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C2 Accident

5 years later.

At City hospital Ning xi taking her self made cake was asking at hospital counter " Excuse me, is Dr. Lu free now"? The staff at counter replied do you have an appointment . Ning xi called dr. Lu and directly asked her to talk to counter staff and after confirmation turn to walk towards office of dr.lu . Dr. Lu yengyi was her neurologist and her only friend in this city and today was her birthday . After entering office she give her cake, a watch as a birthday present and wished her. After leaving dr.lu's office she went towards restroom and just as she was about to enter someone pulled the side of her t-shirt. Looking down she saw 5 yrs old cute little boy was looking towards her and his eyes were sparkling on seeing her. Ning xi asked with sweet tone "what is your name ? Are you lost?" But little boy didn't say anything and took her hand and pushed restrooms door and pulled her inside. Ning xi didn't know why but she felt very soft in her heart just like a feather and so didn't oppose his any action.

Ning xi thought of something and asked "Is someone following you?" . Little boy nodded and took out his phone and wrote ' I want you' . Ning xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry they had just met but it feels like they both knew each other and are very familiar to each other. She asked" are you being kidnapped ?" Little boy shook his head and stretched out his little arms towards her with misty eyes as if she didn't hug him his world would collapse. Seeing him like his Ning xi felt heartache and hugged him teightly. Little boys misty eyes brightened and he burrowed his head into her arms greedy for the warmth in her hug . After some time Ning xi asked "did you ran away ? Is any of your family member sick? Where are your parents let me take you to them". On hearing her little boy nodded his head and wrote on his phone 'Father'. Seeing his words Ning xi seemed to understand something and asked "Is your father injured?Is he serious so you ran out bcz you are scared" Boy shook his and wrote' blood'. This time Ning xi didn't understand anything and was in thought when little boy pulled her hand and pointed towards door. Ning xi quietly followed him and they stopped in front of VVIP room which was reserved only for president and higher ups so she looked dazed and dumbstruck and she stood rooted there. On seeing little boy all bodyguards and nanny's heaved a sigh of relief . One nanny said" Thank goodness little young master you are okay " Then she saw Ning xi and thought she has brought little boy here and said " This lady thank you for bringing little young master here"

Ning xi said " It's nothing , by the way what is his name and why can't he speak" .Nanny said with grief " This is little young master of Mo family , Mo lixuan . He is suffering from autism so he can't speak. Person in OPT is his father , Mo Lichen." on hearing little boys identity Ning xi was shocked but she calmed herself down and turned towards little boy "Xiao xiuan , aunty will leave now , since you are safe" Just as little boy wanted to say something a nurse came out and asked "Have you found AB -ve blood? We need urgent blood. The blood in hospital is now all used up . You have to hurry ,patient is serious". On hearing this Ning xi called her friend dr lu yengyi and asked her to donate her blood bcz lu yengyi has AB - ve blood. After blood donation lu yengyi told her identity and left . Ning xi walked towards little boy and asked for leave but little boy stuck to her like chewing gum and won't come out. So one of the nanny took her inside VVIP room and asked both of them to sleep tighter bcz Mo lixuan was asleep in Ning xi's lap. Ning xi was also tired so she quickly fell asleep with little treasure. Little treasure was nickname of Mo Lichen .

At midnight Mo Lichen opened his eyes and was now quiet stable. He asked about little treasure and was relieved to know that he was ok and he also get to know about Ning xi.

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