His Sanctuary/C3 His temper
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His Sanctuary/C3 His temper
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C3 His temper

River did not return to the mansion immediately because she did not see a vehicle passing by the venue where she was. So she patiently waited in the parking lot for Troy and Spencer.

A few more minutes passed and what she was waiting for came out, so she adjusted herself and stood next to the car.

"What are you still doing here?" Spencer asked emotionless.

"Huh !?" River frowned at him wondering.

River looked at him confused, but then Spencer just passed her and got inside his limousine first.

"Let's go, Troy!" Spencer said, commanding his butler.

Troy immediately followed his boss's order, while River just lingered on the side and feel embarrassed. 'Isn't he planning to take me in his car!? W_what is this man up to!?' River whispered through herself.

"I'm sorry Miss," Troy immediately told her then got into the limousine next to the driver and quickly left the venue.

River was eventually left alone so she was forced to walk furiously because of Spencer's behavior.

'See how rude he was? he force me to go here with him then suddenly just leave me alone like garbage!' does that man know anything? ugh! What a heck!' She complained to herself.

As she slowly walked down the street. She didn't know what she had done to make Spencer angry with her. All she knew was that her father owed the young man and that's all. But for whatever reason, he was angry with her! he had no idea.

River continued to walk until he felt pain and numbness in her leg. So she decided to rest for a while and sat on the sidewalk. "Oh, God! Why did I end up like this?" She whispered to herself with a strange sigh.

When she had rested for more than 30 minutes she decided to walk again, until she reached their house. It was her turn to go home to her family so she did not hesitate to go home to them.

"How are you mom?" She asked her mother full of concern, while the lady caressed her hand then smiled and hugged her.

"How are you, my dear child? Do you know how much I miss you, Ivy, I don't know why your father did this to you! Please forgive us River because w __"

"Mama, you don't have to apologize. It's not your fault. Besides we can't do anything else. I also don't want to put your life in danger." Then smiled softly, but with a streak of sadness and longing.

River misses her normal life, she misses her family and friends. "You're not okay river,"

River winced when she heard her mother speak and stared at her as she caressed the tears on her cheek. She didn't realize that she was softly sobbing. She was crying in front of her mother. She immediately took her mother's hand and kissed it.

"Don't worry about me mama, I can handle myself. Just take good care of Papa, Arriane, and Alex," she said softly to her mother.

The Lady knew that River wasn't okay, but she also couldn't do anything because if they couldn't give Spencer any collateral, they would end up in a grave. Even if it hurts her to betray their child, she also has no choice. She lovingly smiled at her girl and then hugged her.

"Be strong Ivy, don't worry about us either, you should be the one taking care of yourself." Mrs. Madrigal sweetly reminds river.

"Thank you mom, I'll always remember that," she replied softly.

"By the way have you eaten? It's late. It's good that Mr. VillaVide allowed you to visit here." her mother smiled.

The smile on River's lips disappeared immediately, then she quietly swallowed. Her mother looked at her intently and then shook her head.

"I'm sorry mama," she softly apologized to her mother.

River knew it wasn't a good idea that she did precede to her mother's home. But she wants to feel her mother's care even for a minute.

"River, you know m__"

The Lady's words were cut off when they heard a loud knock on their door. River's mother let out a sigh before heading to the door and slowly opening it.

"Good evening Mrs. Madrigal, is your daughter here?"

River heard a familiar voice so he immediately came out of the kitchen and faced Troy.

"I'm here Troy," she replied. The butler bowed slightly and looked at her.

"Boss Spynx is looking for you ma'am, come and let's go home __"

"Why would he bother to look for me? Didn't he just leave me at the auction venue!" She immediately protested with sarcasm and annoyance.

There was a look of shock on their faces because of what River had said. River was unaware that Spencer was just on the doorstep. So her eyes almost widened when she glanced at the young man behind Troy. She could see the darkness that enveloped Spencer's whole being which sent horror all over his body.

"A__ I __"

"Let's get back to my mansion!" Spencer commanded coldly as ice. Thus River gives her the reason to be even more terrified and feel afraid of him.

"Why would I go back to that hellish place?" River said without thinking about the consequences of what she said.

Her mother approached her easily and then held her hand and looked at river, signals that she should stop responding to Spencer.

"Miss, it's good that you just come. Pa_ __"

"Drag her!" Spencer firmly says.

His men easily followed him and then forcibly pulled River out of the house. Mrs. Madrigal wanted to stop what the bodyguards were doing to River but she could do nothing. Without saying goodbye Spencer followed river being dragged by his crew. Then quickly entered his car. He was now sitting next to River who was now just crouching while his fist was clenched on his thighs. He threw a glare at the woman beside her and then slammed his hand on the lock of the car door.

"F*ck! Damn!" He immediately snorted cheaply.

River was slightly taken aback by what the man did, but she remained downcast because she don't want to see the face of the man who was torturing him.

"What the hell are you doing !?" Spencer asked with a sigh. He seems to control himself from yelling.

River sobbed softly without even intending to speak. So he became more furious causing him to hold River's arm. So river softly snorted in pain from the tightness of Spencer's grip.

"Are you mute !? damn it!" Spencer said furiously at River's silence.

River tried to free herself from its grip but she couldn't, because Spencer was stronger than her strength. And she could only do was to complain because of the pain.

"Ahh, __ n _ I'm hurt! A _ what!" River whimpered at him.

Spencer let out a heavy sigh before slapping River's arm. She immediately caressed her reddened arm which has now a trace of finger's.

"Why didn't you go home straight to the mansion?" Spencer asked who was holding back his anger so as not to yell at River again.

"I'm keeping my patience on you, Ms.Madrigal! So you better talk if you don't want to lose my temper!"

He commanded the maiden to speak. River didn't want to talk but in the tone of Spencer's speech there was a hint of seriousness in it and she was sure something bad would happen if she didn't speak. So she took a deep breath first before deciding to face Spencer.

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