His Witchy Mate/C6 Go To Him!
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His Witchy Mate/C6 Go To Him!
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C6 Go To Him!

"How do I put this now…. well…. I sold you to him." Her mother finally said dropping the bomb. Alicia stared at her blankly.

Her eyes are emotionless, and her mouth is open. She had no expression on her face, therefore leaving no hints as to how exactly she felt about everything. "You what!?"

Alicia said quietly after she had successfully regained her voice. She seemed to be in a lot of yet at the same time trying to fight the truth. She was not ready for this at all. This one came as a huge and deafening shock to her.

"You heard me correctly Alicia, yes you belong to the alpha now, this is what you always wanted. That man, you are his now. Pack your things and get ready, you need to leave tomorrow." Her mother said without anything like guilt on her face.

Alicia stared at the woman who had birthed her with shock, did this woman even care about her? Even if it was a little? Who sold their child to a man who was disappointed and did not come for her? Who did that!!!!

"Get out of my house and never appear before me again!" Alicia said to her mother with a low voice as she stood up. Her eyes were filled with those that refused to cry in front of this woman.

"Do you have to be so dramatic? At Least hear me out, I ...." Her mother tried to say but Alicia was not having any of it. She pushed her out and slammed the door shut as she fell to the floor and cried out her eyes.

Alicia sat on the floor as tears ran down her eyes to her chest region. She could not understand the kind of mother that she had been given, she was the most stingy and greedy person she had ever come across.

"How dare she do this?" Alicia said as she cried more, her mother had done the worse things anyone could do to her at this point. After she had made sure to punish her in every way possible over the past few years because of that mistake, she suddenly decided to sell her off to him.

Did she even have such power? Yes, she was her parent and she understood that, but selling her off was something very weird and strange. She was a person not some sort of commodity, and she did not also understand why Lucian agreed to such a deal.

He was the one who had bailed and betrayed her years back, if he had wanted her as much as he had told her he did, he would never have done that to her.

"What do I do? How dare she do this to me!? How dare both of them agree to this!" Alicia said as she threw the other thing in her and to the door with force. She was having such a hard time controlling her anger.

What should she do? She could not possibly become a slave in the palace. She would never be able to survive having to see Lucian daily, talk less of even serving him.

She could only hope that none of them attempted to force her into doing anything she did not wish to do. Like Lucian even thought for one second that he could misbehave towards her because he was now in a higher position than her, then she was going to teach him a lesson of his life that he would never forget in his life.

Slowly, Alicia stood up from the floor and headed to her room. One thing she knew was, to never underestimate the length her mother was willing to go to make sure that what she wanted happened.

Her mother was not a person who would make threats that they would not keep, her mother would even end up doing much worse than she has threatened anyone. That was just how insane her mother was.

Alicia walked into her bedroom quietly and began to pack her belongings She knew that she could no longer waste any more time, they would probably come the next day to get her and the last thing she wanted to be was to have to create an unnecessary scene.

She packed her clothes out and folded them quietly, packing her stuff would not take long since she did not exactly own a lot of things.

She packed the ones which were of value to her into the box and kept the others. It seemed like she would have to quit her job since she would now be working in the palace.

Just the thought of that alone brought her to tears once more, but she ignored it and continued what she was doing. She was not in the mood to cry for any reason whatsoever, especially if it was something concerning her mother and Lucian.

She had cried for them a lot in the past, and it was about time she became immune to the effects they both had on her.

She could not allow their little actions or decisions to affect her anymore, she had learned how tough life was and how to deal with it a while ago. This would be no different.

After Alicia was through packing her luggage, she decided to clean it a little bit so that her friend would not find it hard.

She owed her a lot; she had been there for her since the beginning, and she could not thank her enough or show her half of how grateful she was to her. It was evening and her friend would soon come back.

Alicia had long finished packing and cleaning the house too, she was just rounding up their dinner. She had decided it gives her friend one last treat before she went to the palace the next day, to thank her for all the things she had done for her.

"Woah...you cooked?" Her friend's voice echoed in her ears causing her to turn around. She saw her standing at the door, her smile very wide as she stared at the kitchen and the exact spot Alicia stood.

"Yeah, why do you sound so shocked?" Alicia asked as she stared at her both suspicious and confused. It was not the first time she had prepared dinner for them both, so why was it coming as such a serious surprise to her?

"Well, this is not an everyday event, so I am a bit shocked, even though I am pleased too." Her friend said as she kept her handbag on the couch in the living room and headed towards the kitchen, the smile still plastered on her face.

She looked very radiant, and Alicia was kind of confused, why was she suddenly in such a good mood? What had happened that made her smile so brightly?

"Well, I wanted to tell you something so what other way is better than over food, hmm?" Alicia asked her jokingly as she continued to stare at the soup in the pot.

Her friend busted out in laughter as she sat on one of the kitchen stools presents.

Alicia smiled as she continued, this felt like serious torture to her.

Her friend seemed so happy for some reason. which was still unknown to her and now she was about to spoil her mood with the news she would give to her. To say she was frustrated was a serious understatement, she cursed her mother in her head continuously as she tried to stay calm so that her friend would not notice that anything was wrong.

The last thing she wanted was to confess before the time and ruin all her plans.

*Karma is coming for you for this mom!!* Alicia said in her head as she smiled outside.

It was the next day, which meant it was time for Alicia to move into the palace as an official maid.

The sun rays made their way into her room through the window blinds, shining directly on her eyes. She sighed as she did not want to get up but still did.

She wished she could do something about today, the way she did not want to go to that palace was very strong in her spirit. She sighed as she stood up from her bed, she could already guess it was already a bit late in the morning, judging from the sun.

"Okay…do not worry you can do this." She said to herself, sighing deeply as she made her way to her toilet, she knew she had to clean up fast so she could get on her way. She knew this was going to be one of the hardest moments in her life, but she knew she could do nothing about it. She took her bath and then got the things ready; she did not want a situation whereby the palace guards would come and harass her; she was in no mood for such.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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