I Am The Boss/C8 I want him
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I Am The Boss/C8 I want him
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C8 I want him


I heard a knock at my door and left what I was doing to open the door. Armando was standing right outside my door with a package which he handed over to me. I quickly opened it and saw some invite which I read through it. Wow! Nominated again for businesswoman of the year which I know I’ll definitely win. I thanked him and asked him to leave. I placed the package in my drawer and continued with what I was doing.

Armando and I arrived at the venue and went into the hall. Everyone turned and stared at us while we walked to our seats. I forced out a smile and sat down. Not long Mr handsome arrived at the hall with some man whom I guess is his father. They sat two tables away from us. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Armando who realized that o was staring at me handsome called my attention back to what was going on here. The awards began and lucky ones received.

The businessman of the award was given to mr handsome and I got the businesswoman of the year award. While delivering my short speech, I saw him leave the hall. I ended the speech and went after him, so unlike me.

I was able to stop him at the staircase by grasping his hand. He turned immediately and glared at me and broke off from my grip. He tried to leave again but I stopped him by holding his hand again. The look on his face showed that he hates people holding his hand. I immediately let go of his hand and apologized with a smile on my face, leaving Armando shocked.

“Hey there. It’s been a while” I said with a huge smile on my face.

“Why? He sounded angry.

“Are you okay? You seem quite angry. Well… I’ve always wanted to meet you again but it seems like you’re avoiding me. Why? Did I do anything wrong?

“I’m avoiding you? Well yes, I am avoiding you”

“Why? Tell me, why are you avoiding me?

“I am avoiding you because you are Serena Riccardo. Tell me, why would I want to meet someone like you? You don’t worth my time”

“What did you just say?

“I only meet and hangout with humans with hearts and not heartless demons in human form, like you”

“What are you saying?

“You know what I’m saying, Miss dreaded Mafia boss”

My heart sank immediately the moment he called me that. Honestly I didn’t know why I felt hurt by what he said cause it’s not the first time I’m being called that by people, in fact I feel elated being called a heartless demons, heartless and wicked Mafia boss but hearing it from him made me feel sad and that instant, I wished I wasn’t a mafia. I tried to calm myself and gather my thoughts together before saying anything to him.

“You’ve got nothing to say? He asked in a surprised tone.

“What can I say? You’ve said it all. Yes me, how did you find out that I’m a mafia leader?

“Words fly around and it got to me”

“You believe words that fly around?

“No. I did my research and investigations and realized that those words were even hiding a lot of things about you. You know what, this discussion ends here. Good bye to you Serena, never to cross paths with you again”

“What did you just say?

“You heard me loud and clear, miss mafia”

“Miss what? I clenched my palm

“Wanna kill me? Go ahead. That’s all you are good at, hitting and killing people. Murderer”

“Murderer? You! I held in my anger and took a deep breath so as not to create a scene. “I owe you no explanation”

“And I don’t need them. I’ll leave now”

“Fine but just note this down, this isn’t going to be out last meeting”

“ Is that a threat?

“Mafias don’t make threats, we make promises and keep to those promises. So I promise you, you’re going to be meeting me often and often until you get use to it, Mister” I said and smirked.

“Crazy psycho” he said and left.

“Armando, get the car ready. We’re leaving right away”

“Yes boss”

I left for the car and got in. I was lost in thoughts. No one has ever stood up against me aside from my dad and that crazy Rocco and then this dude dare look me in the eye and said hurtful words to me, he stood up against me, had no fear in his eyes when he spoke to me. His guys, I like it. I arrived home and went to meet dad in his office. I opened his door and went in. He turned with a smile on his face.

“Welcome dear. Congratulations again”

“Thank you dad. Dad I want to tell you something very important”

“yes tell me, what is it?

“Dad, I want to get married”

My request left both dad and Armando shocked and speechless. They stared at each other and then made their gaze fall on mem

“Did you hit your head somewhere? Dad asked

“No I didn’t. I just want to get married. I’m off age. I’m 26 and I already have a groom and the wedding should take place ASAP”

“What? Are you serious? Armando, did she take some narcotics?

“No boss”

“Serena, maybe you are getting too excited over this award. Go to bed and sleep. Trust me, you won’t talk about it again”

“Dad! I’m 26 and I have the right to get married to whosoever I choose to. So dad, I want to get married”

“Okay, okay. Tell me, who is the groom? Do I know him?

“Yes. He also won the businessman of the year award tonight”

“You mean Matteo Alessandro? Dad said in shock

“Yes dad. Matteo Alessandro. I’ve picked him to be my groom. I can make him mine easily but then, dad, get him to accept to marry me. However, if you fail, I’ll use my methods on him, including my gun. I don’t mind making him to marry me at gun point. I’ve told you what I want. I’ll leave now cause I’m really exhausted. Goodnight Dad”

“Goodnight Serena”

I hugged dad and left for my room.

“Armando find out the kind of relationship my daughter shares with him before we discuss about her marriage to him”

“Yes supreme boss”” Armando said and left.

I went into my room and placed my award in the table and admired it for a while then I had a sudden flashback of what had transpired between I and Matteo. His words did hurt me. I pulled out a bottle of wine and poured some into a glass and drank from it. I poured more and drank until I emptied the bottle. I placed the cup on the table and b3gna to undress. I unbuttoned my shirt and undid my necktie. I was really exhausted.

I tossed them aside and made my way into the bathroom. I had a nice shower and returned back to my room on towel. I stood before the mirror a d admired my beauty and the began to imagine myself as Mrs Serena Ricardo Alessandro. I smiled and left to grab my sleepwear.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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