Hot For You/C3 Chapter 3
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Hot For You/C3 Chapter 3
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C3 Chapter 3

Sometimes we do things we regret later in the future. Most times we just want to do them even though we know we are only going to regret them later. By the way, the saying you only live once was true. There was no second life for anybody. Enjoy life while you can. Indulge in your fantasies. Get the best sex you can while you can and when you can. These were the thoughts going through Nate's brain when he had made a deal with his fling Jonathan.

Nate had met Jonathan at a coffee shop he usually frequented. Jonathan was getting a coffee when Nate had approached him.

Jonathan had a movie star look. His wavy blonde hair was cut short and he had baby doe blue eyes. Everything about him was perfect. He had fair skin and scented nice like roses. Nate could swear that the scent was familiar but he could not really oint out why it was.

One of the reasons why Nate had approached Jonathan was also because he had a nice butt. Nate was a sucker for good butts. At first, the relationship was smooth sailing and Jonathan was okay with the arrangement.

Nate was able to talk to him and also learn some things from him. Jonathan was a history teacher and Nate usually liked it when Jonathan talked about his job. Their relationship had only lasted six months and now, Nate had decided to call it off.

Maybe it was because he did not spend every waking day with Jonathan seeing as he travelled a lot because he found out Jonathan was turning out to not be who he thought he actually was.

He started taking note of this one day when he had showed up at Jonathan's house. They were about to have sex but he received a call from Teresa telling him Mia was seriously sick. She had gone to work that night thinking she could get past her shift. She only had a little headache and had taken some pain relief but as it turned out, it was more serious. Teresa had called him because she did not trust Mia to get home alone by herself and Teresa herself was still working.

She could not also call Amy because she was pregnant and it was late at night. Bryce also was not in town. Nate had apologized to Jonathan that day but Jonathan was not having it.

"If I was the sick one and you were having sex with that thi...someone would you leave them for me?" Jonathan had asked him.

Nate had always liked Jonathan's voice but at that moment it was like he was a different person. His voice was not as soft as it was normally. It was hard and filled with disgust. Nate was surprised because he never expected Jonathan to be like that.

Jonathan had always appeared cool and level headed. He never got angry easily and a part of Nate thought he was like a female. He looked like a soft delicate flower that just one hit could damage him. But sometimes what you see in the outside does not define the inside. Even roses with their beauty have torns. God with all his generosity can also decide to be wicked.

"We are not dating, Jonathan. This is just an arrangement and you know it."

"So? What if we were dating then, would you leave me to go attend to someone else?" Jonathan asked with so much venom in his voice.

"Mia is a friend and I cannot leave my friends alone when they are in need. What you and I have was never serious to begin with." Nate replied as he detached himself from Jonathan. He was irritated with Jonathan's outburst.

"Fine. Go suck up to your friends then. I don't need you." Jonathan had replied.

Nate could only shake his head as he left Jonathan's apartment. That should have been the first signs of many he noticed, that Jonathan was not all he was cut out to be but as usual, Nate was not one to notice the signs. Nate could very well walk past a sign board and not notice what was written on it.

The funny thing was, that day, after Nate had gotten to Mia, he found out she had never wanted him to come. She was the only one who knew that he planned to spend the night with Jonathan. She had wanted him to enjoy that night insisting on going home alone but Teresa was having nine of that.

Even after that scene with Jonathan, Nate kept on seeing him. Something in his gut knew he was making a mistake. He was not looking for anything serious with Jonathan but Jonathan was becoming a constant fling. In a way he was more than a fling but he was still not enough to be called a boyfriend.

The sex with Jonathan was good. Nate tried to make himself believe that but there was a time when after he had sex with Jonathan, he dreamt of Mia.

In the dream, Mia's hair was spread on the pillow. Her eyes were filled with lust as she held Jonathan's by his neck while they made out passionately.

She was only in her bra and pants and Nate had already lost his shirt and trousers wearing only his boxer briefs.

If the groans were not an indication of how hard he was, then the tent in his boxer briefs was one. Nate moved against Mia as she moaned beneath him making sure she could feel how hard he was for her. She let out a moan in return.

He removed her bra and made sure to kiss those hard nipples. They were hard for him he thought as he kissed them using his tongue to trace the pink bud.

His hand made it's way down her stomach to her panties which he removed. He rubbed her thighs sensually then made way to her clit rubbing it. She was really wet for him.

"See how wet you are for me babe?" He asked her with a smirk but the person beneath him was no longer Mia but Jonathan who looked at him with so much hatred in his blue eyes.

