His Witchy Mate/C4 He is Back!
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His Witchy Mate/C4 He is Back!
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C4 He is Back!

"Well, I am the alpha of the werewolf pack, and we defeated your coven, so I have come to take control." He stated lightly like it was no big deal.

The blush that had been visible on Alicia's face died down as she stared at him in shock. The former calm, nice, and peaceful guy she had come to know seemed to be very different from the one she was seeing at this point.

She never would have thought that he could change so drastically. The man dressed in the classy black attire was nothing but a monster in face of a God he was a typical werewolf heartless and selfish.

"Oh, so what are you doing in my house?" Alicia asked him as she eyed him. She was no longer feeling the tingles anymore, she just wanted him out of her sight.

His face and presence, his scent brought back old memories which she did not want to remember, she just didn't want to live with the trauma anymore he was a nightmare which she is trying to get over for years.

She had come a long way she doesn't want to be thrown back to her past his presence his memories the time she lived with him bring her nothing but grief he made her suffer everything she doesn't deserve he give her a scare of a lifetime that will not even fade away with time it would hurt even more.

He has made her life miserable; she had not been regarded among members of society ever since then, in fact sometimes when she went out, she would be mocked and made fun of just because of that single act he had done.

"Well, I came to look for recruiters as maids in the palace. I do not want the old maids there anymore; I want to put in something new." Lucian continued and Alicia's eyes widened.

She hoped it was not what she was thinking, she did not know how she would feel if he stated that he wanted her to work as a maid in the palace.

Was that his intention of coming here?

He did not even want to apologize for the past. He did not come to know how she had been faring. Instead, he had come for his own selfish needs and desires.

She gasped as she stood staring at the man in front of her, he was nothing as she had imagined. He was different, in a very bad way that she hated.

She did not want him near her, she did not want to ever be close to him and talk less about working in the palace. She would not do such a thing! Ever, for once she would think about herself and her happiness instead of others.

"So?" Alicia finally said as she crossed her hands on her chest and stared at him hard, she wished she could slap him, but she did not want to know the consequences of such an action.

She knew if she should do such, then the results would most likely not be funny to her. Who knew what he was capable of now? She knew he was royal before, but she thought he was different, she guessed she was wrong.

"Well, I need your help in finding them." He stated as he stared at her, his bold request shocked her to her core. What exactly did this man think of himself?

She could not understand what had given him such audacity to come to her and ask for something after what he had done to her.

"I am not interested, please leave and do not return, ever." Alicia finally said after staring at him for such a long time.

She took the initiative and tried to shut the door in his face, but he put a hand there to stop it. His eyes held so much anger and fury that they both confused and scared her he pushed the door open in such a manner that Alicia stumbled and she back hit the wall she hissed but before could react he was quick to block he held her jaw in a hurting grip and made her look straight into his eyes.

"Listen and listen, good baby girl, because this will be the last time, I'll tell you this, learn to obey me and control your mouth. I do not repeat I do not tolerate rebelliousness," he said as he stared at her angrily.

This man was confusing her, she could not understand him anymore. He acted like he did not know anything about what he had done to her in the past, he acted like he did not even know anything from the past and it frustrated her so much. He looked at her as if he was looking at one of his properties as if he owned her.

"Please just leave," Alicia stated firmly she refuse to show him any emotions Shep was hurting her but over the years she has learned how to mask her emotions very well she saw him smirking making her blood boil "Brave little Kitty hmm won't show her emotions," he said as if mocking her she clenched her jaw and pushed him with all her might "Leave and never come back never leave me alone" she didn't even look at him as he didn't say anything and took an exit she hurriedly locked the door as she sat on the floor next to the It, the tears pouring from her eyes like it was normal water.

"Why…why did he have to come back? Why did he have to hurt me the way he did? Why does my heart still beat so hard for him?" She asked herself as she cried, Mira who was precisely in her room freshening up hurriedly came and embraced Alice trying to console her, but it seemed as if she was only adding more kerosene to the fire.

Alicia sat on the floor and wailed, the memories of that night appeared back into her brain, flooding it and causing her heart to become heavier and heavier. Everything was so much to handle he made her life miserable and now when he is back, he is acting as if nothing happened as if he didn't make those promises as if he wasn't the one to break them and walk out on her like a coward as today, he walked shamelessly on her bleeding heart.

It was a new day, and Alicia was preparing for work when she heard a loud knock on her door. She was curious at first but decided to ignore it. She was not expecting anyone, plus she had built an unknown fear since yesterday's event was very unpleasing for her and today, she was alone as her friend had an early shift lucky for Alicia. that she could go a bit later. Alicia was pulled out of her thoughts once more when she heard heavy banging on her door once more, this time louder than the last.

Sighing frustrated she decided to go check who it might be.

She walked towards the door and opened it, only to see her mother standing in front of it. She was shocked, her mother had not come to visit her for such a long time, that she thought she did not care about her anymore. God was really testing her patience by sending people she wanted to ignore for the rest of her existence right in front of her apartment door.

"Mother?" Alicia said with an amazed look as she stared at her mother again with unsure eyes.

"Yes yes, allow me to come in." Her mother said with a loud voice as she pushed her way into the house rudely.

Alicia kept her mouth shut and let her do what she wanted. The woman namely her mother was a pure example of a drama queen if Alicia even tries to stop her or make an attempt to make the women realize that she is an uninvited guest her mother will immediately start her drama as if she wasn't the one who left Alicia when she needed her the most, she was in no mood for such.

"Alright Mother, you are in now. What did you want?" Alicia asked her immediately and she turned around. She did not want to waste any time, she knew her mother very well, the woman was not just dramatic but very selfish. Whatever it was that caused her to barge into her home this morning, was important.

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