C4 Chapter Four

Dappled sunlight trickled through the thick canopy the following morning, forming a swirl of light and shadow on the forest floor. Kara's boots crunched delightfully on the bed of fallen leaves as she followed the untamed route beside Donovan.

"Did you ever think we'd end up here?" Kara questioned, her voice a tiny whisper blending with the rustle of trees.

"Life is a strange beast," Donovan said, staring at her with a half-smile that didn't quite reach his ice-blue eyes. "It rarely heeds our plans."

Kara chuckled, wiping a strand of black hair off her cheek. Her emerald eyes flashed with interest. "What were your plans before all this?"

"Survival mainly. And keeping other things buried deep," he acknowledged, the severity in his voice reflecting the solemnity of the buried realities.

"Sounds lonely," Kara commented, her voice laced with a compassionate understanding born of her own prolonged struggle with loneliness—a tenacious opponent that had clawed at her very core since the cruel day of expulsion.

"Loneliness can be a sanctuary, but not a home," Donovan said, exhibiting a wisdom chiseled by the wounds of solitude.

Their discussion weaved a beautiful tapestry of admissions and disguised realities, a ballet of words where each step reflected the other's beat, a harmony created not of rehearsed steps but of an unspoken understanding.

As the forests succumbed to a bright clearing, nature showed its masterpiece. The golden sunshine enveloped the scene, wildflowers swung in graceful appreciation of the breeze, and the air itself was a symphony of pine and dirt. A calm refuge in the woods.

"Let's stop here," Donovan urged, his voice suddenly softened, as if the beautiful setting deserved a hallowed stillness.

"Agreed," Kara said, her words carrying a soft tiredness from their travel.

She watched as Donovan stretched his legs out in front of him, lying back against the tree trunk. His brown hair fell across his forehead, creating shadows across his features. The picture stirred something in her breast, a sensation that both reassured and bewildered her.

"Here we are," she proclaimed aloud, "two wayward souls finding solace in a stolen moment."

"Is it stolen if no one claims it?" he inquired.

"Perhaps it's just been found then," she thought, closing her eyes and tilting her head back. The light flashed over her eyes, coloring the blackness with tones of scarlet and orange.

In the serenity of the clearing, Kara listened to the symphony of nature—the singing of birds, the whispering leaves, the faint hum of life that swirled about them. It lulled her into a sense of tranquility she seldom felt.

Suddenly her senses prickled, a line of awareness weaving across the calm surrounding them. The woods looked to freeze their breath, and even Donovan paused, his hands mid-gesture, as he recalled an ancient traveler’s tale.

"Did you hear that?" Kara mumbled, her eyes popping open, green blazing against the tranquil backdrop. A

Donovan followed her stare with a quiet question in his own guarded expression. They both gazed toward the small rustling, a dance of shadows and light where the underbrush met the clearing.

"Stay behind me," Kara murmured, rising with the fluid grace of the predator she was. Her hand instinctively slipped to the knife at her side, her muscles tensing for whatever arrived.

"Who goes there?" Donovan's voice ripped through the calm, forceful despite the worry that flashed across his features.

"Peace, young ones." The voice that answered was smooth, expressing the weight of years and the depth of rivers long traveled. From between the trees emerged a figure with silver hair that caught the dappled sunshine, reflecting it like morning dew on cobwebs. He stepped into the clearing, hands raised in a display of welcome.

"Who are you?" Kara demanded, though part of her already knew. His presence resonated with an ancient familiarity, sending tremors through her wolf spirit.

"I am Elijah Evergreen," he said, bowing his head slightly—a mark of respect among their species. "I have walked these woods for more seasons than you've seen moons, Kara Thorne."

Kara's heart skipped. "You know my name."

"Indeed, and more than just your name. I feel the potential that streams through your blood, the strength of your spirit." Elijah's eyes, a brilliant blue mirroring the sky above, hooked into hers. "You are a powerful she-wolf, Kara, even if you've yet to fully grasp it."

Her guard lowered a little, and curiosity piqued. "And what would you know about my potential?"

"Enough to offer my guidance, should you want it." Elijah's countenance softened, lines of age cutting his face with love rather than fatigue. "I have seen many wolves rise and fall, but few with the fire that burns within you."

When Kara looked over to Donovan, she was looking for some subtle counsel, but instead she found him scrutinizing her closely, and the little nod he gave indicated that he trusted her. She confronted Elijah once again, and despite the whirling anxieties that were going through her mind, the offer made by the elder sparked a spark of hope.

With a voice that was resolute yet conveyed the slightest hint of fragility, she posed the question, "Why have you helped me?"

"Because," Elijah said, moving closer to the person, his presence being a calming warmth, "every great wolf needs a mentor to show them the way." At the same time, Kara Thorne, you were destined to achieve greatness.

It was as if the words were a cloak that draped over her, laden with the truth and the possibilities. Is it possible that this is the direction she had been looking for, the missing piece in her search for a place to belong?

It was then that she mumbled, "Then teach me," as she made up her mind to weave her words together, the choice firmly rooted in her spirit. "I'm ready to learn, Elijah Evergreen."

He responded with "Very well," and then the deal was completed in a covert manner. "Our journey begins now."

Libre Baskerville
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