I Have A Synthesis Column/C23 After the Dust Settled the Gods Favored Camp!
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I Have A Synthesis Column/C23 After the Dust Settled the Gods Favored Camp!
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C23 After the Dust Settled the Gods Favored Camp!

The next day, as the sun's gentle rays kissed the earth, Hengcheng stirred to life with the dawn's embrace. Su Yu emerged from a night of deep cultivation, his spirit renewed.

With a deep exhale, he released a breath of stale air, and his eyes sparkled with renewed vigor.

"Just a few more days and I can take another Marrow Refining Pill. Then, I'll break through to the Blood Refining Stage!" The thought alone sent a surge of excitement through him.

Just half a month prior, he was merely a novice, not yet initiated into the Martial Cultivator Stage. Yet now, he stood on the cusp of ascending to the Blood Refining Stage.

In Hengcheng, reaching this stage marked one as a formidable force. Even Lee Tianhe, the esteemed founder of his clan and a Martial Cultivator, had only attained the Blood Refining Stage.

But Su Yu had managed this feat in less than half a month—a testament to his extraordinary pace. His progress could easily place him among the top ten cultivators in all of Great Xia.

"With the college entrance exam only two or three months away, I wonder if I can advance to the Viscera Refining Stage. If I do, I might even compete for a national ranking!" Su Yu mused to himself.

The college entrance exam was the annual pinnacle event of Great Xia, where the nation's prodigies were assessed and funneled into prestigious Martial Dao Academies.

It was the gateway to soaring from the mundane to the extraordinary.

During this time, it was common for talents to emerge, with Viscera Refining Stage experts among them. There were even whispers of a Golden Body Stage warrior emerging during last year's exams, underscoring the exam's formidable reputation.

Of course, not every year did the exam yield a Golden Body Stage warrior. But those who did ascend to such heights before the exam invariably became legendary titled experts.

After a brief moment of centering himself, Su Yu stepped out of his room, ready to face the day.

Today was the day he would accompany Bai Zhan to report at the God’s Favored Camp.

Just thinking about the God’s Favored Camp made Su Yu's lips curve into a smile.

"Ah, the God’s Favored Camp, where the favored ones stride freely. I'm truly excited."

Murmuring to himself, Su Yu made his way to Lau Kuang’s office.

Inside, Bai Zhan and the others were already waiting.

Upon Su Yu's arrival, Bai Zhan greeted him with a smile.

"How did you sleep last night?"

Su Yu gave a wry smile.

"After what happened, sleep was the last thing on my mind. I spent the night cultivating instead."

Bai Zhan nodded in approval.

"Keeping your cool in peril and defeating stronger foes, you're truly worthy of the Golden God’s Favored title. Now, let's get ready and set out to avoid any unforeseen complications!"

Su Yu nodded in agreement.

Shortly thereafter, arranged by the Hengcheng Martial Cultivator Association, Su Yu and Bai Zhan got into a black sedan and gradually left Hengcheng behind.

Bai Zhan sat with a straight back in the car, fixing Su Yu with a grave look.

"Su Yu, before we reach the God’s Favored Camp, there are a few things I need to remind you of."

Su Yu perked up at this.

"As you know, the God’s Favored Camp is a special training facility set up by the Jiangnan Province Martial Artist Association for top-tier candidates like yourself."

"There, you'll find not only peers with talents akin to yours but also some who are repeating the year. Your fellow geniuses are likely close to your level of cultivation, but being from Hengcheng, you've had fewer resources and less time since stepping into the Martial Cultivator Realm."

"So even with your golden-level potential, you're a bit behind in your cultivation."

"Once there, it's crucial that you adjust your mindset. Don't sell yourself short just because you're trailing behind others," Bai Zhan advised earnestly.

This was Bai Zhan's greatest concern.

Su Yu's talent was exceptional, but in a small place like Hengcheng, with its meager resources, his situation was not ideal. Had Su Yu been born in a metropolis like the capital or the Devil Capital, he might already be a Viscera Refining Stage powerhouse by now.

This is the disparity that resources create.

Su Yu nodded in agreement. Confidence was never an issue for him.

So what if he was a bit behind? He still had the system on his side.

Once he got to the God's Favored Camp and secured the resources, he could potentially double them. That would surely close the gap.

Observing Su Yu's demeanor, Bai Zhan let out a sigh of admiration.

It was clear why he had chosen this disciple. Without knowing Su Yu's age, Bai Zhan would struggle to believe he was just a teenager, only seventeen or eighteen years old.

Bai Zhan went on to say,

"Of course, aside from your fellow God's Favored, you need to watch out for the repeaters."


Su Yu's eyes sparkled with curiosity and a hint of confusion.

He inquired, "Instructor Bai, why would those repeaters choose to do so? It seems logical that a lack of talent would be the reason behind their decision to repeat."

"What purpose does it serve for such individuals to enter the God's Favored Camp?"

Su Yu was eager to get an answer to the question that intrigued him most.

Bai Zhan, anticipating this question, simply smiled and responded,

"I understand you have many questions, but let me assure you, the repeaters at the God's Favored Camp are far from being failures. In fact, they're incredibly gifted!"

Su Yu's eyebrows arched in surprise.

Gifted? Shouldn't such prodigies have already made their way to the Martial Dao Academy?

With a chuckle, Bai Zhan explained, "Well, how should I put it? You're aware of the purpose of the college entrance exams, right? For the Martial Dao Academy!"

"However, not all Martial Dao Academies are created equal. Some academies' strongest might only reach the Grandmaster Stage, while others boast King Conferring Experts among their ranks."

"Different Martial Dao Academies offer varying levels of opportunity. This is something you must consider carefully when selecting an academy in the future."

"A top-tier Martial Dao Academy can provide a staggering level of advancement, while the lesser ones might barely set you on the right path, sometimes even struggling to allocate sufficient resources."

With that explanation, Su Yu gained a clearer understanding.

It seems these repeat students are aiming for a better Martial Dao Academy.

Bai Zhan continued at that moment.

"Of course, that's just one reason. What's more, this year's college entrance exam is a little different!"


Su Yu was taken aback. The college entrance exam had been around for so many years; could there really be something new this time?

Bai Zhan just smiled mysteriously, offering no explanation.

"You'll find out soon enough once you get to the God's Favored Camp!"

Feeling resigned, Su Yu held back his disappointment.

As they conversed, the vehicle gradually made its way into a secluded mountain range.

Deep within these mountains stood an enormous structure.

The building sprawled across thousands of acres.

Emblazoned above the entrance were three bold characters:

"God's Favored Camp!"

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