! It was really a coincidental number, and also a coincidental opponent! Even Meng Xue'er was stunned when she found out that her opponent was Liu Yan! Because this was too much of a coincidence! It was completely unexpected! Meng Xue'er thought that her opponent was any one of the 33 people, but she didn't think of all the people from the Misty Peak!

Even Chu Tian and the others thought that they would bump into the last disciple of their peak! Xing Li shouted towards Meng Xue'er's direction, "Xue'er, go for it! Defeat her. You are the best! " Upon seeing Meng Xue'er enter the stage, the spectators on Stage 5 also shouted, "Ice and Snow, Ice and Snow, we love you. We will always support you!" There were also some voices that said, "Xue'er, Xue'er, you are the most beautiful. You will always be the best!"

Everyone was using this method to support Meng Xue'er! Everyone liked Meng Xue'er to a different degree. It was as if Chu Tian was behind Meng Xue'er, silently supporting her! It was not like the cheers of the disciples who were watching the matches on the spot!

But this did not mean that Chu Tian did not care about Meng Xue'er! Actually Chu Tian also had a good impression of Meng Xue'er, but Chu Tian couldn't get rid of his face! He couldn't lose face by expressing his love and admiration for Meng Xue'er!

Seeing Meng Xue'er about to participate, Chu Tian was a little afraid that Meng Xue'er would be injured! Chu Tian looked at Meng Xue'er's back and shouted, "Xue'er, be careful!" Hearing Chu Tian's words! Meng Xue'er stopped in her tracks!

Meng Xue'er didn't turn around, but gave him a thought, "Chu Tian is still worried about himself! Otherwise, why would he shout at himself to be careful! " Now, Meng Xue'er was very happy! The feeling of being cared for was great! Moreover, Meng Xue'er liked Chu Tian! Especially hearing Chu Tian's concerned words, Meng Xue'er's heart was even happier!

Meng Xue'er said to herself, "Xue'er, you can do it! For Chu Tian, you must win!" After making up his mind, he decided that no matter how rugged the road was, he would continue to walk forward! This was Meng Xue'er, Meng Xue'er's spirit!

Meng Xue'er could give up everything for someone she liked! Meng Xue'er walked onto Stage 5! Standing on the stage, waiting for the arrival of his opponent, Liu Yan! Today, Meng Xue'er gave off a feeling of a valiant figure!

Liu Yan walked up the stage and saw Meng Xue'er. Liu Yan turned to Meng Xue'er and said, "Meng Xue'er, what's so good about you? Why is Pathless always thinking about you?!" How could you be worthy of being disgraced! " Looking at Liu Yan's jealous expression! Meng Xue'er knew that Liu Yan was completely bewitched by Yun Wudao! Liu Yan's entire body and mind was placed on Yun Wudao! It seemed that even if Yun Wudao sent Liu Yan to his death, Liu Yan would still be willing, right?

Meng Xue'er looked at Liu Yan and explained, "Liu Yan, I don't like Yun Wudao. Please don't compare me to those vain women, because I'm not the same person as them! I will always live for myself, unlike those people who live for the 'he' in their hearts! To live for what little vanity! "

The meaning behind Meng Xue'er's words was that Liu Yan was completely bewitched! He hoped that Liu Yan would wake up earlier! Otherwise, Liu Yan would sink deeper and deeper into the abyss!

But in Liu Yan's ears, Meng Xue'er's good intentions became unheard-of words! Meng Xue'er saw that Liu Yan didn't seem to be listening, so she stopped talking! After all, everyone had their own way of life! It would not change just because of a single word of someone else! It would only absorb the essence!

Liu Yan interrupted Meng Xue'er and said to Meng Xue'er, "Meng Xue'er, you don't need to say anything because I know how I should live! You don't need to tell me! It's your fight against me right now! As long as I can defeat you, you will no longer exist in Pathless's heart! "

Now, Meng Xue'er was completely lost! He would not listen to anyone's words! Since Liu Yan didn't listen, then Meng Xue'er wouldn't say anymore! After all, it was enough to say it once, there was no need to say it again! It would only be annoying if he said it again!

Liu Yan didn't notify Meng Xue'er. He turned to Meng Xue'er and said, "Meng Xue'er, let's begin! "Let me see what level you have reached in your five years on the Misty Peak!"

Liu Yan did not wait for Meng Xue'er's reply! It was closing in on Meng Xue'er! It was as if he wanted to eat Meng Xue'er! It could really be described as the repulsive image of an evil woman!

Liu Yan's weapon was a long whip! A long whip with reverse thorns. If Liu Yan's long whip were to hit the whip on the body, even if it wasn't bad, it would at least bring a few pieces of flesh down!

Meng Xue'er didn't want to be hit by Liu Yan's long whip! Just by looking at Liu Yan's long whip, he could feel the chilliness within it! Below the stage was Meng Xue'er and Chu Tian! Right now, he felt his entire body turn cold! He had never imagined that Liu Yan's weapon would be so terrifying!

Chu Tian was really worried for Meng Xue'er! A bit of sweat appeared on the forehead of the careless Xing Li! Chu Tian heard the words spoken by Xing Li, "In the future I cannot offend women!" Chu Tian touched the torture force and said, "Xing Li, what's wrong with you! What kind of woman are you talking about!? Why didn't I understand? "

The torturer said to Chu Tian, "It's nothing, let's continue watching the match!" The torture did not want Chu Tianjiao to know that he would pay attention to women in the future, so he had hurriedly sent a call to this part!

Besides, Meng Xue'er and Liu Yan were not far from each other now! The two of them were about to fight!

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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