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C2 Serve Me

Zaniyah's Point of View


"Let me go! My parents are worried about me!” My speech is hushed, and my eyes appear to hurt him.

He brought me here after 'saving our lives.' I'm not sure why he felt compelled to bring me here. I assumed there would be no compensation for his help.

"Didn't you hear what your parents and I were discussing earlier? Didn't I say I'd take you home—- "

When I spit in his face, he didn't complete what he was about to say. I took a step back and met with the bed's edge behind my knee.

He cocked his head, incredulous at what I had done. I took note of the insults hurled at his neck.

"O-oh .. Aghh ..!" I gasped as he yanked my hair back, forcing me to look up.

His eyes were on fire as he locked his gaze on me. He gritted his teeth.

"I've reached the end of my patience with you!" His voice became increasingly shrill, and he flung me into the bed.

As my eyes filled with horror, I crept towards the headboard. He made large strides toward me. I don’t like what he is doing.

I’m scared.

I heard the loud ripping of clothing and was immediately surrounded by the air conditioning's harshness.

“What will you d-do?” I trembled, hugging myself.

He remained silent and his dark eyes stayed frigid on me — no, on my body. His eyes glowed with a longing to touch me.

This is not the same Ambrose as the one I met. He was a far cry from the man I had standards for.

"How come you're doing this?" Even though I continued to probe him, I couldn't bring myself to stop. I'd like to have my position clear.

"Stop interrogating and begin serving me." His voice was icy, and it chilled my body.

I shook my head at him, still forcing myself into the corner.

If I hadn't just covered my body with my arms, perhaps my body would now be in contact with him.

"Don't wait for me to force you to beg, Zaniyah."

"Ah ...!" I gasped as he pulled my foot closer to him. Because of what he did, I completely removed my hand that still covered my body.

As I lay down, my body was trapped on both of his knees. His furious manhood was pointed at my mouth as his face was serious.

I’m afraid that when I make a move, he won’t like it. I don’t know when he will remove his shroud but I’m only sure of one thing.

Giving him head is what he calls “service”.

I was unable to lie down and accidentally touched his erection.

I was shocked when I saw his expression. It looks to be twisted but shortly dissipates and is replaced by a grin.

My jaw immediately fell as his cock entered my mouth. In the corner of my eye, there are tears. I have the feeling that his 'soldier' is becoming more hard. This is the first time I'm doing this, and because I'm lying down, I'm having more difficulty breathing.

"Ensure that you make me feel good and that you handle it well," he remarked when his black eyes returned and he assisted me in sitting down.

I also abandoned the notion that I could get away with this. I'm going to accept everything. Something was smoldering in my chest, but I was unable to expel it.

"Stop bluffing and just do what you want," I said coldly to his gaze.

He tugged my hair back again, causing me to face up, "That's the confidence."

He took one of my arms in his and leaned against me. He brushed my lips over his.

"Mmph!" As I closed my eyes, my tears continued to pour.

He kissed my lips, allowing his tongue to penetrate my steamy mouth. He rubbed my cheek into the back of my neck, and I felt his feeble bite beneath my lip.

"Hngh .." I couldn't breathe when he fought with our tongues and I tasted his mint saliva. It's both hot and chilly. I'm at a blank for words to describe the sensation.

It felt as if I were intoxicated by what he was doing. Each of his caresses lifted me into space. After he saw my sensitivity to what we were doing, he let go of my hair, stroked my hips, and fixed his gaze on my blue eyes, which appeared to be piercing.

"What happened to your spirit earlier?" He questioned mockingly. "Today, I'm striving to guarantee that you no longer understand who you are."

Following those remarks, he squeezed my buttocks, causing me to rise and gasp.

"I shall mold your hole with my cock to indicate that I now own you."

"Turn around," he commanded proudly. He released his grip on me and stepped away slightly.

Even though I was apprehensive to do so, I trembled at the prospect of following what he urged. I crept onto the headboard and knelt there, facing my head and torso. I clutched the rear end of it. And...

… I am enraged with myself for the reason I am twitching on the inside.

I was already aware of the bed shaking. "… Good girl, you're doing what you are being told."

My eyes opened and my cheeks flushed as I felt a warm voice on my neck and hand on my chest. My body was on the verge of crumbling.

One of his free hands slid down my vaginal opening.

My grip on the headboard's edge became even tighter as one of his fingers entered my hole. He initially sniffed my hair before speaking.

"You're wet from sucking me," he murmured, squeezing his finger against my nipple, which had been keeping my chest closed.

"Ah, no." I can't help but let out a growl.

"They are haughty. I'm sure you're sensitive here," he whispered as he licked my earlobe. "What should I do?"

He stopped but continued eventually, “Should I use my hand and pinch them non stop or my tongue to lick and suck them?”

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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