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C3 Alone

Three years later,

Alicia sat by her little window as she stared outside, she now lived alone since her life has taken a 360-degree turn nothing was the same after the accident took place years ago everyone abandoned and humiliated her and called her names, and she had to suffer a lot to get a job and afford a decent lifestyle

She and her friend shared the house, so the pay was split between the two of them.

The whole country had been at war since, and it was against the werewolves. The only difference now was, they had a new alpha who everyone claimed was ruthless.

Alicia had never felt so pessimistic and scared in her life, the werewolves were so powerful that the number of witches that had gone missing or were found dead was horrible

The werewolves fought with their whole life and passion, and so did the witches but as if the werewolves this time were hell-bent to take over the witches,

Her friend barged into the room and she locked the door behind her quickly. They both made sure to lock the doors and stay hidden since the war started, the only thing was that Mira ( her best friend) had refused to stop going to work. She insisted that she needed the money, which was true but Alicia was still worried for her.

"Mira, what is it now? You scared the living shit out of me the way you walked, in" Alicia said to her friend in a frustrated tone as she sighed. She looked as if she had just gotten the snot scared out of her.

"Sis outside is horrible. I witnessed something by myself today, I had to run and get away from there as fast as I possibly could." Mira said as she removed her coat and kept it on the couch.

She pushed her hands into her hair as she sighed, she seemed to be trying her best to calm herself down, but it was very evident that she was scared to her bones.

"What did you see?" Alicia asked curiously as to what her friend could have witnessed that scared and traumatized her so much. It was something that was suspecting and weird because Myra was an adventurous person.

"I witnessed a werewolf separate the head of a witch from her body. His eyes were red and his fangs were visible and also covered in red, which made me feel a bit dizzy. Once he had killed her, it was as if he felt my presence because his eyes snapped up at me in such a surprising way that it held me a bit off guard. I was scared, but he did not look away, instead, his eyes bored into my eyes and I had to look away and run for my life." Mira said everything without taking a break even once.

To say she was scared was an understatement judging from the expression on her face, it was the most awful thing she might have noticed.

Alicia could not blame her at all, she could not imagine witnessing such an awful tragedy right in front of her eyes even the mere thought of it made her shiver

"Wow, you are brave, if it were me I would be bowling out vomit all over. That must be disgusting." Alicia said with a disgusted kind of expression.

"Disgusting is a word too mild, anyways have you heard the latest news?" Mira asked as she sat down closer to her friend.

Alicia looked at her with a curious gaze, the look on Mira's face gave away that whatever she was about to tell her would be big news.

"No, I have not. Tell me." Alicia said to her friend as she stared at her with clear interest.

"Well, the war is over. Turns out the werewolves won, and the witches surrendered simply because they were a fucking lot stronger than we'll ever be and we are dying for no reason so they believed it was better to surrender, the alpha of the werewolves will soon take over the throne." Mira said and all the blood drained from Alicia's face.

The memory of what a werewolf had done to her before immediately surfaced, causing her jaw to clench and her hands to form a fist.

She could never forgive him or werewolves in general for that, they had ruined her entire life and if not for Mira she was sure she would not have been able to survive. Why? Because she had made the foolish mistake of falling in love and doing silly things for a werewolf, who was even forbidden in her place.

"Fuck! How could this happen, we are doomed, these werewolves are nothing but selfish cunning bastards" Alicia said with anger as her face slowly began to turn red.

"Exactly, I do not want to even think about how things would change. I can only hope they do not try to enforce anything new and bizarre on us that we are not comfortable with." Mira said, causing Alicia to sigh tiredly.

She was so angry about this, she had hoped so much that the witches would win once more, but those bloody werewolves had to prove how they were. She did not like it at all.

"What happens now? When do the werewolves arrive?" Alicia asked her friend with a little bit of fear. She was not sure she would like to hear the results.

"I heard that they are already here, so it seems though according to my source," Mira said with a sigh, but there was something mischievous behind it, and Alicia knew.

Mira was the adventurous type, she had always been into this kind of thing so any opportunity she had to showcase her skill or what she liked she jumped on it.

"Do not smile silly," Alicia said to Mira who she was sure did not even know she was.

"I was not." Mira protested as she kept a straight face.

"Yes, you were," Alicia said and Mira rolled her eyes as they both giggled.

"Alright I'm heading to my room to take a quick warm shower then I'll join you for dinner cool?" Said Mira taking her steps to her room a while later Alicia was busy in the kitchen, there was a knock on the door making her pause.

Alicia stood up and headed towards the door when she opened the door, she gasped as her mouth fell open her eyes widening.

Alicia opened the door and the face that met hers left her in shock, she stood there her mouth opened, eyes widened. No words at this point could describe her emotions. She felt a lot of them together.

"Lucian?" She said in a weak and unsure voice as she gawked at the man she least expected to ever see after that accident years ago

She felt a bit weak, her mind and soul heart nothing in her was ready to accept his presence. How come? How could it be him? In front of her? How???

"Yes, it is me." He said, his voice deeper than it used to be. They sounded cold and emotionless, making her tremble a little bit.

He had changed so much that she was shocked, he seemed more manly now than he had three years ago. The man has turned more of a dream into one of the finest creations of mankind; his face shows no flaws as if he was built by heaven very carefully.

His jaw looked clenched and his voice was manly and rough, unlike it was before. Alicia could not help but stare, she had not wanted to but could not he was like a magnet She tried not to drool or make it obvious that she was staring at him with such admiration.

"W..what..how…what are you doing here?" She asked when she had finally been able to construct her words well. Her face was flushed.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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