His Witchy Mate/C5 Mother
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His Witchy Mate/C5 Mother
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C5 Mother

"Is this how you speak to your mother? You have no simple Courtesy anymore." Her mother said with anger as she stared at her daughter, both shocked and appalled.

She was not expecting the treatment which her daughter had given her, but Alicia couldn't care less. She had gone through hell because of this woman, she had failed to protect her like a parent was supposed to do.

She understood that she had done something wrong and forbidden, but the way her mother had turned her back on her had hurt her so much. She had been in an extremely dark place; she was living with doubt. If her mother could do such to her, her very own flesh and blood, then she had no idea what she should expect from strangers.

"Mom, truth be told you do not care about me or how I am. Why not just say the truth already and tell me the true reason you came? You chased me out of the house and helped Her Majesty to punish me well, even though I was your child. So, tell me, what exactly do you deserve from me?" Alicia said to her mother, each word laced with deep anger and disgust.

To say she had developed a deep hatred towards her mother could be considered the highest understatement of the year.

She wished her mother would stay far away from her, she never wanted to set her eyes on the woman again. She had caused her nothing but pain and anger, the more she saw her the more the memories clouded her head and that was what she did not want.

She had been trying for the past years to push back that horrible past behind her, she no longer wanted to remember the event. She did not wish to remember the people but unluckily for her, she did not see that happening anyway especially when Lucian was the new leader of their kingdom.

"Hmm, you have become very rude but do not worry, you will be trained and disciplined there properly." My mother said with a frown and sigh. She looked like she had planned something, she knew that her mother did not come to see her for anything, but now she was getting scared.

She shot her a glance, confused. She did not understand whether it was a threat or something else. What exactly was she saying? Who would train and discipline her? It made absolutely no sense.

"What do you mean? I do not understand what you are talking about." Alicia said as she tried to keep her voice neutral. She knew if she acted how she felt, then her mother would feel victorious and proud of herself.

"The reason I came here, that is what I am talking about." Her mother said as she stood up from her hair, a sly smile. She looked pure evil. Alicia was shocked and frozen for a while at the realization that she was her mother.

"You just want me to ask you, don't you?" Alicia said with a frustrated look as she hissed, irritated. This woman disgusted her to the max, what exactly did she gain from all the silly numerous games she was playing?

"You are rude, but I shall not mind you. I am here to let you know that you will start working in the palace as a maid from tomorrow. You have been given today to pack up your things." Her mother said with one breath as her smile widened.

Alicia felt her breathing cease, what did she mean by that? How? What even gave her the right to make such decisions?

"Excuse me?" Alicia said what came to her mouth after struggling for words to say.

Her mother smiled at her discomfort.

"You heard me, pack up and go early tomorrow. Do not try to flee, as that is what you do best." Her mother said with a taunting voice as she laughed out loud. Her laugh echoed in the room, making Alicia hiss with both rage and irritation.

How did this happen? She could not do this. How would she face Lucian How would she even endure him? Even the mention of the man fills her with nothing but hatred and aversion and now her mother was telling her to work for her.

Alicia stared at her mother, appalled. She could not understand this woman, exactly what type of authority did she think she had on her, to order her and make such drastic changes in her life? First, she had abandoned her in her time of need, now she had come to order her to do something without feeling any guilt or at least…. shame!

"Who exactly do you think you are? You cannot make such decisions for me; this is my life, and I will do as I please. You cannot and I repeat not, tell me what to do." Alicia stared her mother straight in the eyes, as she spat out her words with blinding rage.

She was so angry all she was able to see was red her anger increased even more at the audacity of the woman who was least interested in her answer and kept a disgusting, smile on her ugly face.

"Hm…it is nice to see you have grown a bit of confidence and self-respect over the last few years, but I have made this decision, and as far as you and I are considered it stands!" Her mother stated as she smiled at her.

An annoying and sinister smile that could only mean one thing. She was not going to listen or let the matter go, she would eventually force Alicia to do it even though it was something she dreaded so much.

"Why are you even doing this? Did you not want me to stay far away from him? You know very well that he is the reason I tried to escape years back, you know he is the reason I brought shame and disgrace to you." Alicia said with bitterness clear in her voice. She had never been so frustrated before; her mother had a special way of confusing the hell out of her most times.

Why was she suddenly insisting on her becoming a maid in the palace? Was her mother completely lost her senses? she was the one who chastised her for falling in love with a werewolf?

She had constantly rebuked her for it and honestly, Alicia had begun to feel like she deserved it. It was absolutely against their tradition, and they stood for not having anything to do with a werewolf, yet here they were being ruled by one.

"Yes, but not anymore you wanted him. Then you have him now. After all the rules have been amended since he is in control, witches and Werewolves can be together, so I am giving you a chance and an opportunity. In my opinion, you should thank me for it." Her mother said with a smirk and her shoulders High.

She was very proud of her decision and that shocked Alicia; she did not understand her mother.

She did not want to understand her anymore. She simply wanted peace.

She did not want her mother to keep trying to come around and boss her she was way more capable of making her discussion and to add on she doesn't want to have Lucian back in the first place she rather dies alone than go back to a cunning coward.

She had done everything in her power as a person, to forget about Lucian for the past years. She did not want to have anything to do with him ever, she had tried and did it finally.

She had no emotions towards him whatsoever, after so much hard work her mother wanted to come and destroy her efforts.

His presence would her again, his presence would drag her back to her dark past from which she is still fighting.

She had been fixing her broken pieces alone and is doing good but seeing him again that too daily living under the same roof as him would eventually result in her breaking down and this time she won't be able to fix herself back it's just too much.

"I did not ask for your help," Alicia said as she tried to control her anger.

Her head was aching.

She shut her eyes as she rubbed her forehead with her palm. It was like some strange therapy for her, and it usually calmed her down, but not today.

Her mother had done the height of it all. This particular order had topped the other crazy ones which she had received from her in the past. "Well, it is too late my dear. Nothing can be done now."

Her mother said as she turned her face the other way.

It seemed as if she was hiding something, and Alicia dreaded it so much. She wanted to ask her what it was, but she was still contemplating whether or not she would like to hear it. "What do you mean?" Alicia finally asked.

She had to know, no matter what exactly her mother had done or exchanged for this, she was ready to know.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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