Her mistakable love/C17 Hanging out
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Her mistakable love/C17 Hanging out
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C17 Hanging out

Steve woke up from his hangover the next day with a headache. He massaged his temple and went downstairs to meet a grinny Nancy making the breakfast table already. Nancy was like a mother to him. He's been his nanny since he was a toddler. “Drink this ginger tea first before you dig into the food”. Nancy said while passing the tea to Steve. “Thank you Nancy". After eating, Steve drove to work. He had a call on the way. “I've found something related to the information you wanted me to search about”. Charles said at the other side of the line. “Meet me in my office this morning, I'm on my way there already”. Steve hanged the call and called Alexis. She picked at the second ring. “Hello may I know who this is”. Alexis asked. “Its Steve, I've found something related to your case, can you meet me in the evening. I will send you the details”. “Ok no problem”. Alexis replied and hanged the call. “It's got to be good, she thought and attended to the patient infront of her”. “Sorry about that”, she apologized to the patient.

“No problem Dr Alexis, I'm fine. Hope you are not facing any challenge”, the patient asked concerned. “Nothing I can't handle”. Meanwhile Steve had reached the office. Charles was already sitting in the sofa. “So what exactly did you find Charles,get straight to the point”, Steve asked. Charles handed over a document to him. “I think whatever you need is in that document so I'm gonna leave you to it”. Charles answered. “It must have been hard on you, you may take your leave”. Steve dismissed him. As soon as the door closed, he flipped through the documents and something caught his attention,it was his dad and his dad's best friend who died in a car accident. “What's the meaning of all this, this must be a joke right", Charles thought. As he threw the documents across his table,a picture fell down. Steve bent down to take it and there was a picture of his childhood crush. He took his time to go through the documents and that's when it crossed his mind; Alexis was the person he's been searching for all this while. She's been around him all this while and yet still, he couldn't decipher it was her. But how is his dad involved, that's what he couldn't understand because he remembers that Alexis' dad is his best friend so what happened.

Inside the documents was a tape recorder. He inserted it into his laptop and as he listened, he realized it was his dad's voice. “But why will dad kill him just for the company, it's uncalled for”, he thought. As he continued listening, he realized that there was an alteration between the lines. The tape recorder must have been tempered with. “I need to figure how to explain to Alexis without showing her the fact that Mr Johnson is my dad. I will explain to her in due time when I find the real truth but for now I'm just gonna tell him what I had and explain. Someone must definitely be behind this”.

Steve called Alexis. She picked on the first ring. “Hello Alexis,are you free now, I wanted to know whether we can meet”. Alexis checked the time and realized it's past six. She nearly forgot about the business date with Steve. “Will be there soon”. Alexis said. “Don't be late”, Steve said. “I will be there in a jiffy”. Alexis said. “Dr Mina can you take over from me, I have to meet someone so I want you to replace me. Hope you don't mind”. Alexis asked her co doctor. “I don't mind,my pleasure to assist you Alexis". Mina smiled. “I owe you this time and I'm gonna make it up to you." Alexis said with all seriousness. “Ok fine”. Mina raised her hands in surrender. “I gotta go, see you later. Bye”. “Take care Alexis”.

Alexis rushed to her car and headed home first. She can't be going on her first date looking like that. “Don't get me wrong, it's not any real date but I still have to look presentable”, she thought. She sped off home. As soon as she entered the apartment, she quickly rushed to the washroom to take a shower and she settled on her red floral dress and pair it with some heels. She left her hair fall in waves showcasing it's beauty. She applied some light make up. “I look just perfect”, she said as she looked into the mirror. She hurried downstairs and went to the location Steve gave her.

Steve had sat there for a while now and he just hoped she was alright. Immediately he tried to take his phone to call her, he looked up and saw her approaching. “OMG,is that really her. She looks so gorgeous and breathtaking as usual”. Steve was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize Alexis already standing infront of her. The snap of her fingers brought him to consciousness. “Oh sorry about that”. Steve scratched the back of his head. “It's alright but can I sit”, Alexis asked despite knowing the answer. “Yeah you can have a seat”. Steve replied. “What do you want to drink;water, cocktail or wine",Steve asked. “Cocktail will be fine by me”. Alexis replied. Steve ordered the cocktail for her and ordered wine for himself. “I must admit, you look really gorgeous tonight”, Steve said. Alexis blushed harder and smiled. “Thank you, so let's get to business. What did you find?”. Alexis asked. “Oh sure about that”, Steve handed the tape recorder to her and played it for her to listen. After the recording ended, he briefed her on the rest of the information. “That's a lot to take in”. Alexis finally released her breath. She didn't realize she's been holding her breath for that long. “Thank you so much Steve". Alexis said. “My pleasure,at least you gonna pay me”. Steve winked. “What's with that expression?”. Alexis asked. “I meant no harm, I just want us to be friends aside me working on your case”. Alexis thought of it for a while. “There's no harm in trying they say”, she replied. “To friendship”, Steve offered a toast of his glass. “To friendship", Alexis clicked back with the glass. After some general introductions about themselves, Steve left out the fact that he's related to Me Johnson out. He will tell her when the time was right. They both exited the restaurant.

“I had a great time today, thank you Steve and thanks for the info”. Alexis said. “No need to thank me,we are friends remember”. Steve smirked. “Yup,we are”. Alexis smiled. “Mind if I drop you to your house”. Steve asked. “No need, I brought my car. Another time”. Alexis waved while heading to her car. Steve waved back and drove home. “I can't believe my heart was beating this fast in his presence”. Alexis thought while driving. “No I can't fall in love just yet. What I'm I even saying but he sure is a nice guy". She smiled at that thought.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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