Nate had woken up that day and was thankful Jonathan was still asleep next to him. He wondered why he had agreed to sleep at Jonathan's place that night. Looking down at beneath his legs, he found out he was still hard and decided to take a cold shower.

It was only after Nate had gone into the bathroom that Jonathan opened his eyes. He was looking at Nate with so much hatred but the hatred was not really directed at him. It was at Mia. If Nate had seen Jonathan at that moment, he would have known that Jonathan did not look himself. It was like another person had possessed him but it was not like Nate was supposed to know what Jonathan hid from him.

Nate could not take it with Jonathan anymore. He was not as attracted to Jonathan as he was when they had first met and Jonathan was now behaving like a clingy woman.

He had been sending Nate texts constantly which annoyed Nate. He wanted a no strings attached relationship. Nate was not some one who could give his all in relationships. He knew what being in love did to people and he was not ready to experience that. Not now not ever. It was time he broke it off with Jonathan. He had more pressing issues to deal with than Jonathan's clingyness which he was in no way ready to face or accept. It gave him the chills.

Nate made his way to Jonathan's apartment and rang on the doorbell. He did not have to wait long before Jonathan opened the door with a smile on his face.

Normally, that smile would have done it for Nate but looking at it now, Ntae found out it was not really an honest smile. Maybe it was honest but something was missing. The smile was not really all that. Nate wondered how he could have missed it.

"You never said you were coming. I've not had the time to freshen up. Come in." Jonathan said as he gave way for Nate to move into the apartment but Nate was not going to go in. He had a mission today.

"I'm not coming in. I have something to tell you."

This wiped the smile off Jonathan's face. He now gazed at Nate with cool blue eyes. A part of Nate thought the eyes were cold but it could just be his imagination.

"I'm calling off our arrangement. I cannot do this anymore." Nate said to Jonathan.

"Why?" Jonathan asked Nate coldly.

Nate was taken aback. The voice did not sound like Jonathan at all.

'Could it be that this was how Jonathan really was?' he asked himself.

Maybe he had missed it. It would not really be the first time Nate had missed something like this. He knew he was always late to catch up on signs or things like other people.

"I told you I did not do clingy Jonathan and you keep on sending me texts like we are married or dating. Sometimes I cannot even work peacefully because of the texts. We are done." Nate said to Jonathan.

"I'm sorry. I'll stop the texts. I just thought you would forget me. I thought maybe you would not want me again that was why I sent it." Jonathan said pleadingly.

Now this was the Jonathan Nate knew. The Jonathan who could not stand people getting annoyed with him. Nate could not really understand Jonathan's obsession with people liking him but who knows, everybody has their secrets.

"Wrong fucking decision then because you just made me all the more fed up with this relationship. I'm done here. Thank you for your time." Nate said as he headed back towards his car.

"I'm sorry. I promise I'll give you space. Don't do this please. I'm cooking dinner you can come in. We will have a nice chat okay. Please don't do this." Jonathan said with tears in his eyes as he held until Nate's arm.

Nate could not understand what was going on. It wasn't a breakup. Okay maybe it was like a breakup but it was more of dissolving an agreement.

"We were never dating and there is nothing to talk about." Nate said as he freed his hand from Jonathan's clutches.

"It's that girl isn't it? That's why you're doing this."

This made Nate stop in his tracks.

"What girl?" Nate asked Jonathan with just the littlest hint of irritation in his voice.

"Your friend Mia, that bitch. I knew you had the hots for her. You are into her right? You dream of her every night." Jonathan spat out with so much venom that Nate was taken aback. It was like he was talking to two different people at once.

'Where had the kind Jonathan gone?' He asked himself.

"I would not take it from you if you refer to my friend as a bitch one more time. I respect you and I expect you to do the same for me." Nate said to Jonathan.

Maybe it was because Jonathan had gotten the message but he just stared back at Nate with those icy blue eyes as Nate made his way to his car.

Nate wondered what had gone wrong. He felt it was a gentlemanly thing to do by showing up at Jonathan's house to break off their arrangement but as it turns out, it wasn't.

Sometimes he wondered what actually drew him to Jonathan. Was it because he was delicate? Jonathan had always looked like a girl in Nate's eyes. He was soft and had a lovely blush to his cheeks when he was shy.

Nate thought back to the apron Jonathan had been wearing when they talked so e minutes back. He had gifted Jonathan that apron seeing as he loved to bake. There was also a time when Jonathan had seduced him wearing just that apron but now he could not wait to get Jonathan and the apron out of his mind.

He was surprised by Jonathan's attitude but if that was the real Jonathan, Nate was happy he had gotten rid of their relationship.

'Good riddance.' he thought to himself.

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