I Am The Boss/C9 The visit
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I Am The Boss/C9 The visit
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C9 The visit


Quite a nice evening and a lovely day. The weather was nice and calm and I enjoyed a nice glass of juice while sitting at the terrace. I saw two cars drive into our house. Four hefty looking dudes came out of the cars and went in.

The door bell rang and the maid answered and unlocked the door but was frightened when she saw them. She stepped aside and they walked in. One of them turned to her and asked her to announce their presence to everyone. The maid ran off immediately while they made their way into the living room. Dad was shocked to see such men in his house. One of them smiled at dad and sat down while the other three stood behind him. He crossed his legs and Lea Ed back. He pulled out a cigar and lit it and began to smoke.

Claudia walked in coughing and was surprised to see them in our house. She quickly orderd him to stop smoking and leave. My mum who was in the kitchen heard Claudia’s voice getting loud quickly rushed out to check what was going on. She almost screamed when she saw the men in our house. Claudia was really angry especially at the guy smoking.

“Please who are you? Dad asked politely. “And why did you barge into my house unannounced?

“Where is he? Asked the guy smoking.

“Where is who? Claudia asked

“Where is Matteo? He asked again

“And who are you? What do you want from him? Claudia asked

“I am Armando. So tell me, where is he because I’m already loosing my patience”

“Armando? You face seems quite familiar. Perhaps… you’re Serena Riccardo’s man?

“Bravo. You’re right.” Armando said. “Where is Matteo?.

“What do you want from my son? Mum asked

“Lucky is your son because we brought nothing but good news to him” Armando said

“Good news? What good news? Dad asked.

“Our boss, Serena Riccardo picked interest in him and wants him to be her husband”

“What? Are you nuts? Claudia yelled. “She is probably out of her mind. Does she know my brother? Why pick him? Tell her to go marry a rogue like herself!

“Watch your tongue young woman! Not another word from you against my boss, if you really value your life. Now tell me, where is he?

“He is not home so get lost! Claudia yelled.

“What’s going on here? I asked in a loud voice while I descended the stairs with my hands in the pockets of my trouser.

“Speak of the devil and he appears” Armando said getting up from his seat .

“And who are you? I stood before him with a frown on my face.

“Armando. I bring good news to you”

“Good news? What good news? I asked

“I will tell brother. He said… “.

“No. Let him tell me” I said cutting Claudia short. “Go ahead, tell me man. What sort of good news have you brought to me?

“A nice one because you’re really lucky”.

“Lucky? How?

“Like I said, lucky you. My boss, Serena Riccardo chooses you to be her husband”.

“What? I yelled. “What? Husband? Who? That beast? I refuse and I reject her proposal. Go back and tell her that I said that I am engaged to be married and even if I wasn’t engaged,… “ I took a step closer to Armando. “I rather die than be married to a demon like her. Go give her the message”

“Do you have a death wish? Armando asked in an angry tone

“I do not care at all. Tell that I Matteo Alessandro, would rather die than marry her. Get it into your thick skull, save it in your memory and deliver it to her once you get home, Armando”

“Enough! He yelled and exhaled softly. “We get your message and I promise you that I’ll surely deliver it to her. Let’s go guys. Ah! One minute… get ready to face the consequences of your actions. You called her a beast and a demon right? Then get ready to see the true beast in her because the Serena I know doesn’t back down and out. Once she sets out to get something, she doesn’t stop until she gets it. Trust me, if she can’t have you, no other woman can, not even your so called fiancée. Let’s go guys” Armando turned and left with the other guys.

I quickly exhaled and tried to control my heart beat as it was racing really fast. Honestly, I was really scared of those guys. I know what they are capable of. They are pure evil. Thank God they didn’t hurt anyone. Why would Serena pick me to be her husband? Is she out of her mind or is she high on some drugs. I asked the maids to get some water for dad and mum. I sat down and bent my head slightly as different thoughts ran through my mind. Why me? Of all the men and bachelors in the city, why choose me?


I waited patiently for Armando to return but the I began to run out of patience. I lost it and quickly grabbed my car key to leave. I rushed down to the living room to leave for my car when Armando walked in. I exhaled and quickly offered him a seat. He just got out from Dad’s office. I guess he went to update dad with what took place at Matteo’s house. We both had our seats and stared at each other for a while, saying nothing the I broke the silence.

“So what did he say, Matteo?.

“He didn’t receive the news well”

“How? I don’t get it”

“He said he isn’t going to marry a monster like you and that he detests you. He said he’s engaged to be married soon and even if he was single, he rather dies than marry you. Those where his words, boss”

“He…he…he… what? Rejected me? No one cares reject Serena’s offer. Did you try to convince him?

'I did but he wouldn’t listen to a word I say”

“Good. Then I’ll do it my own way”

“How boss?.

“What Serena wants, that Serena gets. Tell me about his family. The number…”

“Uh.. right now four. His mum, his dad and his annoying younger sister who couldn’t stop spewing things against you”

“I see. He’s got no brother?

“That I do not know but I will find out about it”

“Find out everything relating to his family, their likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses and the rest. I’ll be paying the Alessandro's a beautiful visit soon”

“Yes boss”

“You may leave while I sort out few things”

“Sure boss”

“Good” I smiled.

Armando did as I ordered. We picked out a date to visit the Alessandro’s. I packed up everything I needed to visit my new family. I got dressed in a red tuxedo and a red trouser. I left for my car with the maids carrying the gifts I had got for my new family. I got into the car and we left for the Alessandro’s mansion. Armando and two other men came along with me and we rode in two different cars.

We arrived at the Alessandro’s mansion and I got out of the car. O stood before my car and admired the magnificent edifice before me, the Alessandro’s mansion. It was my first time to see a house come close or even on the same grade with the palace I dwell in. They must be filthy rich like we are. Now I see why Matteo could boldly stand before me and say whatever he feels and likes to me. Now I get why he rejected me. He’s filthy rich, just like me.

I signaled my men to come along. Armando rang the door bell twice and the door opened. A maid in a maid uniform stood before us and shock was written all over her face. She spoke no word and went away. We walked down the hallway way which led to the living room. I fed my eyes with the beautiful interior designs of the house and the paintings hanging on the walls of the hallway. This family sure do have a nice and high taste in good stuffs.

We got into the living room.

“wow! I said as I was amazed by what I saw. I loved how perfect the living room looked. An art work caught my eye and touched and admired it. I touched a chair and smiled. I had my seat and crossed my leg. I picked up a magazine and began to go through it, then Mr Fabio walked in with his wife, Gemma and sat down. I closed the magazine and placed it back on the table and leaned back. I could read their faces, yeah all that was written on their face was fear. They were scared of me or were they scared of Armando? No, definitely me because I’m the city’s most dreaded Mafia ever. We stared at each other and we said no words. They couldn’t stop staring.

“Won’t you serve us, your lovely guests something to drink or eat? Juice, coffee, tea, wine, beer, gin? Or are you going to sit there and entertain your eyes with our presences. I know I’m really attractive but be hospitable. I’m your soon to be daughter in law, Serena Riccardo”

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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