Heroic Conceited Son-in-law
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Heroic Conceited Son-in-law
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Horrible story. Stopped at c200.

  • ThepoxxedDecember 10, 2021 2:21 PM

    Everything is convoluted. It seems like the author took a shit and then called it a novel. Every character is a schemer. Every few chapters something happens to the mc’s wife. Kidnapped, kidnapped, almost raped, kidnapped, poisoned, almost dies, almost dies, kidnapped, reverted to a toddler’s mindset.

    1 reply
  • ThepoxxedDecember 10, 2021 2:25 PM

    Then the author made the mc a retard. Every trap the mc walks into. Mc is always 20 steps behind every villain. Every fucking villain is portrayed as a genius strategist. No punishment for any of the villains. Zero sincere characters in the novel.

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